What is a Joyful Path?

  This behavior-over-belief curriculum connects children with their own inner wisdom.  It teaches interdependence, self awareness, respect for nature, stillness, forgiveness, prayer, meditation, and integrity.  Using the Bible and other wisdom stories, A Joyful Path helps children learn how to …

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A Summer of Change

Everything changes, and that has been the case for us at PC.org this summer. We have been working full throttle for the last few months with several changes, and we hope it will show. Sometimes these changes even surprise us.

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A Joyful Path, Year Two is Completed!

We are excited to announce that our second installment of A Joyful Path, from our Inner Wisdom Series, Children’s Curriculum Project, is complete!   Here is some information on this theologically rich and expansive curriculum: What Is …

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Supporting Churches and Organizations

  Become a Supporting Church!   Support the Progressive Christian Movement   The Supporting Churches and Organizations Program is for churches and organizations who have committed to taking a more active role in sustaining and supporting Progressive Christianity …

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Purchase A Joyful Path, Ages 6-10

  Click here to purchase A Joyful Path Curriculum in hard copy   Click here to purchase A Joyful Path in PDF digital download   Click here to purchase A Joyful Path in DVD Version   Click …

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Our Work- Projects

Your generous support allows us to continue these important projects that fuel the movement of progressive Christianity by informing our readership, collaborating with our partners in the movement, and by being the leading global portal for free …

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Children’s Curriculum

Spiritual Curriculum for Young Hearts and Minds

  Are you searching for a way to connect children with an authentic spiritual experience that is inclusive, creative and multi-layered?   A Joyful Path is truly progressive curriculum that is nature-centered, joy-full, compassionate, and intelligent. This behavior over …

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Our History

<div style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-family: Georgia; color: #668dc8;"><span style="font-size: 19px;">
<div>Our History<br />1994-2012</div>
<p style="text-align: left;"><br />The Center for Progressive Christianity was founded in 1994 by Jim Adams who was, at the time, rector of St. Mark's Church on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. At that time there was no known organization, scholar, or church leader publicly using the term, "progressive Christianity." His vision was to create a non-profit organization that encouraged churches to focus their attention on those for whom organized religion had proven to be "ineffectual, irrelevant, or repressive." According to Rev. Adams, the goal "was to keep the churches from drying up and blowing away." This was a response to the recently published statistics showing that membership in mainline churches had dramatically declined in the 1980s, the third decade in a row this had occurred. Based on Adams' experience at St. Mark's Church, he was convinced that if churches would become bolder about professing their progressive tenets, they could thrive. Adams and a small group of peers agreed that they needed to provide some way to help "open and progressive" churches find ways to self identify as "progressive." This was the genesis of TCPC's Eight Points defining progressive Christianity. This early founding group also thought it important to provide opportunities for these churches to network, to share "progressive Christian" articles and book reviews, and to gather occasionally for conferences and workshops. For the first ten years TCPC held annual national forums, and published quarterly news letters. In 1996 TCPC launched its first website giving "affiliate" churches an opportunity to list themselves as "a progressive church" based on their affirmation of the Eight Points.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">By the late 90s, Adams and his then active board and Executive Council realized that they had tapped into a larger hunger and need than anyone had imagined in the early years. The list of churches that wanted to associate grew, the mailing list increased exponentially and the interest in the website attracted people way beyond professional clergy and church leaders. By the year 2002, only eight years after the creation of TCPC, the term "progressive Christianity" had become a common term that was being used by scholars, the media and other Christian organizations, not only in this country, but in the Western world as a whole.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Over the years TCPC, helped form an international network of autonomous progressive Christianity networks that includes South Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Ireland, and Canada. TCPC represents the United States branch of that network.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">From its inception, the focus of TCPC has been primarily about rethinking and re-conceptualizing the theological and Christological foundations of the Christian faith. The leadership of the organization was and has remained convinced that our supporters and readers are expressing a deep desire to find resources and constructive ways to understand and teach what the newest science, biblical, sociological and historical scholarship has to say about the Christian religion and ways to integrate that information into one's faith and to create healthy, dynamic Christian communities.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">In January of 2005 Jim Adams retired as President of TCPC, after nearly twelve years of devoted, volunteer leadership and remains an Honorary Advisor. The role of Presidency was assumed by Fred C. Plumer, a retired UCC minister and an active member of the Executive Council since 1996. Prior to Plumer's acceptance of this position, he had posited that "the 80s and 90s were about the deconstruction of the Christian myth and the challenge of the new millennium would be to reconstruct a viable, holistic, challenging and spiritual Christian paradigm."</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">The first task was to finish the construction of a new, more interactive website and then to find ways to bring together some of the best scholars and committed leaders to help lead this work. In part, because of printing costs and mailing cost and ecological considerations, TCPC has now eliminated the quarterly newsletter and has instituted a monthly on-line newsletter that has been enthusiastically received. The website has been dramatically expanded and is continually being improved. It is considered one of the best sites for articles, resources and events pertaining to progressive Christianity in the country.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">In 2008 TCPC created a strategic plan to find ways to better meet growing demands in our changing world. &nbsp;With extensive research, we came to the conclusion that the most needed resource we could provide is a truly progressive Christian children's curriculum. After three years of hard work, we presented: A Joyful Path, Spiritual Curriculum for Young Hearts and Minds, Year One. This curriculum is part of our larger children's curriculum project- The Inner Wisdom Series. We are currently in the process of creating Year Two of A Joyful Path and are very excited to offer this resource in 2013.</p>
<div class="normal">In 2010, we had the amazing opportunity to become the publishers and managers of the Bishop John Shelby Spong e-Newsletter, A New Christianity for a New World. It took a lot of work and patience, but we were able to create a brand new website for this resource, www.johnshelbyspong.com, and we are extremely proud of the direction it is going. It is a mutually beneficial relationship and we feel very blessed to have been given this opportunity to work so closely with one of the greatest leaders of the progressive Christian movement.&nbsp;</div>
<p>In 2010 we also changed our name to ProgressiveChristianity.org to better reflect our web based presence and global network.</p>
<p>Currently, we are also dedicated to our Liturgy Project, in which we are gathering, creating and sharing all the best liturgy that we can find out there to support local groups, congregations and intentional communities. This amazing, in depth resource will be offered for free on our new website, which is coming out in February 2012.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">We continue to grow as an organization and expand our offerings. We now have 4 part time employees and we opened up a new office in Portland, OR. &nbsp;With our new website, we hope to be the global portal for progressive Christianity, providing resources and support for encouraging the education, growth, and creation of progressive Christian communities all over the world.&nbsp;</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">We invite you to join with us in this exciting moment in history- a window where we have the opportunity to be a part of the age of awakening.</p>
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A Joyful Path, Year Two

