By: Peter Challen
All things apposite not opposite,
birth emergent out of universe
that reaches always for transcendence
without ever leaving immanence.
Natality easing into life consciousness,
body in soul, never soul confined to body.
Ecumenicity ensuring cosmic inclusiveness,
catholicity providing whole earth identity,
protestation keeping boundaries open,
pentecostal fire retaining enthusiasm,
orthodoxy securing tentative limits,
heterodoxy escape from dogma,
and good faith, in all faiths,
offering love, passed on, not back;
pastors as prophets
and prophets pastors too,
in cyclical ceaseless creativity,
gift of life eternal.
And… language
being only mundane metaphor,
these terms with any other name
hold just as true
to an ineffable unity in totality,
confined frame containing all being.
Peter Challen
Christian Council for monetary Justice
Christian Council for Monetary Justice enquiring deeply into the nature of Jubilee and Structural Justice |
Rev Canon Peter Challen, Chairman of CCMJ writes: Browse within to find the pages that take you to the next step you seek. Join us and help us to rectify the insidious distortions in our way of life, generated by usurious money creation. Firstly we explore the Reason and Purpose for our quest. Secondly you can see the ways in which we express our Faith in Public Life, through participating in open Global Table meetings and other activities, as well as giving notice of many other Events which may be of interest. We share items of News which are relevant to our mission, and offer reciprocal Links to other organisations which also deal with issues of structural justice. Finally, you can find out more about CCMJ as an organisation, you can read Papers contributed by its members, and find out how you can get involved. If the content of this website touches you, do respond on our Contact page, or direct by email to |
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