Why The Clergy Lied – Book 1

A Journalist's Academic Report on LBGTQ and Christianity

The book series provides solid arguments for inclusion of LGBTQ+ Christians in the world’s religious denominations. This book also examines the continuing exodus for those in the LGBTQ+ community and others who have no interest in being included in today’s mainstream churches.

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Christian Snapshot

Experience conscious spiritual growth.

The Christian Snapshot helps define what you believe today, how your beliefs have changed, and how they differ from people around you.

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Reading Between The Lines: Lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary – Year B

This RBTL resource follows the Revised Common Lectionary with text selections for Year A. There are 52 lessons the year.

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Reading Between The Lines: Lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary, Year A

This RBTL resource follows the Revised Common Lectionary with text selections for Year A. There are 52 lessons the year.

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Reading Between The Lines: Lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary, Years A, B and C

This RBTL resource follows the Revised Common Lectionary with text selections for Years A, B and C. There are 52 lessons for each volume/year.

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We Love Our Guns More

One Progressive's Response to a Culture of Gun Violence

The lack of reasonable restrictions when it comes to guns is rooted in their obvious appeal; leading to their preponderance in staggering numbers in a culture that allows utter unreasonableness to pose under the guise of “protection of freedom” and individual rights. That’s why we will not simply legislate our way out of this one through reasonable debate, a half-baked compromise, or a better argument. As a society, we love our guns, and what they represent.

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Undoubtedly Supportive

The St Thomas Collective provides a safe community for Biola students/alumni who find themselves doubting, frustrated, and spiritually homeless.

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ZOE ~ Progressive Christians Life on Campus

A national list of progressive Christian campus organizations, progressive Christian university chaplains (employed by colleges and universities), and progressive Christian campus ministers.

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Traditions, Dead or Alive: Ruminations & Remembrances

When asked in later years how I received my calling to ordained ministry, I used to joke that the burning bush for me was an incinerated draft card.  But with a last name like ‘Bennison,’ (an old English word for ‘blessing,’ or ‘benediction)’ and the first name John (from the Greek”Ἰωάννης” or Hebrew “Yôḥānān” meaning ‘graced by God)’ what else was I to do with my life?

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Lemurian Connections: Using Ancient Wisdom to Solve Today’s Problems

Since 1936 the Lemurian Fellowship, headquartered in Ramona, California, has spread these teachings to individuals longing to fulfill their true place in life, build noble character, and find inner peace and satisfaction.

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Fault Lines: Hypocrisy as Tragedy

From the Greek word, hypocritis, the hypocrite is a ‘play actor.’ While misfortune is befalling us on a massive scale these days, true tragedy is the result of the hypocrite who has the choice to decide to act otherwise.

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John Lewis asked that The New York Times publish this message from him on the day of his funeral.

Though I am gone, I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe.

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ProgressiveChristianity.org is Seeking 4 New Board Members!

Are you passionate about progressive Christianity? We are seeking 4 new additional Board members! Join our Team! ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Members: Meet in person once a year. Have monthly 1 hour phone calls. Are passionate about progressive Christianity …

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Preachin’ to the Chickens: Remembering John Lewis

In Remembrance: Growing up the son of an Alabama sharecropper, John Lewis practiced preaching to the chickens; from whence he clearly developed his oratorical style. He matured and went on to devote a lifetime of service as the “conscience” of the Congress; often preaching, as it were, to a flock of chickens of another sort. But this time with a calmer, constant, steady and unwavering voice.

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The Crumbling of a Monumental Pedestal: Reconstructing the Divinity of Jesus

Along comes the dispute over the monuments of famous historical figures now considered worthy by some of being knocked off their high horses. It is a reminder for us all to reconsider just who, or what, each of us believes is of such monumental importance and value that we would elevate it to a place of prominence. For those who would follow claim to be followers of a Jesus figure of our own understanding, one might do well to reflect on whatever “divine” attribute one might accord such a revered figure.

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The BLM Movement, and a Privileged White Response

As reactions to racial inequities have boiled over once again in recent days, the question is now repeatedly asked whether or not our country has at long last reached a tipping point? For those of us who are persons of white privilege, we are not guilty for the sins of our forebears, but we are responsible. We can’t change the past, but we can take hold of the present, and – for the sake of our national fabric that is so tattered and torn — amend our lives and our social order, going forward. How?

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No Ordinary Time: The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence and Evolutionary Creativity

Jan Phillips’ Book of Hours is a tapestry of threads from the arts, science, sacred texts and her own mystical poetry. It is the story of one woman’s journey from Catholicism to a new cosmology of global communion and co-creation.

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Blog and Podcasts with Cindy Wang Brandt

A life with renewed purpose, healthy spirituality, embodied values, meaningful connection with others, and hope for a more just future.

I write, speak, podcast, and build community surrounding faith shifting issues and anxieties. I want to build the world I want to live in—together, with you.

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