<p style="text-align: center;"><img title="kids" src="../images/photo/Kids.jpg" alt="kids" width="500" height="210" /></p>
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<p><a title="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsjuaLHK1TCcWDK6V1EwseQ76UfD8MZyvOfl2Hm5mIyeA7kLR0Vhjl2oJW5_VnmjTBfWrTmDkffwILeL3JhwLSvKD7dP_ufOedKaJ9cV3UlunWgo-vtVkZx4= http://www.progressivechristianity.org/template/page.cfm?page_id=114" href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsjuaLHK1TCcWDK6V1EwseQ76UfD8MZyvOfl2Hm5mIyeA7kLR0Vhjl2oJW5_VnmjTBfWrTmDkffwILeL3JhwLSvKD7dP_ufOedKaJ9cV3UlunWgo-vtVkZx4=" target="_blank">A Joyful Path, Year One</a> has been met with such enthusiasm that we see now how vitally important to our mission this spiritual curriculum project really is.&nbsp; And to hear the incredible feedback from those using it has filled us with the desire and the energy to continue to create children's curriculum that is viable, spiritual, compassionate and joyful.&nbsp; With over 400 groups using A Joyful Path, Year One, with only positive results, we've had a lot of inquiries lately as to when the second year of A Joyful Path, is coming out.&nbsp; Wanting to be good stewards of the financial support we receive from our affiliates, we have waited to begin work on Year Two until we were certain that we could finish the project.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;We are pleased to announce that, thanks to a recent, generous donation, we have begun&nbsp;<strong><a title="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsjuaLHK1TCcWDK6V1EwseQ7V-urNXPBtG2zkRr2tyd8NnaIuzGw2sEupu-tJ6oxT4zMG_9Tjtcipk2IRFTIBKMQ61TvJ0iHipQ==" href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsjuaLHK1TCcWDK6V1EwseQ7V-urNXPBtG2zkRr2tyd8NnaIuzGw2sEupu-tJ6oxT4zMG_9Tjtcipk2IRFTIBKMQ61TvJ0iHipQ==" target="_blank">A Joyful Path, Year Two</a>!</strong> We are committed to continuing the high level of scholarship, creativity, and quality found in A Joyful Path, Year One, so we are expecting to have Year Two ready in the&nbsp;<strong>Spring of 2013</strong>. But we need your help! Our donor has agreed to match any donation up to $25,000! That means when you donate $100, your donation automatically turns into $200!&nbsp; What an opportunity to really have an impact!&nbsp; Please see below for more information about this grant.&nbsp;<strong> &nbsp;</strong></p>
<p><strong><a title="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEFMNQDs-Ek_nfZOfH1EcrqpfEasXR2tOb5w0QA4bf2DQ==" href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEFMNQDs-Ek_nfZOfH1EcrqpfEasXR2tOb5w0QA4bf2DQ==" target="_blank">Show your support for Progressive and Spiritual curriculum, donate today.</a></strong></p>
<p><br />Thank you for leading this next generation of sensitive Spiritual seekers — with your lives and your example.&nbsp; We are proud to be partnering with each of you!</p>
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<div><strong class="h3">What Will A Joyful Path, Year Two, Be Like?</strong></div>
<div><img src="https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs043/1101597696012/img/241.jpg" border="0" alt="child laughing" hspace="5" vspace="5" width="241" height="300" align="right" />
<p>In <strong>A Joyful Path, Year 2,</strong> we plan to focus on some of the main tenets of Progressive Christianity and Spirituality, giving our children the foundation they need to understand the basics of this path, to clarify their own personal beliefs and be able to discuss those with others, while at the same time showing what it means to walk the path of Jesus in today's world.</p>
<p>Year Two will be similar to Year One, in that it will have 38 unique lessons, full color original artwork, a contemplative and introductory section for the teacher in each lesson, 38 original short stories, incredible heart warming, feeling based activities, and tips to bring music and nature into each lesson.</p>
<p>Year Two will have be slightly different from Year One, in that we are going to focus on 9-10 main topics that will be broken down into sections.&nbsp; The topics we are currently considering (these may change) are: &nbsp;</p>
<p><strong>Wisdom Traditions from around the world, Inclusion, History of the Bible, Seasons, Our Stuff, Energy and the Universe, Heroes and Villains, and Nature. &nbsp;</strong></p>
<p>We will keep you posted on all developments and changes for this project. We currently have our writers, artist, and creative team ready to begin!&nbsp;</p>
<p>If you are currently using A Joyful Path, Year One, in your home or class, please send us your feedback to: <a title="mailto:center@tcpc.org" href="mailto:center@tcpc.org" target="_blank">center@tcpc.org</a> as this will help us as we move forward into the next curriculum.&nbsp;</p>
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<div><strong class="h3">What to do in 2012 with your class?</strong></div>
<p>Though we won't have Year Two completed and ready for use until 2013, keep in mind that this does not mean that you are without resources for this next year.&nbsp; Children love repetition — think about their tireless requests to hear the same book read over and over and over again!&nbsp; So, even if you have walked completely through Year One, we feel you can reuse this curriculum again with your class with confidence.&nbsp; These stories are so engaging, the activities so memorable, and the prayers, meditations and affirmations are so relevant to their lives that children will love to revisit each lesson.&nbsp; You might find your class even more excited this second time around because there will be a comfortable familiarity with the structure of the class time, as well as the content — a happy space in which children thrive and their creativity soars.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>
<p>Also, you may have children that are new to the age group while others have moved onto an older class.&nbsp; Plus, each lesson is so rich with material that it is very likely you may not have gotten to use every part of each lesson.&nbsp; Consider re-visiting A Joyful Path with your class–we know it will be another meaningful experience for you and the children. While you are at it, you may want to add to your resources by checking out the <a title="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEKARm-CW3s-TGfukjiPeaukYh8caa0yDt3tJTDep6t8cBLcallpsviwvqPRDwGbWw=" href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEKARm-CW3s-TGfukjiPeaukYh8caa0yDt3tJTDep6t8cBLcallpsviwvqPRDwGbWw=" target="_blank">children's books</a> we have in our store.</p>
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<div><strong class="h2">Information About the Matching Grant</strong></div>
<p><span class="h3">A Note from our President, Fred Plumer</span></p>
<p><span class="h3">12/2011</span></p>
<div>A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call from a dear friend of mine who has been a longtime supporter of the work that we do here at ProgressiveChristianity.org.&nbsp; He and his wife and children had been sitting around the living room pouring over A Joyful Path and together they decided that this children's curriculum was so fresh and profoundly influential that more of it Must be created!&nbsp; &nbsp;
<p>So he gave TCPC an incredible gift of support and gave us All a challenge!</p>
<p><strong>If we can raise $25,000, it will be matched- dollar for dollar!&nbsp; This would give us what we need to complete Year Two! WOW! </strong></p>
