Praise God whose breath fills all the earth
Whose love reveals our sacred worth
When Man from Eden new-cast out then tore at Earth and ripped
Her coal and iron, her oil and gold, his melancholy tipped
The world toward devastated blight, toward envy, hatred, wars.
They turned sweet hills to desert wastes and pocked the Earth with sores.
A bloody cross, a cold stone grave,
A gentle man no one could save
Beginning with the traditional opening from Charles Wesley, this moves into a progressive Christian expression of resurrection.
Christ the Lord is risen today – Alleluia!
Mortal tongues and angels say: – Alleluia!
We walk in silence while the earth
Quivers and cracks beneath our feet
Eternal Love, your grace we praise
Which shapes and comforts all our days,
Evolves the world we know.
Lo! Christ is with us, risen from the tomb;
Love for one another, conquers hopeless doom;
Let the church with gladness, hymns of joy now sing:
For with Christ arisen, death hath lost its sting.
We are guardians for the people,
called by God to care and serve
acting out the love of neighbour,
giving all without reserve.
May Love Divine fill all our hearts, our bodies, minds and souls.
Let’s love our neighbours as ourselves as Spirit makes us whole.
Praise God who calls us on from here,
Praise Christ whose presence calms our fear,
Praise Holy Spirit in our lives,
God calls and leads and through us thrives. Amen.
Praise God whose light fills all the earth
Whose love we see in Jesus’ birth
Praise God for gifts of hope and peace
Praise God for gifts of joy and love
Praise God for sending Christ to dwell
On earth for us – Emmanuel. Amen.
Slightly religious, God without boundaries, wanderer, traveller, ragged, unwell, vulnerable vagabond, needing a comforter, surfing the cosmos while riding the swell. Lover unlimited, hanging on providence, trusting the whim and the will of the crowd; twisting and …
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read more“Praise God whose love surrounds us all…”
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In your world, we pray and wonder… How to be more faithful here.
“God’s on each side, God loves us all…” Andrew Pratt’s words to “Amazing Grace” give us the balanced view from both sides of conflict. No one wins until we all do.
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