Praise and gratitude go hand-in-hand. Both are a natural response to our recognition that, as the old saying goes, “God is God. You are not.” These days that’s almost counter-cultural! But the deep humility that arises from our understanding of the interdependence of all life — including ourselves — is truly the beginning of wisdom. Praise is gratitude writ large, out loud.
Oh essence of all that is worthy of praise, teach us to be grateful for our blessings; help us grow in compassion toward those less fortunate than ourselves, and draw us closer together in the generosity of your Grace.
read moreFire who burns inside the mountain
Earth who feeds the trees
Sea who sprays up like a fountain
Wind who sighs the leaves
Praise the universal Spirit,
Present as we draw each breath,
Live and move and have our being,
Pass at length the gate of death.