The Underground Church: Reclaiming the Subversive Way of Jesus

A new way to follow Jesus that draws on old ways of following Him

The Underground Church proposes that the faithful recapture the spirit of the early church with its emphasis on what Christians do rather than what they believe. Prominent progressive writer, speaker, and minister Robin Meyers proposes that the best way to recapture the spirit of the early Christian church is to recognize that Jesus-following was and must be again subversive in the best sense of the word because the gospel taken seriously turns the world upside down.

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Religion in Human Evolution

Religion in Human Evolution is a work of extraordinary ambition—a wide-ranging, nuanced probing of our biological past to discover the kinds of lives that human beings have most often imagined were worth living. It offers what is frequently seen as a forbidden theory of the origin of religion that goes deep into evolution, especially but not exclusively cultural evolution.

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The Apostle Paul and Post-Traumatic Stress: From Woundedness to Wholeness

The Apostle Paul and Post-Traumatic Stress is an interdisciplinary study utilizing both religion and psychology, with perceptions grounded in personal experience.
Academically, Robert Collie s Doctor of Theology is in the field of Religion and the Personality Sciences. Professionally, he is a Diplomate ® in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Personally, his experience with the post traumatic comes out of a face-to-fang encounter with a rattlesnake.

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The Road From Empire to Eco-Democracy

An examination of Social Awakenment, History-Long Vision, Holistic Social Understanding & Strategies of Transformation as viewed by five United States citizens in 2011. Though vast changes are necessary, we believe humanity can find a vision and plan of action that is both satisfying and realistic. Our aim is to fertilize the fruitful imagination and courage it will require to walk this Road to Eco-Democracy.

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Jacob’s Dream

A Christian Inquiry into Spirit Realization

This book is about coming home to Reality as movement from identification with our personality habits to identification with our essential Spirit nature of Trust, Love, and Freedom. The enneagram analysis of personalities is used to assist us in our Spirit journey. Also described is the role that community plays in the Christian nurture of our solitary journey. We recommend Jacob’s Dream as both a devotional book for solitary time and a study book for small group life.

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The Call of the Awe

Rediscovering Christian Profundity in an Interreligious Era

Why do we do religion? Religion appears in human life because every human being, even if not fully aware of it, lives in a land of mystery with rushing rivers of freedom, imposing mountains of care, and wild seas of tranquility. This land of mystery penetrates the land of ordinary living at every point. Awe is our experience of this ever-present Eternity.This book is about how the Awe that is happening in our everyday lives is key to understanding both the renewal of Christianity and the need for non-bigoted dialogue among all religions on Earth.

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Jesus Through Pagan Eyes

Bridging Neopagan Perspectives with a Progressive Vision of Christ

Whether you envision Jesus as an ascended master, a human teacher, or a mythic god-man, this remarkable book will introduce you to a Jesus who fits fully into the Pagan imagination.

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What Jesus Didn’t Say

Gerd Ludemann flips the coin and focuses on the inauthentic words of Jesus not only those thought to be clear inventions, but also sayings that exhibit noteworthy alterations to their original form and intent.

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The New Testament: An Analytical Approach

Davies does not presuppose students knowledge of biblical text or points of view, and he carefully explains topics such as how New Testament authors selected, edited and embellished sources to address concerns raised by their various communities.

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New American Bible: Revised Edition

The New American Bible revised edition is more than a mere Bible translation. Authorized by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the New American Bible seeks to provide the best resource for understanding the church’s sacred Scripture.

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The Christian Pluralist

an invitation from the pew

The authors address many of the theological issues that disturb and alienate so many lay people. How shall we make sense of the problematic passages of the Bible, taking scripture seriously without taking it literally? What do we mean by “truth”? Who or what do we mean by the word “God”? To what degree can we have any certainty about God’s will and purpose? How can we reconcile the roles of scripture and tradition with our best lights from science and social progress? How can we be fully and authentically Christian without claiming our religion to be superior to others?

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Skeptic in the House of God

Kelley believes that there are far more people like himself outside of the Church than in it: men and women who find modern urban life a “sterile, isolating experience,” but who have a questioning approach to all religious issues, and a struggle with how to maintain intellectual integrity in the face of dogma.

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Hungers of the Heart

Hungers of the Heart is written especially for persons who tend to be “turned off” by organized religion, but want to develop a deeper personal spiritual life.

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The Phoenix Affirmations: A New Vision for the Future of Christianity

The Phoenix Affirmations, named for the town in which the principles were created and the mythological bird adopted by ancient Christians as a symbol of resurrection, offers disillusioned and spiritually homeless Christians and others a sense of hope and a more tolerant, joyful, and compassionate message than those we often hear from the media and some Christian leaders.

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Darwin, Divinity, and the Dance of the Cosmos

In Darwin and Divinity…, Sanguin has provided a new and exciting paradigm for thinking Christians and spiritual seekers alike. He has provided a basis for a deep theological shift, a fresh cosmology and a new way of perceiving our reality based on excellent scholarship, both scientific and biblical. And he has done that in a very readable way that is open to anyone who yearns to learn. It is on top of our recommended reading list. ~Fred C. Plumer President

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The Dishonest Church

The conflict between an academic and a popular version of Christianity is the divide which exists between the clergy and the laity. It is his conviction that this divide threatens the “core of the church’s mission” and is a major cause of the loss of membership among the mainline Protestant churches.

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A Heretics Guide To Eternity

“Some Christians have the ability to make you want to be a Christian just by being who they are. They make the gospel alive, real, healing, and utterly attractive. I think Spencer Burke is just one of those people. In his writings he shares himself and his vision” -Fr. Richard Rohr, Center for Action and Contemplation, Albuquerque, New Mexico

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Journey of the Universe

In Journey of the Universe Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker tell the epic story of the universe from an inspired new perspective, weaving the findings of modern science together with enduring wisdom found in the humanistic traditions of the West, China, India, and indigenous peoples.

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