• William L. Wallace
    • William (Bill) Livingstone Wallace is a retired New Zealand Methodist Minister and one of our most prolific contributors. Bill says that his work springs from communicating with the fire in his gut and his observation of both the internal and external aspects of the Cosmos. Since an early age, he has been both sympathetic to and critical of the church, announcing at the age of 13 his belief in evolution. In his youth, he struggled with the disconnection between art and spirituality in his own and other denominations and with the way in which all of the liturgies prior to the sermon were regarded as preliminaries and longer sermons were viewed as superior to more concise ones.
      At varsity, he found an intellectual home in the ecumenism and radicalism of the Student Christian Movement, and at theological college was frustrated to discover that neither these nor liturgy were regarded as major elements in the curriculum. In parish life, he found that writing hymns was a more acceptable way of presenting radical thoughts than sermons. They allowed these thoughts to slide into the mind on the back of music.
      His radicalism sprang from his experiences as a laborer and his exposure to great inequality in the Philippines. It was these that led him to abandon the idea that wealth is a gift from God and with it the belief in an intervening deity.
      Bill found his true spiritual home when he was introduced to the Christian mystics, especially Hildegard of Bingen and Meister Eckhart. This explains why he has sometimes been called a prophetic mystic.
      Along with his parish work, Bill was the hymn selector for the Praise Be Television Program. He also chaired Contemporary Hymns N.Z. Ltd. and was the convener of the N.Z. Methodist Media and Communications Committee. He was the inaugural chair of the N.Z. branch of the Interfaith World Conference on Religion and Peace and initiated the formation of a Citizen’s Advice Bureau, an adventure playground, a suburban team ministry, and coordinated a Community Care Centre.
      He holds a B.A. in philosophy and a Dip. Ed. and is the author of seven published collections of his hymns as well as other resources on our website. His aim is to help people be empowered by the divine within them and the Cosmos and to work to overthrow the forces of personal and institutional greed which destroy both the ecosystem and human society.
      His hymns have appeared in 13 different denominational hymn books, 17 other hymn collections, and other worship material has been included in 15 different anthologies. All of these are suitable for most Progressive Christians. However, they do not address the problem that an increasing number of Christians are facing, namely the difficulty of belief in an intervening God.
      In New Zealand, where Bill lives, the last Census showed that about 50% of the population claimed to have no religious affiliation at all making it one of the most secular countries in the world. Bill does not believe that God has died but rather believes that a metaphysical tribal intervening God is dying. In Bill’s opinion, so is the belief in dualism, i.e., the belief that everything can be divided up into a series of self-contained opposites and that, therefore, as a consequence, there are no systems religious or otherwise, that are totally superior in all respects to all other systems.
      What is also beginning to die is the belief in the supremacy of words which Christianity has been blighted with since the Reformation. Scientists are now beginning to affirm that there always will be mystery beyond what they have discovered. So what we need is the mystic, cosmic mystery that is beyond words coupled with the evolving scientific revelation of the nature of the cosmic processes.
      In Bill's belief, attempting to control the actions of God through the manipulation of prayers is best replaced by increasing awareness of God's processes within the evolution of the Cosmos and of ourselves.

There’s a Beautiful Place in Our Minds

From the Boundless Life collection

There’s a beautiful place in our minds,
Deeper than hatred or fear;
There’s a beautiful space in our hearts
Filled with God’s wisdom and care.

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I’m on the road to nowhere (In the steps of Abraham)

From the Boundless Life collection

I’m on the road to nowhere
A place that I can find
Beyond my measured thinking,
Beyond my structured mind.

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We go forward and around

From the Boundless Life collection

We go forward and around
In the cycles of the Earth;
The seasons in their sequence
With death that leads to birth.

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Sowing limits what we harvest

From the Boundless Life collection

Sowing limits what we harvest;
Giving shapes what we receive;
Words send out our hurts and loving
And define what we achieve.

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O God of Sky and God of Earth (A Reflection on the Prayer of Jesus)

From the Boundless Life collection

O God of sky and God of Earth,
We honor your presence
Within us and beyond.

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God of Sky and God of Earth (A Reflection on the Prayer of Jesus)

From the Boundless Life collection

God of sky and God of Earth
Your bright presence we explore
Deep within us and beyond
All our reason’s structured lore.

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How Liberated Are Those (A Paraphrase of the Beatitudes)

From the Boundless Life collection

1. How liberated are those who have learnt to let go;
They shall experience the mystery of God.

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How Happy Are Those (A Paraphrase of the Beatitudes)

From the Boundless Life collection

(i) How happy are those who have learnt to let go;
They shall discover the Christ within.

