Sadly, The Bible is the Problem

There is no question that the voices of marginalized people are found in the Bible if you look carefully. The New Testament also presents a picture of a beautiful man who talked about a God of love and forgiveness and who urged his followers to create communities that practiced nonviolence, inclusion, and the pursuit of social and economic justice.

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You Are Incomparable!

So why do we persist in comparing ourselves to others? And suffering the frustration that results?

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First married and black gay couple to receive AARP award

When AARP Massachusetts was looking to honor the state’s top volunteer, Paul’s and Charles’s names rose to the top. They have made a difference in the lives around them, sharing their knowledge, experience, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of our community.

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Why Christians Must Speak Out Against Christian Nationalism

I am deeply concerned about the rise of Christian nationalism in this country. I say this not just as a Christian but as the president of Pacific School of Religion (PSR), a progressive Christian seminary founded in 1866.

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kNOw Justice, kNOw Peace!

Does Jesus really mean we must love our neighbor? And who is our neighbor?

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An Important Lesson in the Israel/ Hamas War:

You can't live with a spirit of revenge for past wrongs; you have to live with hope for the possibilities of the future

Let’s assume that a chance for peace still exists on the other side of the current Israeli/ Hamas war.  By no means a sure thing, but we have to hope. 

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Pontiff’s synod is not with the times

The polarization we see in society is also reflected in the Church.

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The Power of Mystical Poetry

The mystic seeks direct experience of the divine to explore its perceptual, emotional, and metaphysical nature. For the mystic, the entire universe is conscious and alive, saturated by an all-encompassing eternal and loving Presence.

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My Robot, My Self

on AI, religion, and

What I am saying is that if we are not looking at the whole reality of being human, the good the bad and the embarrassing, then we simply will not have the wisdom to know how to make use of, them in, or regulate AI.

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The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Historical Jesus – Part 2

The second in the series that looks at the life of Jesus.

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Falling into darkness … and, finding ourselves

    It has been so hard to watch the events unfolding in Gaza and not fall into the ease of a hardline approach on one side or the other of any one particular event before having …

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The Church Repressed Critical Teachings of Jesus

Some of the most important aspects of Jesus teachings were repressed from the beginning. The Hebrews started the repression. The Roman Catholic Church expanded it. And by and large the Protestants followed.

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Smile, You’re a Progressive Christian!

You get no racism, no sexism, no homophobia, no classism…no negative stuff at all from Progressive Christians. You get positive people doing positive things.

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Why Retired Clergy Lose Faith and Leave Church

I belong to a support group of seven retired mainline clergypersons. Six of the seven no longer affirm historic, creedal, orthodox, traditional theology.

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What Our Politics Tells Us About the Christian Religion

It is now possible to answer the question of why Christians should engage in politics. The answer is simple: God is calling on them to do so with the whisper thoughts that float through their awareness

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This is Torah

I’m currently sitting in the 10+-year-old chair, listening to the sounds of rain on the top of the tent, and writing the words that will turn into this very article you are currently reading. It is my tradition to spend the evening and the day of Yom Kippur in a tent.

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The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Historical Jesus – Part 1

Getting the Story Straight

This is the first in a series that looks at the life of Jesus and contrasts the story that has come down through the ages with what probably really happened.

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The Power of Evil and the Cult of Donald Trump

As the persona of Donald Trump continues to dominate our public lives, increasingly, we have become aware of the cult of personality that has risen up in his shadow.  To be sure, it has evolved over time, but its existence as a cult cannot be denied. 

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