• William L. Wallace
    • William (Bill) Livingstone Wallace is a retired New Zealand Methodist Minister and one of our most prolific contributors. Bill says that his work springs from communicating with the fire in his gut and his observation of both the internal and external aspects of the Cosmos. Since an early age, he has been both sympathetic to and critical of the church, announcing at the age of 13 his belief in evolution. In his youth, he struggled with the disconnection between art and spirituality in his own and other denominations and with the way in which all of the liturgies prior to the sermon were regarded as preliminaries and longer sermons were viewed as superior to more concise ones.
      At varsity, he found an intellectual home in the ecumenism and radicalism of the Student Christian Movement, and at theological college was frustrated to discover that neither these nor liturgy were regarded as major elements in the curriculum. In parish life, he found that writing hymns was a more acceptable way of presenting radical thoughts than sermons. They allowed these thoughts to slide into the mind on the back of music.
      His radicalism sprang from his experiences as a laborer and his exposure to great inequality in the Philippines. It was these that led him to abandon the idea that wealth is a gift from God and with it the belief in an intervening deity.
      Bill found his true spiritual home when he was introduced to the Christian mystics, especially Hildegard of Bingen and Meister Eckhart. This explains why he has sometimes been called a prophetic mystic.
      Along with his parish work, Bill was the hymn selector for the Praise Be Television Program. He also chaired Contemporary Hymns N.Z. Ltd. and was the convener of the N.Z. Methodist Media and Communications Committee. He was the inaugural chair of the N.Z. branch of the Interfaith World Conference on Religion and Peace and initiated the formation of a Citizen’s Advice Bureau, an adventure playground, a suburban team ministry, and coordinated a Community Care Centre.
      He holds a B.A. in philosophy and a Dip. Ed. and is the author of seven published collections of his hymns as well as other resources on our website. His aim is to help people be empowered by the divine within them and the Cosmos and to work to overthrow the forces of personal and institutional greed which destroy both the ecosystem and human society.
      His hymns have appeared in 13 different denominational hymn books, 17 other hymn collections, and other worship material has been included in 15 different anthologies. All of these are suitable for most Progressive Christians. However, they do not address the problem that an increasing number of Christians are facing, namely the difficulty of belief in an intervening God.
      In New Zealand, where Bill lives, the last Census showed that about 50% of the population claimed to have no religious affiliation at all making it one of the most secular countries in the world. Bill does not believe that God has died but rather believes that a metaphysical tribal intervening God is dying. In Bill’s opinion, so is the belief in dualism, i.e., the belief that everything can be divided up into a series of self-contained opposites and that, therefore, as a consequence, there are no systems religious or otherwise, that are totally superior in all respects to all other systems.
      What is also beginning to die is the belief in the supremacy of words which Christianity has been blighted with since the Reformation. Scientists are now beginning to affirm that there always will be mystery beyond what they have discovered. So what we need is the mystic, cosmic mystery that is beyond words coupled with the evolving scientific revelation of the nature of the cosmic processes.
      In Bill's belief, attempting to control the actions of God through the manipulation of prayers is best replaced by increasing awareness of God's processes within the evolution of the Cosmos and of ourselves.

Worship Materials: Ecology, Caring for the Earth

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

1. The earth may be our mother but we can be her mid¬wife or her funeral director.
2. Nature is a web of interdependency not a series of separate hierarchical layers.

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Worship Materials: Ascension

From the Festive Worship collection

1. In the beyond lies the everywhere, in the within dwells our heaven.
2. The only heaven God lives in is the heaven that is everywhere; for God is not limited to any time or space, but is present in all equally.

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Worship Materials: Easter

From the Festive Worship collection

1. Easter is the festival of the irrepressible God whom not even death can contain.
2. Most of us would prefer a cozy God to a God who shatters our complacency. Yet Easter is about a God who bursts tombs of the familiar, the ordinary and the mediocre.

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Beyond the Rain (Refrain)

From the Boundless Life collection

Beyond the rain the sun,

Beyond the tears the fun,

Within the silence the One.

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May the Fire (Refrain)

From the Boundless Life collection

May the fire in us nurture the Earth and not consume its life.

May the fire in us consume our greed and save this sacred Earth.

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Worship Materials: Holy Saturday

From the Festive Worship collection

There is no Easter without making one’s peace with the dead and with the forces of destruction that lurk within the human psyche.

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Worship Materials: Good Friday

From the Festive Worship collection

When love and hatred engage in mortal conflict it is love which suffers most; but love has the final victory.

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Holy Is My Birth (Refrain)

From the Boundless Life collection

Holy is my birth and sacred is my mother.

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Shalom Shalom

From the Boundless Life collection

Shalom, Shalom, Shalom, Shalom.

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Give Me Warmth (Benediction)

From the Boundless Life collection

Give me warmth in my loving,
Strength through forgiving,
Peace in my being,
Today and all my life.