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We Come from the Cosmos

From the Boundless Life collection

We come from the Cosmos that birthed our Earth;
Each part of that process still nurtures Earth.
Our home is this planet that we call Earth.
For Earth is God the Presence adorned in cosmic flesh,
The shadow of the mystery who is both host and guest.

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When Skin Becomes

From the Boundless Life collection

When skin becomes the surface of the earth
And veins the braided rivers’ strands;
When breath is soft as tender forest moss
Our hearts reflect the Spirit’s spacious lands.

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As leaves that softly fall

From the Boundless Life collection

As leaves that softly fall to earth

We let go of hate and fear.

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I will walk the circle of the earth

From the Boundless Life collection

I will walk the circle of the Earth,
Breathe its stillness,
Dance its center,
Flow in the waters of its womb.

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When I am the earth

From the Boundless Life collection

When I am the earth
And the earth is me
God and I are one.

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May the sap flow in our hearts

From the Boundless Life collection

May the sap flow in our hearts
Like the greening of the Earth:
May our liveliness unfold
Like the joyful Spring-time’s birth,

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In the world of Nature’s weaving

From the Boundless Life collection

In the world of Nature’s weaving
Words and plants reveal their meaning
Through a way beyond perceiving
Life as only surface truth.

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Let your eye be single

From the Boundless Life collection

Let your eye be single, Jesus urged,
See behind Earth’s many things;
In the place of all you long to own
Choose the sight awareness brings.

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O Golden Doors

From the Boundless Life collection

O golden doors now open wide
Revealing myst’ry’s grace,
The grace beyond the imaged word;
Beyond all time and space.

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If you want to be happy (A Reflection on the Beatitudes)

From the Boundless Life collection

If you want to be happy
Let go and trust God
Finding pleasure in sharing wealth.

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The Dough Is Rising

From the Boundless Life collection

The dough is rising,
The frond unfurling,
The people’s hope is growing
For justice everywhere.

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To God the Process

From the Boundless Life collection

To God the process, God the life,
To God compassion’s spring,
To God the boundless way of love,
To God in everything.

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You are the Process, God

From the Boundless Life collection

You are the Process, God,
The movement without end.
You are the Rhythm God,
The dance of loving friends.

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Beyond the Boxes We Create

From the Boundless Life collection

Beyond the boxes we create,
Beyond each image we can spawn
The process river flows along
To sweep aside the now outworn.

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From the Silence God Created

From the Boundless Life Collection

From the silence God created
Matter, movement, depth and height,
All the opposites evolving,
Spreading darkness, gifting light.

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When Our World of Thought Lies Shattered

From the Boundless Life collection

When our world of thought lies shattered
As its truths fragment and die
We will trust the mystery’s oneness
Held within the Earth and sky.

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In Creating Space

From the Boundless Life collection

In creating space for each other
We enhance our personal space
And spread a God-like grace.

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Recalling all our ancient hurts

From the Boundless Life collection

Recalling all our ancient hurts
We bind their wounds with love.
We bring our enemies to mind
And bind their wounds with love.

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We the Many All Belong

From the Boundless Life collection

We the many all belong
To life’s ever-changing song.
We are part of life’s great ocean
Finding rest within its motion.

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At each journey’s ending point

From the Boundless Life collection

At each journey’s ending point
There exists forgiveness space
Which invites us to recall
Love’s transforming power and grace.

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When we feel all weighed down with guilt

From the Boundless Life collection

When we feel all weighed down with guilt *
And find forgiveness out of reach
We take your hand, O tender Christ,
And walk with you along life’s beach.

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Not every day

From the Boundless Life collection

Not every day shall Earth’s bright rainbow colors
Arch over Earth’s clear sparkling, sparkling skies;
Not every day shall rainbows light our vision
But every day heart’s rainbows can be made.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, God

From the Boundless Life collection

Thank you, thank you, thank you God
For the gift, the gift of life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you God
For the peace beyond all strife.

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Most noble of creatures on Earth

From the Boundless Life collection

Most noble of creatures on Earth are we
Yet gifted with power to both hurt and kill.
Are money and things our most sought for goal?
Or Earth and its life what transforms our will?

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Holy Spirit as you speak

From the Boundless Life collection

Holy Spirit as you speak
To both challenge and console
Every church and all the world
To empower and to make whole

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“The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth”

From the Boundless Life collection

“The meek shall inherit the Earth” said Christ
But what could this mean for the people today?
While corp’rates and rich folk gain more and more land
The poor live in slums where they’re still forced to stay.

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Repaying Force

From the Boundless Life collection

Repaying force with counter-force,
Can this deliver peace?
Revenge for death, revenge for loss
Is this how wars will cease?

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When the picture haunts my mind

From the Boundless Life collection

When the picture haunts my mind
Of a starving child who dies,
When my silence is disturbed
By the mother’s plaintive cries
How dear God shall I respond
To the tears that flood my eyes?

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