On the Democratic side, the top issues listed on Obama’s faith platform are “economic recovery,” followed by “tax fairness” and “Wall Street reform.”
Citing the Apostle Paul, the platform says that “President Obama’s belief that we are all connected – that, as Corinthians says, ‘if one part suffers, every part suffers with it’ – has anchored him as he has worked tirelessly to lead with values.” The platform then lists “basic economic security for everyone who is willing and able to work,” as well as retirement security and affordable health care.
In mid-September, the campaign launched People of Faith for Obama, which includes a three-minute video of the president framing key decisions in his first term, including the bailout of auto companies and revamping the health care system, as driven by moral concerns.
“I’m standing on the side of human dignity,” Obama says in the video, “and a belief in the inherent worth of all human beings.”
The full article may be found at Religion News Service.
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