
The Golden Rule Petition

  The Golden Rule Petition emphasizes that the unifying principle of the Golden Rule lives within all individuals, organizations and groups who serve the world in many different ways. Inspired by the Golden Rule Project in Salt …

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Sign the Petition to Ban Fracking on Public Lands!

  Don’t Let 200 Million Acres of Our Public Lands Get Fracked Sign the Petition to Ban Fracking on Public Lands! Add Your Name to the Petition That We’re Hand Delivering to Members of Congress! Dear Supporter, …

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Pacific School of Religion First Seminary in California to Divest in Fossil Fuels

February 25, 2015 Pacific School of Religion, a multi-denominational seminary in Berkeley, California, announced today that its Board of Trustees has voted unanimously to adopt a policy to divest the institution from investments in fossil fuels. Pacific …

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There is nothing Christian about taking food from the poor….petition to end Government shutdown

Posted: Oct. 3, 2013 http://act.faithfulamerica.org/act/prolife Stung by the outcry against their pointless political stunt, House Republicans are now desperately trying to reopen the Smithsonian and our National Parks. But these politicians, who got elected by calling themselves pro-life …

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Greece rounding up “undesirables,” sending them to camps.

First migrants and recent immigrants were rounded up from Greece’s streets and forced into internment camps.Then they threw the drug users in. Next came the sex workers, forcibly HIV tested, publicly humiliated, and imprisoned. Now they’re coming for …

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The Fact Not Fiction Campaign – Torture Awareness Month June 2013

The National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) created the Fact Not Fiction campaign to help people of faith share the message that torture is immoral, illegal, never justifiable, and counterproductive. The campaign seeks to empower people of faith to …

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An Open Letter from Rev. Otis Moss III To the Black Clergy Concerning the President’s Endorsement of Gay Marriage

The following words are from the Reverend Otis Moss, Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois concerning President Obama’s recent public endorsement of Gay Marriage. The content of the letter is posted in …

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Pride in the Pulpit

There is another reason to be hopeful that marriage will become law this year – we now have bipartisan support in the (New York) State Senate, with four previous “no” votes coming out for the measure.

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Ugandian parliment propsing death penalty for homosexuality

For Frank and thousands of others, being gay in Uganda is already dangerous and terrifying. They are regularly harassed and beaten, and just months ago, gay rights activist, David Kato, was brutally murdered in his own home. Now LGBT Ugandans are threatened by this draconian law which imposes life imprisonment for people convicted of same-sex relations and the death penalty for “serial offenders”.

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Standing in Solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Libya

World Student Christian Federation – North American Region
Standing in Solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Libya
As students of the WSCF – North American we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters of Libya who are currently experiencing attacks, threats, killings, and other crimes being committed by the inhuman Libyan regime. Recent stories from our brothers and sisters on the ground are indicating that the level of violence is unprecedented. Some 1000 people have died as a result of the “brutal crackdown against protesters.” Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is not moving and has indicated that he refuses to give in to the legitimate demands of the people. His government has issued threats to “purge opponents…house by house and … inch by inch” and do whatever it takes to hold on to his “iron grip on power,” while countless of Libyan towns and cities are being taken over by pro-democracy groups…

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Charter for Compassion

A call to bring the world together…We urgently need to make compassion a clear, luminous and dynamic force in our polarized world. Rooted in a principled determination to transcend selfishness, compassion can break down political, dogmatic, ideological and religious boundaries. Born of our deep interdependence, compassion is essential to human relationships and to a fulfilled humanity. It is the path to enlightenment, and indispensible to the creation of a just economy and a peaceful global community.

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