<p>This means that a $30 gift suddenly become $60, or $100 turns into $200!&nbsp; It's been a long time since you've seen your money stretch so far, hasn't it!&nbsp; <strong><a title="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEFMNQDs-Ek_nfZOfH1EcrqpfEasXR2tOb5w0QA4bf2DQ==" href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEFMNQDs-Ek_nfZOfH1EcrqpfEasXR2tOb5w0QA4bf2DQ==" target="_blank">Click here</a></strong> to take advantage of this great opportunity.<a title="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEFMNQDs-Ek_nfZOfH1EcrqpfEasXR2tOb5w0QA4bf2DQ==" href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEFMNQDs-Ek_nfZOfH1EcrqpfEasXR2tOb5w0QA4bf2DQ==" target="_blank"><img title="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEFMNQDs-Ek_nfZOfH1EcrqpfEasXR2tOb5w0QA4bf2DQ==" src="https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs043/1101597696012/img/150.gif" border="0" alt="Donate Now" hspace="5" vspace="5" width="141" height="101" align="right" /></a>&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong>Your gift – Doubled!&nbsp; No matter the amount, big or small.</strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>
<p>We have felt for a long time that this Children's curriculum is a central piece of what we are about – our Magnum Opus, if you will.&nbsp; For if we cannot express our values as progressive Christians for the next generation in a way that makes sense in their 21st century experience, then all we have done 'till now is for nothing.</p>
<p><br />One of my daughter's friends uses <a title="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsjuaLHK1TCcWDK6V1EwseQ76UfD8MZyvOfl2Hm5mIyeA7kLR0Vhjl2oJW5_VnmjTBfWrTmDkffwILeL3JhwLSvKD7dP_ufOedKaJ9cV3UlunWgo-vtVkZx4=" href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsjuaLHK1TCcWDK6V1EwseQ76UfD8MZyvOfl2Hm5mIyeA7kLR0Vhjl2oJW5_VnmjTBfWrTmDkffwILeL3JhwLSvKD7dP_ufOedKaJ9cV3UlunWgo-vtVkZx4=" target="_blank">A Joyful Path – Year One</a> with the children in her intentional community in Tacoma, Washington.&nbsp; I talked with her the other day and she just bubbled over with enthusiasm for how this curriculum is changing the life of one of her three children.&nbsp;</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;<em>"My oldest son, Jacob, used to be very fearful, worried about the future and all the "what ifs" in his nine-year-old world.&nbsp; We struggled with how to help him grow in this area.&nbsp; But the Joyful Path lesson on "Letting Go and Living in the Moment" became instrumental!&nbsp;&nbsp; Something about the story of Frederick and the Gift of Solomon just clicked for him – The idea that he "only has this moment and the choice of how to use it" has completely changed our son!&nbsp; He recognizes he can choose!&nbsp; He can control the way he responds to the things that happen in his life.&nbsp; Jacob's confidence is growing and his ability to see past his own circumstances almost surpasses my own!&nbsp; I feel like the curriculum gives us a language for what we are trying to instill within our children.&nbsp; Thank you, thank you, Thank you!!"</em></p>
<p>This curriculum is changing lives!&nbsp; Come <a title="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEFMNQDs-Ek_nfZOfH1EcrqpfEasXR2tOb5w0QA4bf2DQ==" href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=maynf5bab&amp;et=1105056889113&amp;s=0&amp;e=001geNi6nW2BJy_IoHnERfFTDyFTOSLA_bfz28HMTN1D9OCBXB9i-bcsj42GjkVhNNCgj6Ux4kQNRhpuc72F1JRducfo0xHQUjpVFcwUAlrBOEFMNQDs-Ek_nfZOfH1EcrqpfEasXR2tOb5w0QA4bf2DQ==" target="_blank">partner with us</a> in creating another year of this vital, spiritual legacy so children such as Jacob are equipped to meet the challenges of the world they will inherit from us. &nbsp;</p>
<p>And right now, anything you donate will go twice as far!</p>
<p>Thank you for your support.</p>
<p>Fred Plumer, President&nbsp;</p>
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<p class="h3" style="text-align: center;"><img title="coexist" src="../images/photo/coexist1.jpeg" alt="coexist" width="448" height="115" /></p>
<p class="h3">On this page are some quotes from people all over the world that consider themselves part of the <strong>TCPC community</strong>.&nbsp;&nbsp; In case you are wondering <strong>why we do what we do</strong>…here are some examples of what continues to motivate us to bring to the world an inclusive, just, informed, compassionate, loving Christianity.&nbsp;</p>
<p class="h3"><strong>Bottom line: Jesus would be horrified with what much of the world has done with his message of love.&nbsp; We hope to remind people and inform people what his true message was.&nbsp; He stood up against exlcusion, tyranny, violence, and hate.&nbsp; So do we.&nbsp; </strong></p>
<p class="h3"><a href="http://www.tcpc.org/members/affiliate_page.cfm"><strong>Add your voice to the movement- join our community</strong></a></p>
<p class="h3"><strong><a href="http://www.tcpc.org/about/send_email.cfm?person_id=241">email me and let me know <em>your</em> thoughts</a></strong></p>
<p class="normal"><strong>Winter 2011</strong></p>
<p class="normal">"Thank you for your remarkable ministry to, with, and for all of us who wander on God's precious planet…and, perhaps more importantly, for those who will wonder at those tracks in the sand….&nbsp;&nbsp; My best!" ~Jim</p>
<p class="normal">"When I was full time Christian educator at FUMC I purchased Joyful Path. &nbsp;My SS teachers loved it as did I. &nbsp;I have found another great use for the materila. &nbsp;I direct a program for cognitively impaired adults. &nbsp;This material, with some adjustments, works great with them. &nbsp;I certainly hope that you will continues producing this material." &nbsp;~Sue<strong> &nbsp;<br /></strong></p>
<p class="normal">"Thank you for your Christmas greetings. May your Christmas season also be filled with love, laughter, joy and light. From those of us who celebrate this season in the summer solstice where the Christmas season is the lightest and warmest of all our seasons!"~Christine, PCNet SA, South Australia</p>
<p class="normal">"Very excited to hear about the developments for the new website. The ideas and actions resonate with love and inclusiveness. Can't wait to see the new site, and to become more involved." ~Deborah, New Zealand</p>
<p class="normal">"Thank you for all you do. &nbsp;You are one of my lifelines."<strong> </strong>~Bruce</p>
<p class="normal"><strong>Spring 2011</strong></p>
<p class="normal">"Some feedback about how <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/template/page.cfm?page_id=114">"A Joyful Path"</a> has been working thus far at the Eliot Church in Year one- great!&nbsp; The activities have been experiential, holistic, centering, diverse, and age-appropriate.&nbsp; The stories are great, and the activities deep and meaningful to our children.&nbsp; What a gift to finally have a curriculum for youth that finally resonates fully with the adults teaching it!&nbsp; Thanks so much for your hard work in making this curriculum available." ~Matt<br /><br /></p>
<p>"I&rsquo;m a former fundamentalist (Missionary Baptist) pastor.&nbsp; I left the pastorate and organized fundamentalism in 2000 and have been out of church since that time.&nbsp; I now know what I&rsquo;m looking for and I think this resource will help me find it.&nbsp; Thanks for the site."</p>
<p>"I just joined this group and am very pleased that I have done so. I have been looking for this type of group for quite a while. Finally I can communicate with folks who may be having similar experiences as me – born and raised in a "traditional" Baptist Church but questioning some of those traditions and trying to reconcile the actual events occuring and the cultural realities of modern society with the traditions and interpretations of scripture."</p>
