Robert O’Sullivan, a retired high school English teacher and pastor, has called for “flash choirs” of Christmas carolers to assemble frequently at the White House and throughout the land, using carol verses old and new to combat destructive chaos and remind people that Christians should work for peace, justice, care of the earth, equality and love, especially as it applies to the most vulnerable.
The‘s website has recently published O’Sullivan’s timely new verses to familiar carols.
He sees them as ways to remind Christians that an important part of their faith is “this worldly” and that many chaotic conditions need to be challenged.
This posting makes it possible for carolers to have the verses readily available on cell phones or other devices connected to the Internet.
“I am one person, but conditions compel me to share my poetic gifts to try to change the national dialogue and direction to one which affirms important elements of biblical faith,” he says.
He suggests the flash choirs start assembling on Friday, December 28, Holy Innocents’ Day and continue through the twelve days of Christmas which end on January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany.
O’Sullivan was a teacher at Oakland High and a pastor in Berkeley before retiring in the Oregon coastal town of Brookings.
Contact: Robert O’Sullivan
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