A Joyful Path, Year Two


Visit our store to ORDER YEAR TWO today!


With over 600 communities using A Joyful Path, Year One,  and hearing their enthusiastic feedback over the past few years, we know how vitally important this spiritual curriculum project really is.


We are pleased to announce that, thanks to the generosity of  so many of you in 2012, the second volume of this amazing resource is now available and will be ready to ship late August, just in time for training and use in the fall. Thank you so much for your support!


Read this awesome review of A Joyful Path, Year Two by Mary Ann and Frederik Brussat!


A Joyful Path!

This spiritual curriculum is intended for 6 to 10 year olds but may be adapted for children slightly older or younger. The lessons are written for a classroom setting and are also appropriate for use at home.


A unique and important aspect of this curriculum is that the lessons are both heart-centered and experiential. Through stories and activities, children’s bodies and feelings are engaged as well as their minds. Giving children experiences that are real and meaningful helps them integrate and apply the ideals of Progressive Christianity to lives right now. Experiential learning also helps to create a solid foundation for a child’s life-long spiritual journey.


What Is A Joyful Path Year Two Like?


In A Joyful Path, Year Two, we focus on some of the main tenets of Progressive Christianity and Spirituality, giving our children the foundation they need to walk the path of Jesus in today’s world.  It has stories and affirmations written to help children clarify their own personal beliefs while staying open to the wisdom of other traditions.


Year Two will be similar to Year One, in that it will have 38 lessons, full color original artwork, a contemplative and introductory section for the teacher in each lesson, 38 original stories, incredible heart warming, feeling based activities, and tips to bring music and nature into each lesson.


Year Two will have be slightly different from Year One, in that we are going to focus on our eight points, breaking them down into 3-5 lessons per point.


Topics we are including in Year Two of A Joyful Path are:


The Teachings Of Jesus
How We Treat Others
The Search for Understanding
Peace and Social Justice
The Integrity of the Earth
Life-long Learning and Selfless Love


Click here for Year 2 curriculum lessons samples


Both Year One and Year Two are designed to be taught in any situation — from home or family use, to small groups, or large multi-classroom environments. Both Years have digital lessons and can be taught from any media device (if you purchase one of the group packages that comes with a DVD)


Each Lesson has a special section written just for the Teacher- the Teacher Reflection is a beautiful section, created specifically so that the teacher has a chance to reflect on what they will be teaching — making it a more meaningful and authentic experience for the entire class.


 Activities are included in each lesson — such as movement, art, meditation, and other feeling based activities — all of which are designed to help children experience the truth each lesson holds for them.  There is an Original Story with Discussion Questions, as well as full color Artwork for each of the Eight Points. Also, you will find a Spiritual Affirmation in each lesson, with a full color, full page Art piece for each story.




But we’re not done yet!


Our long range plan includes creating one more year of this vital, life giving curriculum for ages 6-10 and then starting on curriculum for older children, ages 11-14.  But we can’t do it without your help!  Would you consider being involved with this life-changing endeavor?



Year Two:


Builds on Concepts from Year One

Provides the Foundation for the Progressive Christian Path Using the 8 Points

Teaches the Path of Jesus and Prepares Children for More Complex Concepts as they Grow

Encourages Compassion, Community, Joy, and Inner Wisdom


Year Two is Also:


Adaptable for All Seekers

Great for Families, Classrooms, Intentional Communities and Sunday School

Theologically Rich for An Evolving Faith

Pluralistic, Expansive, and Inclusive

Balanced for All Teaching and Learning Styles


Year Two Includes:


38 Full Lessons with:

Introductions, Teacher Reflections, Bible verses and Wisdom quotes

Fun and Creative Activities, Real Life Heroes and Heroines

Nature, Movement, and Music

Original Art and Stories