<p class="normal">"Fred, <a href="https://www396.ssldomain.com/tcpc/library/article.cfm?library_id=915">your article</a> in the latest online journal was poignant and frightening and inspiring.&nbsp; It brought tears to my eyes.&nbsp; Thank you." ~David</p>
<p class="normal">"Fred, I really enjoyed "<a href="https://www396.ssldomain.com/tcpc/library/article.cfm?library_id=915">How Far Do We Go</a>."&nbsp; the "going" has been a bit rough these last few years, and you gave me strength." ~Candace</p>
<p class="normal">"Fred, Thanks for a great article, and for taking up your cross where you found it!!" ~Bob</p>
<p class="normal">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="normal"><strong>Winter 2010</strong></p>
<p class="normal"><br />"Discovering ProgressiveChristianity.org was one of the <strong>highlights of 2010</strong>; I share your belief that Jesus is wildly misunderstood, and I'm so grateful for people like you all, who are devoted to getting the real word out." ~Althea</p>
<p>&ldquo;This <a href="http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs043/1101597696012/archive/1104090505787.html">email </a>was one of the <strong>best Christmas presents</strong> I have ever received. So many GREAT articles, and the Creed was just the best I have ever read. Everything in the email speaks to me.&nbsp;&nbsp;I sent it to my minister, who said she would take&nbsp;the creed&nbsp;to the Worship committee!&nbsp; Many thanks. Keep up the good work. When will the mainline churches ever change??&rdquo; ~Bobbie</p>
<p class="normal"><strong>Fall 2010</strong></p>
<p class="normal">Many thanks for your wonderful <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/template/page.cfm?page_id=114">children's curriculum</a>. I'm in the process of reviewing it for the St Francis College – Roscoe Library, in Brisbane, <strong>Australia</strong>. I'm <strong>thoroughly enjoying the experience</strong> and wanted to know more of what you do! Cheers, Fiona &nbsp;<br /><br /></p>
<p>"Just heard from folks in my church using your <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/template/page.cfm?page_id=114">new Sunday School curriculum</a>.&nbsp; They love it!&nbsp; Not only is the <strong>theology great</strong>, but it is structured to make it <strong>easy for volunteers to use it</strong>.&nbsp; Congrats!"&nbsp; ~Tom</p>
<p class="normal">"As a pastor that doesn't quite fit into the "conservative" thinking of the area in which I live, I want to thank you for <strong>giving me hope</strong>! It's refreshing to know there are others out there that find the current state of our religion somthing less than desirable (to put it mildly). I look forward to <a href="http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs043/1101597696012/archive/1102044979146.html">reading more</a>."&nbsp; ~Rev James</p>
<p>It is strange to me but seems to be true, that addressing this issues of our day, seems to be heard as "politics" which many feel is not appropriate from the pulpit or in church discussions, even for many in our quite progressive Episcopalian congregation.&nbsp; <strong>They are afraid</strong> some will be offended and <strong>leave the church</strong>, which has been true in a very few cases. It is interesting however that some seem to be finding their way back, after trying other venues.&nbsp; How, I wonder, does one get the message across that <strong>peace </strong>and <strong> justice </strong>are the church's business, and that Jesus was very political about these issues in his time?&nbsp; I'm learning that to teach this I have to be very patient — and I'm not a very patient person in this matter.&nbsp; Thanks again for your response.&nbsp; I enjoy the <a href="http://www.tcpc.org">web site</a> and find it <strong>affirmative</strong>.&nbsp; Blessing and Peace, Christie</p>
<p>Hi Fred.&nbsp; It was such a joy to hear your&nbsp;hopeful&nbsp;suggestions&nbsp;on <a href="http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=101710289885481">Saturday</a>. The progressive movement already&nbsp;lives in my bones so your words washed over me like <strong>healing water</strong>. The affirmation and freedom that you brought to us (who are more progressive)&nbsp;and&nbsp;who&nbsp;live&nbsp;in the midst of&nbsp;a conservative-fundamental, sometimes hostile environment was well received&nbsp;and timely. Thank you.</p>
<p class="normal"><strong>Summer 2010</strong></p>
<p class="normal"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">From students at the Chaplaincy Institute in July re: Fred Plumers presentation:</span></p>
<p>The most valuable aspect of this class was Rev. Plumer's presence himself. He brought <strong>excellent research</strong> with him and I appreciated the presentation of that research immensely. It dovetailed so well with all the other information we were processing from other presentations and literature.</p>
<p>He <strong>clearly defined the "progressive Christian" movement</strong> for us and did not sidestep the difficult questions, including mine!</p>
<p>Fred was delightful to listen to and be with … also a wonderful, humble, <strong>compassionate</strong>, authentic presence.</p>
<p>Fred was great! He clearly stated his thesis and how he is working on bringing this to church consciousness around the country. For me personally, his ideas helped to shape my nascent practicum, <strong>praise be</strong>!</p>
<p>Likely the <strong>most exciting class of the entire module</strong>; this man holds the fate of Christianity in his hands. What a privilege to have heard him speak!</p>
<p class="normal" style="text-align: center;">~~~~~~~~~</p>
<p class="normal">"You have been providing those of us who have been floundering these past couple years with <strong>new energy and hope</strong>, and wonder of wonders, our small congregation is going for it." ~Joan</p>
<p class="normal">"Dear Fred, <strong>Your class</strong> was amazing! Our students were delighted to cross paths with you, even for a small window of time. Progressive Christianity so resonates with the <strong> interfaith </strong>paradigm that our seminarians are exploring. Your presentation brought many threads together, all running through the fabric of your lived experience. The afternoon that we shared with you was priceless, and will have many <strong>positive ripples</strong>. Thank you!"<br />-Rev. Jan Thomas, Program Director, The Chaplaincy Institute</p>
<p class="normal"><!– body{font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9pt;background-color: #ffffff;color: black;} –>"Hello Deshna,<br />I've been teaching children for many, many years.&nbsp; My teaching style is open, loving, flexible – a combination of many influences, Rudolf Steiner, Bev Bos, Miss Frizzle.&nbsp; <strong>I rarely find faith curriculum that is not condescending, stifling and controlled.&nbsp;</strong> I generally create my own lessons/activities, taking bits and pieces from various places.<strong>&nbsp; <a href="https://www396.ssldomain.com/tcpc/store/Results.cfm?category=21">Joyful Path</a> is different…&nbsp; loving, smart, uplifting, inspiring.&nbsp; Thank you!</strong> ~Love and light, Jodie,&nbsp; Minister to Children and Families"</p>
<p class="normal"><strong>Spring 2010</strong></p>
