• William L. Wallace
    • William (Bill) Livingstone Wallace is a retired New Zealand Methodist Minister and one of our most prolific contributors. Bill says that his work springs from communicating with the fire in his gut and his observation of both the internal and external aspects of the Cosmos. Since an early age, he has been both sympathetic to and critical of the church, announcing at the age of 13 his belief in evolution. In his youth, he struggled with the disconnection between art and spirituality in his own and other denominations and with the way in which all of the liturgies prior to the sermon were regarded as preliminaries and longer sermons were viewed as superior to more concise ones.
      At varsity, he found an intellectual home in the ecumenism and radicalism of the Student Christian Movement, and at theological college was frustrated to discover that neither these nor liturgy were regarded as major elements in the curriculum. In parish life, he found that writing hymns was a more acceptable way of presenting radical thoughts than sermons. They allowed these thoughts to slide into the mind on the back of music.
      His radicalism sprang from his experiences as a laborer and his exposure to great inequality in the Philippines. It was these that led him to abandon the idea that wealth is a gift from God and with it the belief in an intervening deity.
      Bill found his true spiritual home when he was introduced to the Christian mystics, especially Hildegard of Bingen and Meister Eckhart. This explains why he has sometimes been called a prophetic mystic.
      Along with his parish work, Bill was the hymn selector for the Praise Be Television Program. He also chaired Contemporary Hymns N.Z. Ltd. and was the convener of the N.Z. Methodist Media and Communications Committee. He was the inaugural chair of the N.Z. branch of the Interfaith World Conference on Religion and Peace and initiated the formation of a Citizen’s Advice Bureau, an adventure playground, a suburban team ministry, and coordinated a Community Care Centre.
      He holds a B.A. in philosophy and a Dip. Ed. and is the author of seven published collections of his hymns as well as other resources on our website. His aim is to help people be empowered by the divine within them and the Cosmos and to work to overthrow the forces of personal and institutional greed which destroy both the ecosystem and human society.
      His hymns have appeared in 13 different denominational hymn books, 17 other hymn collections, and other worship material has been included in 15 different anthologies. All of these are suitable for most Progressive Christians. However, they do not address the problem that an increasing number of Christians are facing, namely the difficulty of belief in an intervening God.
      In New Zealand, where Bill lives, the last Census showed that about 50% of the population claimed to have no religious affiliation at all making it one of the most secular countries in the world. Bill does not believe that God has died but rather believes that a metaphysical tribal intervening God is dying. In Bill’s opinion, so is the belief in dualism, i.e., the belief that everything can be divided up into a series of self-contained opposites and that, therefore, as a consequence, there are no systems religious or otherwise, that are totally superior in all respects to all other systems.
      What is also beginning to die is the belief in the supremacy of words which Christianity has been blighted with since the Reformation. Scientists are now beginning to affirm that there always will be mystery beyond what they have discovered. So what we need is the mystic, cosmic mystery that is beyond words coupled with the evolving scientific revelation of the nature of the cosmic processes.
      In Bill's belief, attempting to control the actions of God through the manipulation of prayers is best replaced by increasing awareness of God's processes within the evolution of the Cosmos and of ourselves.

My spirit shall rejoice (A Reflection on the Magnificat)

From the Boundless Life collection

My spirit shall rejoice in God
Who breaks my chains of guilt and fear;
For God upholds each person’s worth
Throughout the ages of this Earth.

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If cobwebs fill the corners

From the Boundless Life collection

If cobwebs fill the corners
That lurk within our mind
Our faith can help us brush aside
Each clinging thought we find

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May the Food that We Eat

From the Boundless Life collection

May the food that we eat
And the friends that we share
Give us strength for spreading
True justice and peace.

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We are children of the cosmos

From the Boundless Life collection

We are children of the Cosmos,

We are subject to its laws,

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The cosmos in all its wonder

From the Boundless Life collection

The Cosmos in all its wonder


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Charge our hearts with wonder

From the Boundless Life collection

Charge our hearts with wonder,
God of sheer delight,
As we sense your presence
Filling day and night.

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If heaven is more than simply a place

From the Boundless Life collection

If Heaven is more than simply a place,
If pictures of God evolve evermore,
If love is affirmed as life’s highest grace
The mystery remains, the sacred expands
To gift compassion’s transforming embrace.

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When masks of God both age and die

From the Boundless Life collection

When masks of God both age and die,
With intervening deities,
As doctrines lose their rigid hold
And freedoms grow like forest trees

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Leave behind illusion’s ways

From the Boundless Life collection

Leave behind illusion’s ways
Culture plants within the mind,
Clothed in vestments of the faith
Masking truths we need to find,

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No one can share my inner space

From the Boundless Life collection

No one can share my inner space;
There I am alone, yet not alone,
For you are there, O God,
Deeper than my thinking,

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An awakening is beginning

From the Boundless Life collection

An awakening is beginning,
The half living now arise.
All those scales which they accepted
Are now falling from their eyes.

