Book Review: God Can’t by Thomas Jay Oord

If God is love, then suffering and evil aren’t God’s fault.  Love attracts but doesn’t force, doesn’t compel.

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The Human Calling: Three Thousand Years of Eastern and Western Philosophical History

The Human Calling is a vigorously researched and profoundly spiritual narrative history of the world’s religious movements as they relate to society’s collective understanding of the duties they have to fellow people and looks ahead to what lessons from history can be applied as people navigate a technological age.

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Why Meditate? A Review of Mindful Christianity by Jim Burklo

Burklo’s book refocuses Christianity away from doctrine and belief to knowing God through mindful practice and the compassionate action that follows from an enlarged perspective.

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Meaningful Messages: On Your Journey

Meaningful Messages has been created to help you to find a sense of calm and contentment.

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Christ and the Multiverse

Following Jesus in Our Wild, Infinite Creation

How can we possibly find our purpose if everything that can happen does happen? See how Jesus is more relevant than ever in the dizzying, infinite multiverse.

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The Worship of Mystery

Awarded BOOK OF THE YEAR in the category of Speculative Fiction by the Bisexual Writers’ Association! Four chaplaincy students attend a mysterious alien ritual. Four lives are shattered beyond recognition…

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Setting God Free

Moving Beyond the Caricature We've Created in Our Own Image

How are we supposed to worship a deity who wantonly slaughters innocents to assuage His own bloodthirsty rage? Thank the loving God revealed in the pages of Setting God Free that Seán ÓLaoire has finally unpacked the horror show known as “the difficult passages” of the Bible, giving readers access to a cosmology built not on canonical scripture alone, but also on science, spirituality, and personal experience.

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I Love the Church, I Hate the Church: Paradox or Contradiction?

Bob LaRochelle has had a lot of experience with different churches. Raised a Roman Catholic, he was ordained a Permanent Deacon in that church. After a period of intense soul-searching, he left the Catholic Church and embarked on a career in ordained Protestant ministry.

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Practicing Mental Illness

Meditation, Movement and Meaningful Work to Manage Challenging Moods

Practicing Mental Illness is a guide to using meditation, movement and meaningful work to help manage affective disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety. Not a typical book on mindfulness, it acknowledges where mindfulness practices as taught today can be helpful, and where methods and teachings in popular mindfulness can be very damaging to people with mental illness.

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Matthew Fox: Essential Writings on Creation Spirituality

Selected with an Introduction by Charles Burack

In his Introduction to Matthew Fox, Dr. Burack recounts the life and influences that helped form Fox’s outlook and spirituality, from the medieval mystic Meister Eckhart to 20th century Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. The book then presents selections from all Fox’s major works.

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Confronting Christofascism: Healing the Evangelical Wound

Will democracy in America prevail, or will it be usurped by a confluence of fascism and evangelical Christianity?

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Soul Journeys

Christian Spirituality and Shamanism as Pathways for Wholeness and Understanding

What can Christianity learn from Shamanism? What can Shamanism learn from Christianity? The conversation starts here…

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Wisdom Circles

A Guide to Self-Discovery and Community Building in Small Groups

Wisdom Circles shows readers how to form their own wisdom circles with friends and community members based on ten simple guidelines.

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What I Have Come To Believe

From conservative evangelical to theological liberal, the spiritual journey of retired South Carolina United Methodist pastor the Rev. Arthur H. Holt has evolved over the years. Here, Holt explores his theology, reflecting on everything from abortion, science, sexuality, and the End Times to sin, the spirit, and the Bible.

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A Faith of Their Own

In A Faith of Their Own, longtime youth worker Nathan Wheeler looks at an as-yet-unexplored possibility: theology. Wheeler examines what theology we commonly teach in our youth ministries, often by default more than intention, and how that theology can be inadvertently detrimental to the church participation of younger generations.

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Practicing Spirituality in Winter

A month's worth of practices to explore the many moods and meanings of winter, including its pristine beauty and its many opportunities for playfulness.

The great Christian monk Thomas Merton once compared the spiritual life to the search for a path in a field of untrodden snow: “Walk across the snow and there is your path.”

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Tragic Investment: How Race Sabotages Communities and Jeopardizes America’s Future and What We Can Do about It

America’s investment in race and racial oppression was central to its early years as a nation – a theme that dates back to Europe’s earliest colonial efforts in the Western Hemisphere.

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Introducing Christian Ethics: Core Convictions for Christians Today

“A comprehensive one-stop manual on what it means to live Christianly.” – Peter Enns, author of The Bible Tells Me So

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