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Intercessory Responses

From the Boundless Life collection

Leader: Creator God to you we pray; –
All: Help us hear your children’s cry.
Leader: Most joyful God to you we pray; ‑
All: Help us share your children’s joy.

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Congregational Alleluias

From the Boundless Life collection

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen.

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We give thanks for the plants

From the Boundless Life collection

We give thanks for the plants,
Give thanks for the creatures
Whose flesh supplies this meal.

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Prayer/Meditation Responses

From the Boundless Life collection

In silence now we join to pray
Listening to the God within.
May rich discernment shape our prayers
As we learn from cosmic laws.

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To You, O God, We Offer

From the Boundless Life collection

To You, O God, we offer
Our life force and its power,
Your liveliness within us,
Our spirit’s fragrant flow’r.

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Worship Materials: Maundy Thursday

From the Festive Worship collection

The mystery of the Eucharist (Holy Communion, Mass) is only fully perceived when all flesh is seen as embodying both the suffering and the delight of God.

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Worship Materials: Palm Sunday

From the Festive Worship collection

The events of Holy Week reveal the complexity of human nature – of how loyalty and treachery, callousness and tenderness can live side by side in people’s hearts.

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I Am Dancer (Refrain)

From the Boundless Life collection

I am dancer, I am free,

I am see-er and I see,

I am mystery, I am me.

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We Eat and Drink

From the Boundless Life collection

We eat and drink these fruits of earth that love may grow

between us all, between us all.

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God the One forever making

From the Boundless Life collection

God the One forever making
All the old into the new,
Source of all creative passion
Found in each emerging view,

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From the womb of Mother Earth

From the Boundless Life collection

From the womb of Mother Earth
We are brought by God to birth
With creative tenderness
Through God’s loving life caress.

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Within Christ’s complex heart and mind

From the Boundless Life collection

Within Christ’s complex heart and mind
Three streams emerged and joined as one:
The man who spoke with prophet’s fire
Showed mother-love and childlike fun.

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Beyond all words

From the Boundless Life collection

Beyond all words that we can form,
Beyond all thoughts that we can share,
The message of our touch conveys
A world beyond all hate and fear.

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I sing a song of the woman’s voice

From the Boundless Life collection

I sing a song of the woman’s voice
Tender and strong and clear;
Of those who longed to gain the vote
Despite men’s doubt and fear;

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As flesh reveals a path to sacredness

From the Boundless Life collection

As flesh reveals a path to sacredness,
As body, mind and spirit merge as one,
As life is lived with interweaving links,
We dance the rhythmic pulse of Moon and Sun.

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All our dying shares a process

From the Boundless Life collection

All our dying shares a process
Which unites us into one
As the boundaries change to singing
Cosmic songs that still are sung.

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O God of All New Visions (Wedding Hymn)

From the Boundless Life collection

O God of all new visions
Of hope and tenderness,
The source and inspiration
Of love and friendliness,
Enable these two people
Each other to affirm
And find within their marriage
The love for which they yearn.

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We sing of human loving’s starting point

From the Boundless Life collection

We sing of human loving’s starting point
Emerging from the Cosmos at its birth.
Repulsion and attraction both were there
Yet from the latter love evolved on Earth .

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Is love a grand illusion

From the Boundless Life collection

Is love a grand illusion
That comes and goes at will,
A heart that’s always longing,
A heart that’s never still?

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In the wonder of love

From the Boundless Life collection

In the wonder of love
Two people appear as one
Without absorbing the other
Each respecting intimacy and solitude.

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Awaken O my inner self

From the Boundless Life collection

Awaken O my inner self
Discern your Bethlehem,
Prepare to enter deep within
And wear your diadem.

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Worship Materials: Lent

From the Festive Worship collection

THEME The Connecting Solitude
The spiritual desert is not a foe to be conquered but an emptiness to be affirmed: for when we are full, we perceive nothing, but when we are empty we can receive everything.

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There’s no two-ness in God

From the Boundless Life collection

There’s no two-ness in God the mystic said, *
No two-ness in God at all.
All the things are as one in Jesus Christ, +
All things are as one said Paul.

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In the letting go we find life

From the Boundless Life collection

In the letting go we find life:
For deeper than the striving is the flowing,
Deeper than the searching is the knowing
And deeper than the grieving is the mystery
In which darkness and light are one.

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We believe in a mystery we call God

From the Boundless Life collection

We believe in a mystery we call God,
A mystery beyond definition,
A flame that is glimpsed through darkened glass,
The hope of our human condition.

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Not in grasping or in holding shall we find God

From the Boundless Life collection

Not in grasping or in holding shall we find God,
Not in seeking power or serving narrow needs,
But in letting go with joyful expectation
We shall meet the God beyond all creeds.

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