When I Pray

When I pray I feel more deeply;
Reaching out with thanks and praise;
When I pray I think more deeply;
Pondering life’s puzzling maze;

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Worship Materials: Pilgrimage

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

1. Evolution is a law of life not just of biology.
2. Only the mystery is permanent. All other apparent permanence is illusion.

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Migration Hymn

Idyllic beaches break the waves
as bathers line the shore
This view of peace is now disturbed:
an aftermath of war.

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Election Hymn

If we claim to love our neighbour
while the hungry queue for food,
are we prey to self deception?
Is perception quite so crude?

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Worship Materials: Justice and Peace

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

THEME Dreams and Harsh Reality

For the rich poverty is obscene. For the poor wealth is obscene. For God both are obscene.

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Worship Materials: Worship, Mystery and Our Cosmic Setting

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

THEME: The unravelling that relates everything to each other.

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Worship Materials: Ecology, Caring for the Earth

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

1. The earth may be our mother but we can be her mid¬wife or her funeral director.
2. Nature is a web of interdependency not a series of separate hierarchical layers.

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God’s Resurrection Way

I look about, and when I do, I see the wond’rous sight
Of the cycles of the cosmos, changing darkness into light;
When I ponder on this miracle, I’m swamped with great delight;
God’s resurrection way!

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Worship Materials: Ascension

From the Festive Worship collection

1. In the beyond lies the everywhere, in the within dwells our heaven.
2. The only heaven God lives in is the heaven that is everywhere; for God is not limited to any time or space, but is present in all equally.

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Worship Materials: Easter

From the Festive Worship collection

1. Easter is the festival of the irrepressible God whom not even death can contain.
2. Most of us would prefer a cozy God to a God who shatters our complacency. Yet Easter is about a God who bursts tombs of the familiar, the ordinary and the mediocre.

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Not Without Courage

Moving further into the Inspired by Hollywood series, we went to see the movie Selma. What a powerful film and so timely. That black men are still twenty-one times more likely to be killed by police than white men* in America is staggering and the media’s attention, drawn to this truth by the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, has drawn our attention, too. Watching Selma brought home the shameful truth that in far too many places, racism still rules the streets.

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Worship Materials: Holy Saturday

From the Festive Worship collection

There is no Easter without making one’s peace with the dead and with the forces of destruction that lurk within the human psyche.

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Worship Materials: Good Friday

From the Festive Worship collection

When love and hatred engage in mortal conflict it is love which suffers most; but love has the final victory.

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To You, O God, We Offer

From the Boundless Life collection

To You, O God, we offer
Our life force and its power,
Your liveliness within us,
Our spirit’s fragrant flow’r.

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Worship Materials: Maundy Thursday

From the Festive Worship collection

The mystery of the Eucharist (Holy Communion, Mass) is only fully perceived when all flesh is seen as embodying both the suffering and the delight of God.

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Worship Materials: Palm Sunday

From the Festive Worship collection

The events of Holy Week reveal the complexity of human nature – of how loyalty and treachery, callousness and tenderness can live side by side in people’s hearts.

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God the One forever making

From the Boundless Life collection

God the One forever making
All the old into the new,
Source of all creative passion
Found in each emerging view,

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From the womb of Mother Earth

From the Boundless Life collection

From the womb of Mother Earth
We are brought by God to birth
With creative tenderness
Through God’s loving life caress.

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