Traditionally, the last Sunday of the Church year is celebrated as Christ the King or the Reign of Christ Sunday. But we here at Holy Cross, we are a progressive bunch, and we are accustomed to looking beyond images of kings or rulers to imagine the wonders of CHRIST who has cosmic dimensions. So, welcome to our service in celebration of the COSMIC CHRIST. Some of you will notice that our liturgy has a different flow to it.
That’s because our liturgy is inspired by Creation Spirituality’s vision of the four dimensions of life: the 4 vias, or pathways if you like: the via positivia, the via negativia, the via transformativia and the via creativia.
You can read more about Creation Spirituality in the Order of Service which you can downloaded from our website and that will help you to follow along.
Pastor Dawn Hutchings preaches on the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats in her sermon: “What about those raging anti-maskers, pandemic-denying, conspiracy-theory-loving, in your face, right-wing nut-jobs.” Visit website here.
Holy Cross is Progressive in Approach: Christlike in Action
Musician: Marney Curran
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