Souljourning …. Nurturing Natural Spirituality in Young People

Souljourning empowers parents, children, and communities to nurture the natural spirituality of people aged 0-21. Souljourning offers resources, publications, events, and consultation for parents and groups.

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Undoubtedly Supportive

The St Thomas Collective provides a safe community for Biola students/alumni who find themselves doubting, frustrated, and spiritually homeless.

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ZOE ~ Progressive Christians Life on Campus

A national list of progressive Christian campus organizations, progressive Christian university chaplains (employed by colleges and universities), and progressive Christian campus ministers.

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Lemurian Connections: Using Ancient Wisdom to Solve Today’s Problems

Since 1936 the Lemurian Fellowship, headquartered in Ramona, California, has spread these teachings to individuals longing to fulfill their true place in life, build noble character, and find inner peace and satisfaction.

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John Lewis asked that The New York Times publish this message from him on the day of his funeral.

Though I am gone, I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe.

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TeenText – Teen Curriculum, High School (Electronic)

The lectionary-based TEENTEXT HIGH SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource–one that can inform them throughout their lives. These resources enable any interested and committed adult to facilitate the discussions, since the leaders aren’t expected to have THE answer, or to be Biblical scholars or theologians. They simply need to be good listeners and open to their own spiritual growth. This process also allows the students to share leadership.

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TeenText – Teen Curriculum, Middle School (Electronic)

TeenText is different! Instead of providing youth with answers that “come from the Bible,” these resources meet the students where they are – grappling eagerly and passionately with growing up, becoming who they are. In this educational setting the student is the curriculum, not the written study guide.

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TeenText Lent Easter Sunday: High School – Year B

TeenText 7 week Study Lent 1- Easter Sunday for Middle or High School: The Lenten season is rich in sensory exploration and story-based text.

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Blog and Podcasts with Cindy Wang Brandt

A life with renewed purpose, healthy spirituality, embodied values, meaningful connection with others, and hope for a more just future.

I write, speak, podcast, and build community surrounding faith shifting issues and anxieties. I want to build the world I want to live in—together, with you.

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TeenText Genesis 4-Week Study

4 week youth study of Book of Genesis

Utilizing the TeenText method this four-week resource explores the Book of Genesis through open ended questions and activities.

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TeenText Middle School Luke Study: Charlie Brown Christmas

This four week ADVENT curriculum breaks the TeenText mold just slightly. We’ve moved away from the lectionary selections that are a part of our regular curriculum to focus on the birth narrative from Luke’s gospel.

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TeenText High School Luke Study: Charlie Brown Christmas

This four week ADVENT curriculum breaks the TeenText mold just slightly. We’ve moved away from the lectionary selections that are a part of our regular curriculum to focus on the birth narrative from Luke’s gospel.

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TeenText Middle School Advent Year C – 4 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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TeenText Middle School Advent Year B – 4 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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TeenText Middle School Advent Year A – 5 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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TeenText High School Advent Year C – 4 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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TeenText High School Advent Year A – 5 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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Nevertheless, She Persisted

In a late night session on February 7, 2017, during Jeff Session’s confirmation hearing for U.S. Attorney General, just weeks after the inauguration of President Donald Trump, the United States Senate voted to silence Senator Elizabeth Warren after she read comments made decades earlier by Edward Kennedy and Coretta Scott King that criticized the civil rights record of Senator Sessions. Warren was censured because Senate Rule XIX prohibits ascribing “to another senator or to other senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a senator.” To silence her, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell led a party-line vote that forced Senator Warren to take her seat and refrain from speaking. McConnell later said “Senator Warren was giving a lengthy speech. She had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”

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