Good Friday, with its graphic images of death and despair, is endurable every year because we already know that Easter is coming, soon. But what if we didn’t know that?
read moreThe symbols we choose to focus on become planted deep within us. In the liturgical season of Lent, and especially during Holy Week, we think primarily of the cross and crown of thorns… outward evidence of a humiliating and painful death. But other symbols appear during this time, like the towel and basin of water on Maundy Thursday.
read moreWhen we read words written by others, we often don’t know the context in which the words were written. Sometimes the story behind the words is the best part.
read moreOne reason we search for new language, especially at this time of year, is that for many Christians, the traditional words have lost their ability to touch us. Repetition can bring the joy of the familiar, but it can also cause us to glaze right over….
read moreTraditionally Lent is a time during which we “give up” something, but more recently many people have moved to “taking on” something during the Lenten season.
read moreOf all the symbols we encounter during Lent, none is more recognizable than the cross.
read moreLent comes early this year. It seems like we just put away the last of the Christmas decorations and turned to face the new year, and here comes Ash Wednesday (Feb. 13).
read moreFor many people, music is a source of experiences of the sacred. That makes the choice of music for worship services both important and challenging.
read moreThere is a story that connects the Lord’s Prayer with the six-petaled rose at the center of an eleven-circuit labyrinth, such as the famous one found at Chartres Cathedral. Each of the petals corresponds to part of the Lord’s Prayer,
read moreThe milestones in our lives — births and baptisms, marriages, funerals and life celebrations — need new words to fit our new understandings.
read moreHumans are relentless in their efforts to understand God. We can change the language (some say “God” is an over-used word), we can find new metaphors (poets are especially good at this),
read moreFinding new words to express ancient wisdom is an essential part of progressive Christianity. Not only does such an effort put the fundamental ideas into modern language, but the very act of searching for the new words is part of coming to understand what you believe and how you want to share it with others.
read moreEvery time we lose someone we love, someone who inspired us and now has left us to carry on without them, someone whose presence was a part of our daily happiness, we must re-map our world.
read moreFaith communities can be a “safe place for uncomfortable conversations.”
read moreIt’s fair to say the world changed for most of us on September 11, 2001. So each year, as that date rolls around again, we are given an opportunity to remember and reflect and recommit ourselves to a world where the children of Abraham can live side by side in peace.
read moreMany progressive Christian communities have stopped saying the traditional creeds together, because they no longer represent what the congregants believe to be true.
read moreSaying grace before a meal offers us all a chance to pause for a moment of gratitude in our busy days. Grace can be as simple as a silent blessing or as participative as going around …
read moreIn finding the version of the Lord’s Prayer that works for you or your church, there are many possibilities. You
read morePerhaps no prayer is more beloved of Christians everywhere than the Lord’s Prayer, sometimes called the Prayer of Jesus. While many of us still use the words as found in Matthew 6:9-13, it is an irresistible urge to recreate this most fundamental of prayers in modern language.
read moreCompassion is the cornerstone of every faith tradition. The movement out of yourself, to the point of being concerned with the sufferings of another, is the beginning of the movement toward God. As the Dalai Lama …
read moreMidsummer… summer solstice… longest day of the year… our celebration of the earth, abundance and light at this time of year has ancient origins in many cultures’ spirituality. We reaffirm our connection to the earth and …
read moreIn this season of graduations, we celebrate the learning that continues on past school…
read more“Diversity is inevitable. Pluralism is an achievement.” We sometimes use these words — diversity and pluralism — as if they meant the same thing.
read moreHow strange and wonderful is our home, our earth, with its swirling vaporous atmosphere, its flowing and frozen liquids, its trembling plants, its creeping, crawling, climbing creatures
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