We are surrounded by examples of creative genius — Albert Einstein, William Shakespeare, Georgia O’Keeffe, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — and yet creativity exists all around. We watch an athlete explore the limits of the body at the Olympics; a grandmother crafts a Halloween costume for a grandchild; a husband makes a special meal for his wife’s birthday. It is all part of the creative process, making something new with the unique skills and passions we bring to the act.
When we are expressing ourselves through our creativity, we feel inspired and engaged. We challenge ourselves by finding a new and improved way to accomplish a task, by learning a new skill, by using our social skills to improve a relationship, or by overcoming obstacles through creative problem solving.
What if we began to claim creativity as our own, not as a big new project, but as a natural way of being? Join us to discover creative opportunities that inspire a sacred shift moving the ordinary to the extraordinary, one moment at a time. “Infusing Your Life with Creativity,” a new e-course by leaders from Sage-ing International, will bring you:
* 12 emails — delivered every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for four weeks — each containing new topics to inspire you and suggestions for you to practice;
* A Practice Circle forum open 24/7 for sharing and receiving feedback from an international community of pilgrims along with guidance from Julia and Anne, the retreat leaders.
The course will explore these themes and more:
* Moving from Worry to Wonder
* With a Light Touch: Creative Play and Comic Vision
* Tools and Methods to Spark Your Creativity
* Creativity as a Contemplative Practice
* A Creative State of Mind
* What Calls Us to Be Creative?
Julia is a Registered Expressive Arts Consultant and Educator; Board Certified, Advanced Holistic Nurse; and nursing faculty member at the University of Tampa. She facilitates the expressive arts in end-of-life care and is an international speaker with a mission to Re-Spirit, Re-inspire, and Re-vitalize healthcare providers. As a member of Sage-ing International’s faculty, she co-facilitates the year-long Certified Sage-ing Leader preparation and bringing the expressive arts for wellness and self-discovery to the Sage-ing process. Julia is the author of: Art in Small Spaces, Communication in Nursing, and The Gift of the Caregiver.
Anne Boynton is delighted to be co-facilitating her third Spirituality & Practice e-course in partnership with Julia. Anne is the former Chair of Sage-ing International, and has co-facilitated Sage-ing Workshops throughout the United States and Canada. She received a BS in Interior Design, and MS in Textile Design from the University of Tennessee, and has taught Art and Design at the University of Tennessee, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and the Boston Architectural College. For the past twenty years she has been a practicing artist. Anne uses creative exercises as a contemplative practice to explore the core elements of Sage-ing and conscious aging.
Let’s shine light on this inherent quality of creativity and explore practices to come home to our creative selves, enriching our days. As we become aware of the life-enhancing benefits of nurturing our creative expression, we bring more health, well-being and joy into our lives.
4 CEHs for chaplains available.
Click here for more information/registration.