• Randall Wehler

The Old Dusty Book

An aged man reached up to the top of his heirloom walnut bookcase
His venous arm grabbed a book of teachable stories his Dad had told

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Time And A Created Universe

I am speculating that few people would argue with the concept that all life forms exist as developing entities that are superimposed on an intangible flow we call time. As self-conscious humans, we seem to have an innate awareness of the advance of “something” where change can be perceived as rather sudden and dramatic or almost imperceptible. Our lives are lived with this backdrop of measured, forward advance in units ranging from nanoseconds to eons. We are all familiar with our time-reckoning devices such as clocks and calendars as everyday aids to help govern our daily behaviors through the passage of our lives.

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Reflections At The End Of A Road

What were the stained glass stories in this church that were based on predominant, traditional, Christian Bible interpretations? Those were the understandings that were given to me as a youth when in Sunday school and Vacation Bible School classes. I decided to walk by each window to take a really close look.

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A Spectral Revelation

A Creator God revealed in a multitude of ways
A Divine Presence sensed, it often does amaze

God as the reason and the essence of all there is

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If There Were To Be A Bible Disclaimer

I am venturing to guess that very few theologically progressive Christians would say that all Bible passages are to be taken literally and viewed strictly as the inerrant and infallible word of God. Some Christians who are already experienced with scripture and those people reading the Bible for the first time may interpret all of what they read as literal concrete fact, ignoring literary nuances related to styles of ancient story telling, metaphor, symbolism, depth of meaning, etc.

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A Face In The River

I stand on a bank of a running river, immersed in a flow of my own called life
Sad, happy, fearful, calm, and joyous awe-filled waves lap up all around me

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A Rorschach-Like Cross

A Roman-decreed cross was the fate which Jesus met
Because of loving humanity, life-giving blood was let

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Pastor Fordie’s Parting Sermon — A Story of Liberation

This is a work of fiction but the content as far as thoughts, convictions, beliefs, etc. is reflective of my own. My intent is to say that anyone at any time of life can “come out of the closet” (as it is called) in expressing oneself along more progressive lines.

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Pondering The Genetic “Why?”

We’re all a product of nature — the unfolding of creation
Kept humble as we grapple to seek a divine explanation

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A Spiritual Self-Portrait — More than a Dream

A painter’s easel stands before me as I rest quietly in a dream-like state of sleep
Prompted to express my spiritual self with color and brush strokes of my choice

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A Clay-Revealed Divinity

A pale lump of moistened clay was sitting on the ground Amid the vastness of nature, God’s creation all around Its undefined shape and chemical substance just laid there No special object of beauty or reverence at …

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Guide To Fundamental Church Service Participation (One Progressive’s View)

As I remain seated in my car, I instantly return to the twenty-first century in my mind. It is the year 2015 and I have been invited by friends to go to this church with them this particular sunny, late-autumn day when frost has coated some of the fallen tree leaves. I have heard rumors that the congregation here has swung even more fundamentally and become strictly literal in their biblical interpretations in recent years, having even departed from their recognized denominational affiliation for fear of becoming too unbiblical in church practice. I wonder what the congregant gathering to worship God will be like today when I enter through the doors.

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A Science Way of Knowing

The pursuit of science is a path on which even our ancestors excitedly trod
Supplementing holy scriptures, maybe closer to knowing the “mind of God”

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The Unknown Zone

Reality is lived in a physical world, a zone we know through the senses
Matter/energy that interplays, our brains perceiving tangible presences

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Tapestry of Life

Our lives can be described through the language of pictorial depiction
So can humankind’s relation to our Creator-God, often with conviction

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The Compass

It’s simply a magnetic pointer that swivels on a pivot Northerly it leads us and there’s confidence we give it Called a “compass” that points us in the right direction But where we go needs some thoughtful …

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The Clothing of the Divine Presence

“God,” our creator — it’s really just a human-given name Humbly self-described in the book of Genesis as “I am” The source of life known to the ancients, likely not tangibly seen Stories of a burning bush …

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A Matter Of Belief

In most conservative Christian circles, the importance of belief is talked about
“You’ve got to see God like we see Him — for salvation, you can’t do without!”

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Revelation Of God On A Paleontological Adventure

Was … fossil hunting time together of any spiritual value? If we describe a spiritual moment as some portion of our existence where we are lifted out of ourselves to something “higher” than us that is beyond us but paradoxically within us — as well as transforming us — then my answer is a resounding “yes!”

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Time – A Path of Endless Change

To ponder our future development and a human evolution
Gives us pause to envision a needed “saving Earth” solution

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A Godly Reflection

As I glance in the mirror, there’s a reflection I see
I stare forward towards the image, it’s actually me!

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To Seek, To Question, To Find

The longing to know our Creator seems to be an innate human trait
A God-presence yearned for, to be revealed — never in life too late

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The “End Times” Scenario

Creation through God, the Divine Force — humans look to the facts
As I write this, even as you read it — those are certain human acts

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For Each, Their Own

Our created and conscious selves were, some way, divinely brought about
The figurative “hand of God” as eternally present, there’s very little doubt!

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Flow of Water, Flow of Life

A meandering stream runs close to a rural church dear to his childhood
With clear water in springtime, turned a sullied brown by summer’s end

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The Conscience Stones

Two stone tablets, given to Moses on the Sinai/Horeb mount
The Decalogue, ten commandments in God’s law was the count

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The “End Times” Scenario

Millennium, seven years, beast, Armageddon — even the word “rapture”
Terms of so-called truth emanating from a final book granted little stature

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Comfort, Assurance, Peace

May we be comforted, God, by your eternal presence — inward, around, among us
As the ground of all being, your creation knows no boundaries

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The Lens

Embraced by all the natural wonders of the Creator’s infinite realm
The transition to adulthood seemed smooth for an outdoors kid like me

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Comparing Fundamental and Progressive Christianity: One Person’s View

I’ve done much thinking of my own. Though not an expert nor having a theological degree (I am a former psychologist), I would like to share the listing I came up with that, to me, contrasts Biblical fundamentalism with what I perceive Progressive Christianity to be. Later in life, my listing may allow room for changes as I continue to grow spiritually.

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The Doorway

As our lives tread onward, we find ourselves on the Earth side of a “door”
Mortality certain to face us, we wonder what’s beyond –what is the “more?”

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Do I Know Jesus?

About the life of Jesus of Nazareth, the Bible records some of the story
A man who walked on Earth, helping us seek the God of eternal glory

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The Time Piece

An hourglass stands firmly on the mantle of a fireplace
“Sands of time” are resting quietly at the glass bottom

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A Candle Burns

A candle is burning yellow near the rail of an altar
In the church setting its flame will likely not falter

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Night Sky Wonder

As I step outside a crystal-clear night awaits me
Star gazing’s my passion and the sky views are free

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The God Experience

That we “exist” as human beings is certain as a fact

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