How to Foster a Healthy Relationship Between You, Money, and Spirituality

Navigating the relationship between money and spirituality can be difficult, but it’s no secret that in order to survive in this world, you need to afford those crucial resources like food, water, heat, and shelter. And while not always a given, having money can also afford you fun activities in life that help you destress and enjoy your days on Earth. However, how do you find a healthy relationship between your debts, wealth, and spirituality?
While there might not ever be an easy answer to that question, incorporating your beliefs, morals, and faith with your finances can help ensure money (and your desires) don’t come between you and your spirituality. Here are some ways you can continue to incorporate your beliefs and spirituality into those pivotal moments throughout adulthood:

Crossing the Threshold

An important decision that many adults eventually must make is whether to keep renting or to purchase a new home. This is a pivotal moment in life because of the financial commitment that comes with owning your first home. Furthermore, it can be an overwhelming process beyond the financial cost. You might being asking: Is this the right home for me? My family? My future?
Sometimes it takes an overwhelming process, like deciding to settle down and purchase a home, to really understand the plan that’s been set for you. By looking inside your heart, mind, and turning to your spiritual connection through prayer and reflection, the right path often appears (even if it’s not the easiest one). Moreover, when we are able to accept guidance from above, as well as utilize the resources available to us here on Earth, we can organize the right course of action. The key is to follow the guidance, particularly if it’s pointing away from those enticing temptations.

“Pay to All What Is Owed to Them” (Easier Said Than Done)

Another moment many of us experience in life is the completion of school. Earning a college degree is becoming common these days, and many people are finding ways to combine their interests and passion with a degree. However, with graduation often comes a hefty bill, and the majority of graduates complete school with some degree of debt. Unfortunately, student loan debts are often pretty difficult to get away from. As common as getting a degree is, many are finding it difficult to enter the workforce on a wage that’ll cover not only their cost of living but their student loan payments as well.
Falling behind on your debts can have major repercussions, both financially and spiritually. Experts at Fiscal Tiger explain, “Student loan default happens when you’re delinquent on your loan payments for an extended period of time — usually about 270 days. When you start missing payments, your credit is already in bad shape, but when default happens, it gets even worse.”
The stress of both defaulting and a worsening credit can send you into a dark headspace. However, when you find yourself between a rock and hard place financially, instead of falling deeper into misery, stress, and despair, now is the time to turn to your spirituality.
It’s worth seeking counsel from church leaders, mentors, and even some debt experts if necessary. While finding the strength to push through these troubling times hardly seems feasible, using prayer and other means to work through this trial can at the very least give you the strength necessary to keep pushing, as well as guidance toward options you may not have considered before. Remember, there are always options to help you.

Enjoying Life’s Riches

When you find that you are finally at a comfortable place in your life financially, it’s important to not only express thankfulness for the guidance and blessings you received, but also recognize the thousands of people who are still struggling. One unique thing about our human experiences is we all often share similar hardships (and successes) and can feel empathy and sympathy for our fellow man. Furthermore, even if you have never really struggled financially, it goes without saying that money, or lack thereof, can seriously impact livelihoods, and by extending a helping hand you can potentially be the answer to the prayers of those struggling.
A great way to marry your wealth and your beliefs is to always search for your next opportunity to provide charity to your fellow man. Connecting with people, understanding their burdens, and asking to assist them can foster stronger spirituality and overall make you a happier person.
The many decisions we make in regards to our finances and future can be tough. With that in mind, it’s safe to say that many of us seek guidance in order to navigate the complicated world of money, needs and wants. Utilizing prayer throughout the hard times, and showing thankfulness and humility through the good, can give you the strength to survive almost any financial curve balls thrown your way.

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