<p class="normal">Dear Fred, <br />I have been trying to re-connect with Christianity but have been thinking for about a year 'Take him off the Cross'. So <a href="http://www.abc.net.au/cgi-bin/common/player_launch.pl?s=rn/spiritofthings&amp;d=rn/spiritofthings/audio&amp;r=sot-2010-05-16.ram&amp;w=sot-2010-05-16.asx&amp;t=16%20May%202010&amp;p=1">your words</a> were like music to my ears!! I thought I couldn't call myself a Christian. I have studied comparative religion at Sydney Uni and am aware of the origins of much of the Christian 'myth'. I am an archaeologist and dream of one day finding original Biblical texts that can be translated straight into english. I look forward to learning more. <strong>I think 16th May was a turning point in my life. </strong>Regards/Linda</p>
<p><strong>Can anyone help?? "</strong>Hi, I live just outside of Jerusalem, I am a progressive christian, I have seached for affiliates in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey,etc. I have not found a single one! Is there any chance that you can point me in the right direction for some fellowship with likeminded people, be they progressive Muslims, Jews, or Christians.<strong>"</strong> <strong>email us <a href="mailto:center@tcpc.org">center@tcpc.org</a> if you can</strong></p>
<p><strong>February 2010</strong></p>
<p>It is always a joy to open and read the tcpc email.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This edition takes on what may well be the <a href="http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs043/1101597696012/archive/1103087309000.html">most emotionally charged issue</a> our society faces, at least the society in which I am enmeshed.</p>
<p>And may I say, may God continue to bless and guide TCPC for all you are doing in the world! I am so spiritually "hungry" for learning and a community, but I have come far enough in my journey that I now know it absolutely must take place in an inclusive environment. Someday I hope to find a church or group in our area where the members feel the same — but for now, reading books and finding <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/library/index.cfm">online resources</a> such as yours are feeding our souls. ~ Jessica, Pennsylvania.</p>
<p><strong>January 2010</strong></p>
<p>Fred,&nbsp; Your definition of "repent" and your closing paragraph are spot on — high points in a <a href="http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs043/1101597696012/archive/1102956892170.html">fine piece</a>.&nbsp; ~Tom</p>
<p>"My <strong>spirit literally leaped</strong> when I found your web site (it was recomended in one of our resources).&nbsp; There is <strong>hope</strong>!&nbsp; Shalom."&nbsp; ~W. Hargrave, Canada.</p>
<p><strong>December 2009</strong></p>
<p>Fred, A big thank you for some brilliant work in getting these talks together.&nbsp; We don't really need to go to church anymore for more of the stand-up sit-down&nbsp; yawn yawn scratch scratch stuff that we've been plagued with all these years. We now have TCPC. <strong>I am so stimulated and inspired.</strong> The quest for my spiritual destiny has never more been so real. Thanks a million." R. Halsey Spearweood, <strong>Australia</strong></p>
<p>"Your newsletter <strong>(<a href="http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs043/1101597696012/archive/1102044979146.html">eBulletin</a>) is like rain from heaven in an arid land</strong>." ~J. Barton</p>
<p>I had a terrible experience in church on the first Sunday in Advent, (<a href="http://www.beatitudessociety.org/beatitudes-posts/122-a-tough-lesson-learned-in-church">http://www.beatitudessociety.org/beatitudes-posts/122-a-tough-lesson-learned-in-church</a>) and it threw me into a tailspin about "what and how am I teaching my kids about faith?"&nbsp; As a progressive christian, <strong>I was stumped about how to *translate* the 8 points and Elnes' 13 Affirmations into something to tell kids.</strong>&nbsp; I wondered if there was anything out there and googling "progressive" "christian" children" "teach" (or something like that) I found news of TCPC's <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/template/page.cfm?page_id=114"><strong>Children's Curriculum</strong></a> project.&nbsp; <strong>Hallelujah</strong>!&nbsp; Thanks so much.&nbsp; Is it available for individuals?&nbsp; I will suggest it to our church, as well.&nbsp; Thanks, S. Borrett"</p>
<p>"THANK YOU for this website!&nbsp; I live in <strong>France </strong>where I have found several liberal churches, and this is where I feel I belong. I am fond of exploring my faith, of finding more information, sermons, articles about progressive theology. I love meditating on Christian issues and on the way we comprehend God. Unfortunately, when I looked at American christian websites, I could only find a very narrow-minded Christianity, claiming that they hold the Truth, and that anybody who thought in another way, who did not share their beliefs, was wrong and was not a Christian. Such an attitude can only fuel <strong>intolerance</strong>, which I believe is in stark contrast to the message of the Gospel. <strong>So when I came across your website, what a wonderful surprise!</strong> I am delighted to see some people actually <strong>open</strong> themselves to new horizons, and do not pretend to possess the Absolute Truth. So thank you for your commitment to this website, and may your message reach the millions! Sincerely, Florian"</p>
<p>"I teach children at Bryant Memorial Uniting Church in Busselton Western <strong>Australia </strong>(250kms south of Perth on the coast)&nbsp; I am really looking forward to this <strong><a href="http://www.tcpc.org/template/page.cfm?page_id=114">curriculum</a></strong>.&nbsp; I have been struggling to develop ideas of my own with a group of primary school aged children who come from mainly very at risk backgrounds.&nbsp; So, I am waiting with a great deal of anticipation for this new curriculum." ~M. Hodge (Community Minister – retired)&nbsp;</p>
<p>"Thanks so much for what you and the others at TCPC are doing to <strong>promote the cause of Progressive Christianity</strong>, and assist pastors and churches in our ongoing efforts to grow in progressive faith.&nbsp; Can't wait to see the <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/template/page.cfm?page_id=114"><strong>new children's curriculum!</strong></a>&nbsp; Also, our church is in the midst of some major restructuring of organization, ministry and programs.&nbsp; We are using Bruce Sanguin's book,<a href="https://www396.ssldomain.com/tcpc/store/Details.cfm?ProdID=447"><strong> The Emerging Church</strong></a>, as our primary model.&nbsp; Thanks a bunch, and have a Merry Christmas." Rev. Dr. Mike Holland, Pastor, Church of the Foothills</p>
<p>"My child is one of about three at our tiny Episcopal church in Texas. We are enlightened but <strong>there is an abundance of dull, simplistic, vapid curriculum for children which i believe tends to alienate children.</strong> I am thrilled that you are finishing this project–the <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/template/page.cfm?page_id=114"><strong>topics </strong></a>look absolutely dynamic."&nbsp; ~E. Hodges</p>
<p>"I am thrilled you are developing a <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/template/page.cfm?page_id=114"><strong>progressive Christian curriculum</strong></a> for our kids.&nbsp; I am currently chairing our Family Live Ministry and a program like the one you are developing would be awesome! Any information about what you are doing would be very welcome.&nbsp; Sincerely, A. Colby"</p>
<p>"Please keep me updated on the creation and availability of the <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/template/page.cfm?page_id=114"><strong>inclusive children's curriculum</strong></a> that you are producing.&nbsp; I am often lamenting that there is not enough resources out there to teach our children and youth a more progressive and open form of Christianity.&nbsp; <strong>Why wait until we're adults?</strong>&nbsp; Thanks so much!" B. Steiner</p>