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Must death appear as always stealing life?

From the Boundless Life collection

Must death appear as always stealing life,
The fist that breaks our heart’s most sacred shrine,
Or can our own last resting space become
A wedding feast at which we gladly dine?

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God wake us from illusion

From the Boundless Life collection

God wake us from illusion, rouse us from our dream,
Free us from believing that things are as they seem.
Though everything seems solid which we can see or clutch
The quantum space within them is something we can’t touch.

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Let opposites all share

From the Boundless Life collection

Let opposites all share a common space,
The inner and the outer be as one;
Each mind reflect life’s interweaving grace
And hearts all find God’s presence deep within.

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O child within the Christmas scene

From the Boundless Life collection

O child within the Christmas scene
Come play with us today.
Melt all the ice within our hearts
And warm us as we play.

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Look behind the festive scene

From the Boundless Life collection

Look behind the festive scene
Both to factory and land;
Contemplate the labour force
Using both the mind and hand.

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In nature as in Jesus

From the Boundless Life collection

In nature as in Jesus,
All life is truly one,
But we divide Christ’s mantle
And drown Creation’s song,

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The World Within (in praise of water)

From the Boundless Life collection

The world within and world outside
Both rest within God’s caring.
When inner streams unite with seas
They herald total sharing.

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Come, let us think like mountain rocks

From the Boundless Life collection

Come, let us think like mountain rocks,
Come breathe the song of scented breeze;
Come join the atoms’ quantum dance,
Come weep with all the fallen trees.

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Can bread and wine transform our minds

From the Boundless Life collection

Can bread and wine transform our minds
With all their complex modes?
Can sharing festive liturgies
Unlock empowering codes?

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All Life’s Many Cycles

From the Boundless Life collection

All life’s many cycles
Rest within God’s circle
And reveal Earth dying and yet living.

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Who Claims to Own This Piece of Land?

From the Boundless Life Collection

Who claims to own this piece of land?
Who holds its title deeds?
Who thinks it is their private space
To meet their selfish needs?

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Autumn comes in all its fullness

From the Boundless Life collection

Autumn comes in all its fullness
Harvesting both land and hearts.
Autumn has its birth in Winter
In the stillness where life starts.

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If You Want to Be Happy

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

If you want to be happy
Love life more than things
Finding the joys which sharing brings.
If you want to end grieving
For dying or loss
Cry till your tears dissolve your cross.

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Within the shadows of our thinking

From the Boundless Life collection

Within the shadows of our thinking
Dwell glimpses of an ancient past;
Dark tales of vengeance and of terror
Beyond what gentle hearts can grasp.

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What can we learn from war?

From the Boundless Life collection

What can we learn from war?
Gazing at ancient graves;
Name upon name preserved,
Marking the battle’s phase;
The lives of those who gave their all
That we should not be tyrants’ slaves.

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We thank you God for history’s tales

From the Boundless Life collection

We thank you God for history’s tales
But which version should we tell?
The story of the powerful rich
Or the poor’s oppressive hell?

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Sacred Energy (Mass of the Universe) — Part 3

Part 3 of Sacred Energy (Mass of the Universe) contains the downloadable Powerpoint slides that illustrate the various parts of the mass.

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Sacred Energy (Mass of the Universe) — Part 2

Part 2 of Sacred Energy (Mass of the Universe) contains the complete text of the mass

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Sacred Energy (Mass of the Universe) — Part 1

The mass in a form that you can interact with. Each individual musical segment has both an audio file (mp3) and a musical score (pdf).

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Who Maims Life Today?

From the Boundless Life collection

Who maims life today?
We maim life today
When we see the wood and not the tree,
When we fail to dream of what could be,
We maim life today.

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Spirit’s Golden Fire

From the Boundless Life collection

Spirit’s golden fire,
God’s life-force in our depth, *
Fan within our hearts
Your just and caring warmth.

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Deep in the Human Heart

From the Boundless Life collection

Deep in the human heart
The fires of justice burn;
With visions of a world renewed
Through radical concern.

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What can the prophet Jesus teach us?

From the Boundless Life collection

What can the prophet Jesus teach us?
Where shall the mystic Christ lead us?
His Way is wonder, the path compassion,
And through letting go we shall find life.

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Knock, Knock, Knock

From the Boundless Life collection

“Knock, knock, knock and the door will surely open, *
Seek, seek, seek and the questing heart will find,”
All that only seems to lie outside us
Also dwells within our heart and mind.

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When we find beauty in our depths

From the Boundless Life collection

When we find beauty in our depths,
When we find love within our heart,
When we find dance within our toes,
God will form our sail and chart.

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