I woke up this morning and noticed quietness in my mind.
Hey! That little irritating Old Judge God was gone. Gone.
Recently he had morphed from a sad, black-frocked stern judge
into a strict and insane referee wearing a smelly black-and-white-striped shirt.
Well, no crazy referee will monitor my moves today. He’s gone.
I tolerated this imagined guy for over sixty years. For forty of those years
I denied him, though he kept on judging me. For the last twenty years
I mostly let him nag, let him be, didn’t fight with him or take him seriously.
But Heaven knows he was a bother. Today he is gone. Gone!
I breathe better now, feel lighter, am more present to my holy self.
Ahhh. His little black-and-white self is off my inner field.
His game is over. Now I can play my heart out.
I’ve been reading a book called Eternal Life: A New Vision by Bishop Spong.
Reading it destroyed the last dim-witted vestiges of my childhood god.
It’s as though Jack Spong came in my mind last night as I slept, told the guy
he was out of order and sent him off my field. Thanks, Jack.
I’ll plant flowers there today. I am more grateful than I can say.
c. Mary Feagan, 2013
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