
Did Mary Magdalene Raise Jesus from the Dead?

  Game of Thrones seems to think so anyway… SPOILER ALERT! A friend of mine who is a marketing guru recently told me that the reason I’m not “famous” is because my material isn’t controversial enough. Well…here’s …

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30 Days of Paul Reading Challenge

  Have you been meaning to read (or re-read) Paul’s letters? Join us for the‪#‎30daysofPaul‬ challenge! Earlier this week on the Westar Institute Ethics & Early Christianity blog, we posted a 30-day plan for how to read …

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How to Stop the Mean People

I wrote an idea down and put it in the bucket.  My note said:  BE SO NICE TO THE MEAN PEOPLE THAT IT MAKES THEM CRAZY. It was my paraphrase of St. Paul in his letter to …

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The Isaiah Plan

If you’re an overweight fundamentalist Christian, the Daniel Plan is for you.  Rick Warren, pastor of the Saddleback megachurch, fit this plus-sized demographic until he came up with a new twist on his religion.  Basing his weight-loss …

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Wonderbolts of Thunderment

Updrafts from the Rio Grande Valley pounded a white anvil against the stratosphere as the jet moaned over New Mexico while I looked out the window. I’d just finished reading the letters of Everett Ruess (in “A …

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Savita Halappanavar’s Heartbreaking Death

News of Savita Halappanavar’s agonizing death in an Irish hospital from septicemia and E. Coli infection is all over the internet, and thank goodness, most people are heartbroken and angry. Everything about her death is heartbreaking and angering: the …

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On The Silence Of ‘The Lamb’s Agenda’: An Open Letter to Rev. Samuel Rodriguez

Dear Rev. Rodriguez, I hope this finds you well. Some friends made me aware of your statement on the reelection of President Obama. I read it through multiple times, and each time I tried to put my metaphorical finger …

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“This is the most important election of all time!” (again)

You’ve probably heard by now that if Obama wins a second term we will become a socialist nation, gun ownership will be made illegal, our country will be unrecognizable by the end of his term, and on …

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Religion and Government

The religious beliefs of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have persistently been a major talking point in this Presidential campaign. Some Christians do not consider Romney’s Mormon faith to be truly Christian. Although Obama’s beliefs should be …

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Nuns on the Bus Returns in Missouri

Earlier this summer, members of NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, boarded a bus in Des Moines, Iowa for a two week tour across the country to draw attention to those working families most affected by …

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Who’s delivering prayers at the DNC

Tuesday’s invocation (opening prayer): Metropolitan Nicholas, bishop of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Detroit Tuesday’s benediction (closing prayer): Jena Lee Nardella, executive director of Blood: Water Mission Wednesday’s invocation: Vashti Murphy McKenzie, presiding bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Church Wednesday’s …

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Paul Ryan: “This Is Not Theology…”

“You have to understand, one of our primary aspirations is to grow the economy, is to create jobs… We’re not demand-side Keynesians. So we don’t subscribe to that economic doctrine. And we think if you keep raising …

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Chick-fil-A’s gay marriage stance causing a social storm

The fact that Chick-fil-A is a company that espouses Christian values is no secret. The fact that its 1,600 fast-food chicken restaurants across the country are closed on Sundays has long been testament to that. But the …

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Catholic Bishops In Uganda Voice Support For ‘Kill The Gays’ Bill

Catholic Bishops in Uganda have called for the revival of the horrifying ‘Kill the Gays bill,’ an anti-homosexual legislative proposal for the life-imprisonment or execution of homosexuals. The controversial bill has been around since 2009, it has been vilified …

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Wild Goose Announces 2nd Site, “Wild Goose West,” for 2012

As many of you know, Wild Goose (www.wildgoosefestival.org) launched its debut festival at the intersection of justice, spirituality, music, and art in June 2011. Today, after much anticipation, we are pleased to announce we are expanding our festival …

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NAACP Endorses Gay Marriage

Less than two weeks after President Barack Obama announced his public support forgay marriage, a prominent African-American civil rights organization is following suit. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s board of directors voted to …

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Jesus Christ, now they’ve made him a video-game character

First there was Diablo III, the newest installment of a game series built around battles with demonic creatures. Now comes Journey of Jesus: The Calling. Follow video-game Jesus as he overcomes obstacles, battles the era’s politics, experiences …

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NPR Gives a Free Pass to Biblical Literalists

Dear NPR, As an early riser I am a fairly faithful Morning Edition listener. I am also an ordained minister who has been engaged in one way or another with the great “Bible & homosexuality” controversy for far longer …

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