<p>"Someone recently called out the "emerging church" as a cult, recently in my presence on an internet forum I frequent. This person stated that people are questioning the Christian faith and attempting to "re-write" Christianity itself.<br /> I responded… do you mean the <strong>Progressive </strong>movement? Because I am a Progressive Christian, and proud of it… and I personally have no intentions of re-writing Christianity… but rather, the progressive movement for me is about getting back to what Christianity should be, at it's core. <strong>A movement of acceptance, love, tolerance, beauty, peace, and uniqueness under God.</strong> These things are often thrown out of the Christian mainstream churches of today, in favor of intolerance, judgment, and sometimes even hate — a place where people are controlled by other people's way of thinking. I'd call -that- a cult before anything else.&nbsp; I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for finding TCPC. <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/DirectorySearch/search.cfm"><strong>I worship in a progressive community because of TCPC</strong></a> (<strong>I found my church through TCPC)</strong>, I've <strong>discovered I'm not alone</strong> through TCPC, and I've even launched a website (<a href="http://www.reclaiming-god.com/" target="_blank">http://www.reclaiming-god.com/</a>) outlining my personal beliefs (I'm not a scholar — just a woman with views that I believe matter)…. I can't thank TCPC nearly enough for just existing. I believe Progressive Christianity is the future of the Christian faith. Long live progress, always &hearts;" ~A. Siemens</p>
<p>"Dear Friends,&nbsp; I wish You Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.&nbsp; Life is easier with liberal Christianity, It learns to think.&nbsp; Your supporter from <strong>Europe Poland</strong>."&nbsp; Krzysztof (Christopher) Kezwon.</p>
<p><strong>Further Back…</strong></p>
<p>"The <a href="http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs043/1101597696012/archive/1102708173260.html">September 2009 piece</a> (Religion and Science in Progressive Christianity) is <strong>outstanding</strong>, it's layout, graphics and most especially the articles. Keep up the good work." ~Alan, South Carolina</p>
<p>&nbsp;"I also have been one who asked questions about issues of faith that others could not answer. I have come to delight in the quest. It is almost as though the answer does not matter as long as I remain in the quest. Well, that is incidental to the purpose of this note. Please accept my appreciation for your opening comments in the <strong><a href="http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs043/1101597696012/archive/1102587960216.html">eBulletin</a></strong>. I know very little about Buddhism, save reading a few books about it. <strong>You have raised some wonderful issues I believe worth my exploring further. Thank you.</strong>" ~"John David"</p>
<p>"<strong>Your <a href="/library/article.cfm?library_id=581">article on change</a> just made me so happy</strong>! Honestly, I'm constantly<br />persecuted by my super conservative christian family, mostly my<br />grandparents, for listening to certain music or being friends with gay<br />people, they even go as far to say because of these things I can't possibly<br />be a Christian. But I've felt in my heart all this time, that I do have a<br />personal relationship with God, but I don't feel like to help others we<br />should damn them. I've felt like a closet Christian for a while, because<br />when you tell people your a Christian they automatically expect you to be<br />like George Bush or to wear skirts past your knees, and only listen to<br />Christian music. And with those expectations I'd look like a hyprocrite. So<br />recently I've been trying to explain to people that I'm not religious. I'm<br />spiritual. I have a personal relationship with God, and I believe in him and<br />all he wants us to do. We need to change this world. Not just sit back and<br />condemn everyone. Thats ridiculous. <strong>And your article just made me feel so<br />much better, because now I don't feel alone. I feel like other people<br />understand where I'm coming from, and it gives me great peace.</strong>&nbsp; Thank you so much,&nbsp; Jessica a 20 yr old college student "&nbsp; 2/22/09</p>
<p><strong>Your article on "<a href="/library/article.cfm?library_id=581">Change</a> " was AWESOME!</strong> I'm 59, so I do understand how many of your seatmates found the presentation weird but, as you say, the fundamental message is that you have to meet people where they are in their journey. Fascinating. Thank you so much. " Margie&nbsp; 2/20/2009</p>
<p>"<strong>Your organization makes a difference </strong>in the lives of people within the community and in the world.&nbsp; Please know that we support your mission." Renaissance Unity</p>
<p>"<strong>For many months, I have been inspired by your site</strong>.&nbsp; I am so grateful to this congregation for their decision to support you.&nbsp; Thank you for all your hard work.&nbsp; May we go forward together with honesty and courage."&nbsp; A UCC church in TN.</p>
<p>"Thank you for the many ways that your work has enriched our lives.&nbsp; Two years ago, we found a wonderful new church, because of its <a href="http://www.tcpc.org/members/affiliate_page.cfm">affiliation with TCPC</a>.&nbsp; This has been an amazing blessing!&nbsp; <strong>We can finally be a part of a worship community where we fit."&nbsp; </strong></p>
<p>"<strong>After receiving your eBulletin, we felt like we had taken a shower on the inside</strong>. The printed materials from your website become exciting reading to our study groups. We have come to the point of requesting you to make a visit to our study groups. We are sure you will be great blessing to the work of <strong>TCPC Kenya</strong>."</p>
<p>"Thanks for all the work you all are doing. When I first came back to the church a few years ago (after 35 years of disdaining organized Christianity) <strong>your organization gave me hope – allowed me to go forward on my journey in more peace</strong>. So thank you for all of that – as well as your most thoughtful reply."</p>
<p>"<strong>TCPC has been a light in my life</strong>; I'm so glad I discovered you relatively recently. Thank you for all you do. <strong>I couldn't make a better investment, right</strong>?"</p>
<p><strong>"Finding your site has been the single most exciting discovery of the past year for me."</strong></p>
<p>"I'm a former Graduate Theological Union student who graduated from the University of Chicago Divinity School, where I worked with Martin Marty. Raised in a very conservative family, <strong>my intellectual quest set me on a course to make sense of the nexus between mind and faith; between tradition and new knowledge.</strong> I could find no one within the mainline tradition at that time who really grasped what I was talking about."</p>
<p>"<strong>I appreciate your insightful articles</strong>. <strong> They have been so helpful to me as I talk with my country (rural) neighbors and friends who are confused and distressed by the disarray in their various churches' lives.</strong> You give me gentle tools to be used to help them understand their heart beliefs and to learn to ask for what they need from their churches (they don't always get it!). So THANK YOU!&nbsp; You make a difference in my life."</p>

