I believe in Jesus , child of God , chosen of God, born of the woman Mary , who listened to women and liked them, who stayed in their homes , who discussed the Kingdom with them, who was followed and financed by women disciples.
read moreNative Spirit Ah Nee Mah
read moreThere is only one God who is at all times everywhere in creation. Every man, woman and child is a child of God: we all belong to his family. We therefore say God loves us as a parent loves the offspring.
read moreWe believe that happiness awaits humanity and that our existence is not absurd.
read moreWe believe in one God:
Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer.
The National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) created the Fact Not Fiction campaign to help people of faith share the message that torture is immoral, illegal, never justifiable, and counterproductive. The campaign seeks to empower people of faith to …
read moreOriginally posted here at the Huffington Post In most communities around the world, religious diversity is a fact — Hindus live next to Muslims, Mormons next atheists, Jews with Christians. One of the great tests of the …
read moreA human rights agency has raised concerns about the advent of “killer robots”, capable of selecting and killing targets autonomously. “Lethal armed robots that could target and kill without any human intervention should never be built,” said …
read morePublished on Liberty Magazine The Question U.S. drone strikes against American citizens have been in the news for some time time now. Certainly Attorney General Eric Holder’s admonition last week that the president has legal authority to …
read morePowerful film on the Evangelical campaign to change African culture with values from America’s Christian Right.
read moreThe God Loves Uganda engagement campaign will broaden the movement opposing the U.S. exportation of hate and intolerance, particularly against the LGBT community, at the hands of American Evangelical sects. We will do this by concentrating our …
read moreI acknowledge that i do not own any of these clips used in the making of this video. This video is non-profit and was produced with the sole purpose of spreading awareness of the campaign against GMOs …
read moreThe Conscious Aging Alliance is comprised of several organizations that are making a positive contribution to a new vision of aging
read moreBy: Luke Johnson luke.johnson@huffingtonpost.com WASHINGTON — A two-year independent investigation by the Constitution Project released Tuesday said that U.S. forces engaged in torture and senior officials bear responsibility for it. The nonpartisan, 577-page report concluded that the events of the …
read moreA bloody cross, a cold stone grave,
A gentle man no one could save
Visit our Pluralism Sunday page, here
read moreHas technological advancement replaced moral, spiritual and political progress? Radical theologian, broadcaster and philosopher Don Cupitt reflects on Nietzsche, the first world war, and the way we live now.
read moreSpiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
The whole world is home, and we are a divine family.
Bishop Spong’s interview on the next Pope, on Viewpoint: At best ‘you might get somebody who’s a closet liberal’
read moreThis is a non-commercial attempt from http://www.sanctuaryasia.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/sanctuaryasi…, to highlight the fact that world leaders, irresponsible corporates and mindless ‘consumers’ are combining to destroy life on earth. It is dedicated to all who died fighting for …
read moreOur personal journeys through Lent are associated with a symbolic wilderness, but we need not wander there without direction. “The Way” is the title of a poignant painting that hangs during Lent above the altar in the …
read moreFrom Christians for A Change On February 14, 2013, Illinois State Senator Jason Barickman stood alone. Jason Barickman was the only Republican in the Illinois Senate to vote YES for SB 10 The Religious Freedom and Marriage …
read moreWhere does god exist? What kind of new world do we need?
read moreReligion and violence—the two concepts seem incompatible given the emphasis in religion on virtue, love, forgiveness and compassion. Yet many scriptures contain martial images and stories of god-inspired military conquest. The Spiritual Power of Nonviolence confronts this …
read moreDo you hunger for skills to improve the quality of your relationships, to deepen your sense of personal empowerment or to simply communicate more effectively? Unfortunately, for centuries our culture has taught us to think and speak …
read morehttp://www.guardian.co.uk Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, one of the world’s leading spiritual teachers, is a man at great peace even as he predicts the possible collapse of civilisation within 100 years as a result of runaway climate change. …
read moreLend your ears, lend your hands,
Lend your movement, anything you can.
Come to teach, come to be taught.
Come in the likeness in the image of God.
Cause, you can be like that.
With all that humbleness, and all that respect.
this is for you
this is also for the people who wake early to watch flowers bloom
who notice the moon at noon on a day when the world
has slapped them in the face with its lack of light
for the mothers who feed their children first
and thirst for nothing when they’re full
A few minutes of perfection. Maybe instead of racing around last minute to find gifts, we can give more than a little love…especially to those who don’t expect it or require it of you. “Love your neighbor …
read moreTHIS VIDEO BELONGS TO MAX LUCADO, RANDY FRANZEE, AND FRANCESCA BATTISTELLI To purchase or download this video: http://www.olivebranchcreative.com/the-story-downloads Lyrics: Everything inside me cries for order Everything inside me wants to hide Is this shadow an angel or …
read moreDuring this time of intense transition, axial shifts, cultural evolution, darkness, and rebirth…may we all be born again into the light, into the healing, into the spirit, and into interconnected awareness. May the light of Jesus shine within all of us. May his birth be a reminder of the power of one human to change the world. May we be the midwives of this new birth. May the birthing pains be worth the new creation that we are being called to co-create. May we ever be in gratitude for this divine experience of being human during this holy shift.
read more“Drawing from the personal experiences of a seasoned pastor, a team of modern liberal scholars, and the gospel accounts of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, Teacher, Guide, Companion challenges readers to reexamine their own relationship with …
read more“Higher Ground” is a song that speaks of the perseverance it takes to reach the higher consciousness. Let’s all keep trying together, one heart and one song at a time, until we all reach the Higher Ground.
read moreEmbracing the Human Jesus is a sincere effort to think anew about Christianity and Christian practice on the foundation of a purely human Jesus.
read more