• ProgressiveChristianity.org

An Inappropriate Christmas

by Zach Christensen for Patheos

his past Sunday, many people began celebrating Advent, the season in which the majority of Western Christian churches commemorate the birth of Jesus. As we progress toward Christmas, there will be a many sermons preached about shepherds, wise men, innkeepers who are total jerks, and unplanned visits from angels. However, there is one passage from the birth narrative of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew that I think truly captures the meaning of Christmas.

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Shamanic Voice by Istvan Sky – Divine Overtone

When you live in nature, in the scent of flowers, in the blessed light of the day and the sweet dew of the morning, you don’t have questions, you simply live and joy together with them. Your heart opens, you cry, cry, and your eyes are wet with dew. This is how this song was born, when your body, mind, and soul opens, God steps next to you in an unguarded moment, and pours her treasures into you.

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Carlos Nakai: Earth Spirit- Native American Flute

This album best captures the timeless serenity of the solo Native American flute. R. Carlos Nakai’s music speaks to the spirit with a simplicity that transcends place and time. Includes original compositions, traditional Athabascan and Omaha melodies.

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Chaplains with Crisis Care Chaplaincy offer prayer, services to law enforcement involved in DAPL conflict

People against construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline say they use prayer to peacefully protest the project. But it turns out they’re not the only ones asking for help from a high power.

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“The Camp is a Ceremony”: A Report from Standing Rock


Thanksgiving has always been a puzzle to me. As a German exchange student in 1993 in Virginia I remember it mostly for the empty campus. While people went home to overeat, the rest of us looked at closed restaurants and college food services. Later, when I was a grad student in New Jersey, the international students on campus staged our own improvised Thanksgiving, with our own cultural foods, mostly to stave off the sense of being left out of the celebration. As a foreigner, one is often left out of the traditions that most signify a culture. The only positive I have found in my years in the US is being introduced to pumpkin pie—and even that was an acquired taste.

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A Song For #StandingRock

My Dear Friends,

I recorded this song as tears streamed down my face.

Something about this melody and rhythm drew the emotion out of me through the tears. In this time there is so much heaviness in the world that we are exposed to, and I sometimes feel overwhelmed with all that is happening and how we are treating each other and the earth. It sometimes feels like a deep pain that I can’t explain with words.

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Standing Rock Allies Resource Packet

The following four documents were prepared by members of the Solidariteam. The Oceti Sakowin Camp Protocols were written with camp elders.

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Abraham Hicks: We think is the Best Election Ever

Why is this the best election ever? How can we release our fear and direct our energy toward the reality that we want to co-create?

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ProgressiveChristianity.org Interview Series – Social Justice

Toni Reynolds, a Union Theological Seminary student and Young Leader in Religion, shares her thoughts on what social justice issue she is being called to work on right now.

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DemocracyNow video – Global Day of Action against Dakota Pipeline

DemocracyNow video broadcast from Morocco =, the site of the United Nations Climate Summit. The video reports on the Global Day of Action where protests happened in over 300 U.S. cities against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

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A Prayer for People and Planet: 500 Clergy Hold ‘Historic’ Mass Gathering for Standing Rock

Roughly a hundred protesters and clergy members shut down the North Dakota state Capitol with a lawn prayer circle.

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Why I am happy Trump won

Richard Williams, better known by his stage name Prince Ea, is an American rapper and activist, known for discussing topics like politics, sociality, environmentalism and life issues.

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Embrace Festival May 2016

First in-city music, art, sacred community and social transformation festival with a progressive Christian framework. Leaders from around the world join us to co-create a deeper vision for the future and share practical tools to heal ourselves, our communities, and the planet in on-going ways moving forward. We hope to see you there!

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From Standing Rock to Syria: No More Wars for Oil!

by Lindsey Paris-Lopez

Now is the time to arise, in truth and love, and declare unequivocally: “No more war for oil! No more war at all!”

The abuses at Standing Rock must be seen for what they are: war crimes against a sovereign nation.

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CalledOUT Response on Judicial Council Rulings

  In a week where United Methodist LGBTQI persons have been tokenized through the announcement of the Council of Bishops’ Special Commission on “A Way Forward,” we are not surprised, but are nonetheless harmed once again by …

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From acclaimed documentary filmmaker Shannon Kring comes END OF THE LINE, the incredible story of a group of indigenous women willing to risk their lives to stop the Dakota Access oil pipeline construction that desecrated their ancient burial and prayer sites and threatens their land, water, and very existence.

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Standing Rock #nodapl Levitate Media Group- Documentary

In honor of our future generations, we fight this pipeline to protect our water, our sacred places, and all living beings.