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When Gaspar Went Missing – A Commentary for Twelfth Night

It has long been a family tradition to mark the days of Advent and Christmastide seasons with the wood-carved characters appearing in our little crèche one by one, week after week, like unfolding scenes in a two-act drama. But the year one of the three wise men was nowhere to be found when it came for him to enter stage left not only got me wondering about his whereabouts, but what he could have possibly been up to.  Such speculation, I would suggest, may be no less credible than Matthew’s fanciful, retrospective tale.

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Curriculum Endorsements and Testimonials

<p style="text-align: center;"><img title="Mundorff-artist" src="../images/photo/graphics/goodness cropped 3.jpg" alt="Mundorff- artist" width="450" height="207" /></p>
<p class="h3"><strong>Visit our store to see our packages and for more information our on our children's curriculum. <a href="https://www396.ssldomain.com/tcpc/store/Results.cfm?category=21">Click HERE.</a></strong></p>
<p><strong><span class="h3">Summer Sale 20% off from June 21st-July 31st!</span></strong></p>
<p><span class="h1">Endorsements</span></p>
<p class="h3"><strong>"The great need in the Christian church is for a Sunday school curriculum for children that does not equate faith with having a pre-modern mind.&nbsp; The Center for Progressive Christianity has produced just that.&nbsp; Teachers can now teach children in Sunday school without crossing their fingers.&nbsp; </strong><strong>I endorse it wholeheartedly."&nbsp; </strong><strong>~John Shelby Spong (Author, Jesus for the Non-Religious)</strong></p>
<p><strong><span class="h3">"At last, Sunday School lessons for which no apology is necessary." ~James R. Adams, Author of <em>So You Think You're Not Religious </em>and <em>From Literal to Literacy.</em></span></strong></p>
<p class="h3">&ldquo;In contrast to the fear-based approach of both the evangelical and mainline curricula, <strong><em>A Joyful Path</em></strong> lives up to its name and nurtures the kind of carefree, faith filled attitude that we find so evident in the&nbsp;teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. &nbsp;&nbsp;Using a theme driven curriculum rather than a lectionary based curriculum, the designers of <strong><em>A Joyful Path</em></strong> have based their lesson plans on a set of spiritual values rather than an arbitrary list of&nbsp;bible stories&nbsp;that have no coherent message.&nbsp; The central idea for each lesson is expressed as an affirmation and a verse from the Bible.&nbsp; Each lesson illustrates the main learning with a story, gleaning from the Bible, biographies, legends of saints, and folktales from a variety of cultures.&nbsp; The illustrations are beautiful and inclusive in their depiction of race and socio-economic differences.&nbsp; Evangelical <em>Discipleland</em> offers to build obedient children. <em>Seasons of the Spirit</em> offers to create informed children. But only <strong><em>A Joyful Path</em></strong><em> </em>offers children the opportunity to learn the core values of following the way of Jesus as they grow into an understanding of what that means at each stage of their lives.&nbsp; It is fun, interactive, hope-filled, and encourages children to see themselves as interconnected to all, preparing them for a life time of compassion and love for others. It is a &ldquo;breath of fresh air&rdquo; ~Rev. Madison Shockley</p>
<p><span class="h3">"I enjoy the curricullum especially because it is scripturally based and uses the spiritual essence of scripture not the literal which is easy for young minds and hearts to comprehend. I am especially impressed with how it teaches children deep respect for all faiths and all of God's creations including our precious mother earth. <strong>It is also easily adapted to all types of learning styles and a variety of age ranges and can easily be facilitated by teachers with alot of or very little classroom experience.</strong>" Rev. Lauri Gist, </span><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"><span class="h3">Senior Minister, Unity of Citrus County</span></span></p>
<p class="h3">"We have used the material for an entire year and now we're starting over again!&nbsp; It's so easy to teach Sunday School with such detailed and thoughtful lessons.&nbsp; As the <strong>Christian Education representative</strong> for our church, I love having Sunday School material that the teachers can use effectively.&nbsp; As a Sunday School <strong>teacher</strong>, I love that it provides the teacher with ample space for reflection.&nbsp; You are really able to think and embody the lesson prior to teaching it.&nbsp; As a <strong>parent</strong>, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the progressive/joyful/inclusive/nature-inspired/loving message that my children are hearing in Sunday School.&nbsp; <strong>There is no other material out there that compares – I've looked!</strong>&nbsp; Thank you for your dedication to our children.&nbsp; It is so important to me that they learn a new message – one that is filled with the ideas found in A Joyful Path." ~Tara Flannery, Plymouth United Church, Spring TX</p>
<p><span class="h2">Testimonials and Quotes</span></p>
<p>&ldquo;Yes, we have enjoyed using the curriculum with its God Centeredness and Wisdom Images!&nbsp; It matches our worship and lived theology as community!&rdquo; ~Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church</p>
