All our dying shares a process
Which unites us into one
As the boundaries change to singing
Cosmic songs that still are sung.
All divisions then have ended,
All our status is destroyed,
All our wealth shall then be worthless,
All our powers be rendered void.
What remains is clothed in myst’ry
Like the journey pilgrims trace.
What remains is sacred life-force
Found in all of time and space.
In that sacredness dwells wisdom,
Sensing myst’ry forms our home,
As our life-force finds refreshment
In the places where we roam.
We will practice letting go now
To prepare us for our death
While enjoying sacred presence
In each hour we live on Earth.
Praise the God of cosmic process,
Praise the God within our breath,
Praise the reawakened living,
That emerges from each death.
Can be sung as 6 verses to CROSS OF JESUS by John Stainer 1840-1901.
Text and Music © William Livingstone Wallace.
Click here to see the score: Wallace.All Our Dying Shares A Process
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