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Standing Rock by Trevor Hall with NoDAPL Standing Rock footage

Members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, over 200 Tribal Nations, and thousands of allies from across the United States and the world have been taking direct action since April 2016 to call attention to the violation of their Indigenous rights, desecration of their lands and waters and the threats to their ecosystem engendered by the Dakota Access Pipeline.

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Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Thought leader, visionary, philanthropist, mystic, and yogi Sadhguru presents Western readers with a time-tested path to achieving absolute well-being: the classical science of yoga.

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United Methodist Queer Clergy Respond to Naming of Special Commission

We speak as a collective voice with the authority of those who are called and claimed by a God whose love knows no bounds; as those whose Commissioning and Ordination have been affirmed by the Church: we …

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“LGBTQI Clergy Call UM “Way Forward” Commission Backward”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Rev. Alex da Silva Souto, alex.souto@nyac-umc.com, 415-706-5397 “LGBTQI Clergy Call UM “Way Forward” Commission Backward” October 26, 2016—On Monday, the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church announced the membership of the …

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Three Colombian women tell us why preserving seeds is an act of resistance

Protection of native seeds is growing strong in Colombia. Colombian women are preserving seeds from multiple threats such as mining, free trade agreements, agrochemicals, hybrid and transgenic seeds among others.

Fernanda Sánchez Jaramillo spoke with three women from three different provinces in Colombia about how being a seed guardian is an act of resistance, promotes food security and maintains cultural identity.

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Ethical Wills / Legacy Letters

Your Legacy of Values

An ethical will, or legacy letter, is a way to share your values, blessings, life’s lessons, hopes and dreams for the future, love, and forgiveness with your family, friends, and community.

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SIMRIT ‘Pavan Guru’ (Official Video)

“For Simrit, singing is not a performance, it is a sacred worship of the Divine. Her voice, her music, and her teaching, reflect this devotion which seems to come from her so effortlessly. This devotion is a gift, a talent beyond any, that will lead thousands into the lightness of being and awareness that is so vital to humanity in this day and age.”

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From Roots to Branches, Spiritual Affirmations and Stories

Every parent and educator will welcome the blend of multicultural tales, biographies, universal spirituality, and original fun adventures of children who could live on your street. Expansive, respectful, real, and warm with kindness, these stories offer possibilities for life to children and adults who feel in their heart that they belong to a larger reality.

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Farmin’ in the Hood II

Urban pioneers taking it to the next level with everything from Urban Agriculture to Robotics and Aquaponic fish farming. A 20K Square ft Laboratory that will change the game for the inner city youth of Lykins Neighborhood.

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A New Story of the People

“A New Story of the People” examines the role that stories play in how we think about ourselves and each other and offers a glimpse at a new emerging story that can help bring about a more sustainable world.

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We Are The Lions (Spoken Cinema™) Spoken Word Poetry

about being stronger for women and choosing our words and actions wisely

The poetry in this intense video speaks to being stronger for women and choosing our words and actions wisely. (via YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee)

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“Get Up”

Video by Kiyoshi

Shedding some positivity and light to current world issues.

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Anilah – Medicine Chant

Anilah – Medicine Chant

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ʻĀINA: That which feeds us

ʻĀINA (pronounced “eye-nah”) means “That Which Feeds Us” in the Hawaiian language. The film highlights a way to address some of the most pressing environmental and health crises facing the island of Kauai – and of island Earth. That may sound like an outstanding claim, but as ʻĀINA vividly illustrates, such is the power of agriculture and food for people and the planet.

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Divine Mother ~ Sacred Earth

Prem Aliyah Williams soars above warm resonant strings. Prem shares with us her heart felt devotion for spirit and our precious Mother Earth.

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US Senator & VP candidate says Catholic Church could change on marriage

US Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine, a practicing Catholic, spoke on Saturday at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual dinner, at which he said he thought the Church might change its mind on same-sex couples marrying the way he had changed his own mind on the issue. The Washington Blade’s Chris Johnson reports that Kaine recounted that “as a result of his Catholic faith, he had a ‘difficult time with the idea of same-sex marriage,” but that changed during debate over an anti-marriage constitutional amendment campaign, which passed with 57 percent of the vote over his opposition.

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Water Has Memory

By Love Nature

Water — just a liquid or much more? Many researchers are convinced that water is capable of “memory” by storing information and retrieving it. The possible applications are innumerable: limitless retention and storage capacity and the key to discovering the origins of life on our planet. Research into water is just beginning.

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Sustainable Human Launches New Gift-Based Economic System

Find out how you can participate in creating a new economic system that helps humanity to live in harmony with each other and the planet: Sustainable Human.com

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The Fight Against the Dakota Pipeline

The fight against the Dakota Access pipeline has brought together a historic gathering of tribes from across North America.

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