<p>"Some feedback about how "A Joyful Path" has been working thus far at the Eliot Church in Year one- great!&nbsp; The activities have been experiential, holistic, centering, diverse, and age-appropriate.&nbsp; The stories are great, and the activities deep and meaningful to our children.&nbsp; What a gift to finally have a curriculum for youth that finally resonates fully with the adults teaching it!&nbsp; Thanks so much for your hard work in making this curriculum available." ~Matt</p>
<p>"We love "A Joyful Path" and have had a wonderful first year using your curriculum in our Children's Ministry program.&nbsp; Thank you for providing this excellent resource!" ~Lynn, Director of Worship &amp; Music, Holy Wisdom Monastery</p>
<p>"The Curriculum is wonderful- we at the Pitt St Uniting Church here in Sydney, Australia- are proud to use it. Best of all to you and your dear dedicated team- for 2011 and beyond- we look forward to more of the marvelous teaching material over the next while." ~Isobel</p>
<p>"I direct Children's Ministries&nbsp; at Lord of the Mountains in Silverthorne, Co.&nbsp;I and 7 other teachers are all raving about your year 1 of this series." ~Darlene</p>
<p>"I&rsquo;ve got my church using your children&rsquo;s curriculum and I hear it&rsquo;s going really well. I love it, personally. And we also love the ButterflyFish albums we found through your <br /> website." ~Shannon</p>
<p>"We are using the new children's curriculum this fall and my teachers are thrilled. They love the affirmations, stories and activities but most of all the theology." ~Sue, Christian Ed Director in NE</p>
<p>"Many thanks for your wonderful children's curriculum. I'm in the process of reviewing it for the St Francis College – Roscoe Library, in Brisbane, Australia. I'm thoroughly enjoying the experience and wanted to know more of what you do! Cheers." ~Fiona&nbsp;</p>
<p>"We started using this at our Quaker Meeting this year and love it. It's beautiful, engaging, and healthy. I'm so grateful and hopeful for more to come in the future." ~Sheila</p>
<p>"Just heard from folks in my church using your new Sunday School curriculum.&nbsp; They love it!&nbsp; Not only is the theology great, but it is structured to make it easy for volunteers to use it.&nbsp; Congrats!"&nbsp; ~Tom</p>
<p>"I am really excited about the Sunday school curriculum that we just got. I must be, as it woke me up at 6am on my day to sleep in! I woke up thinking about the affirmations. I'd like to see us share these with the rest of our community. That way the adults in our community can… think about the affirmation, maybe meditate or journal about it…" ~Tory</p>
<p>"Hello Deshna, I've been teaching children for many, many years.&nbsp; My teaching style is open, loving, flexible – a combination of many influences, Rudolf Steiner, Bev Bos, Miss Frizzle.&nbsp; I rarely find faith curriculum that is not condescending, stifling and controlled.&nbsp; I generally create my own lessons/activities, taking bits and pieces from various places.&nbsp; Joyful Path is different…&nbsp; loving, smart, uplifting, inspiring.&nbsp; Thank you! ~Love and light, Jodie,&nbsp; Minister to Children and Families"</p>
<p>"I had a terrible experience in church on the first Sunday in Advent, and it threw me into a tailspin about "what and how am I teaching my kids about faith?"&nbsp; As a progressive christian, I was stumped about how to *translate* the 8 points and Elnes' 13 Affirmations into something to tell kids.&nbsp; I wondered if there was anything out there and googling "progressive" "christian" children" "teach" (or something like that) I found news of TCPC's Children's Curriculum project.&nbsp; Hallelujah!&nbsp; Thanks so much.&nbsp; Is it available for individuals?&nbsp; I will suggest it to our church, as well.&nbsp; Thanks, S. Borrett"</p>
<p>"I teach children at Bryant Memorial Uniting Church in Busselton Western Australia (250kms south of Perth on the coast)&nbsp; I am really looking forward to this curriculum.&nbsp; I have been struggling to develop ideas of my own with a group of primary school aged children who come from mainly very at risk backgrounds.&nbsp; So, I am waiting with a great deal of anticipation for this new curriculum." ~M. Hodge (Community Minister – retired)</p>
<p>"I am thrilled you are developing a progressive Christian curriculum for our kids.&nbsp; I am currently chairing our Family Live Ministry and a program like the one you are developing would be awesome! Any information about what you are doing would be very welcome.&nbsp; Sincerely,&nbsp; A. Colby"</p>
<p>"Please keep me updated on the creation and availability of the inclusive children's curriculum that you are producing.&nbsp; I am often lamenting that there is not enough resources out there to teach our children and youth a more progressive and open form of Christianity.&nbsp; Why wait until we're adults?&nbsp; Thanks so much!" ~B. Steiner</p>

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A Joyful Path Children’s Curriculum, Year Two!

We have begun our Year Two Project! With over 300 groups using A Joyful Path, Year One, with only positive results, we’ve had a lot of inquiries lately as to when the second year of A Joyful Path, is coming out. We are pleased to announce that, thanks to a recent, generous donation, we are now ready to begin A Joyful Path, Year Two! We are committed to continuing the high level of scholarship, creativity, and quality found in A Joyful Path, Year One, so we are not expecting to have Year Two ready until Spring of 2013.

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A Joyful Path for Teachers

Welcome Teachers! We value your feedback!  Please take some time to email us at contact@archive.progressivechristianity.org to let us know how the curriculum is working in your community! Join in the discussion on our Support Forum Page for …

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