Ages and Ages: Divisionary (Do the Right Thing) Music Video

Do the right thing, do the right thing, do it all the time, do it all the time. Make yourself right, never mind them. Don’t you know you’re not the only one suffering. I hear a higher calling, better here than there I guess so long.

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The kingdom is at hand

A young man roams the city
With anger in his eyes.
His rage glows like an ember,
His soul is cold as ice.

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Songs in Sacred Community- Be There for Others

A sacred community, if it is to be an authentic representation of the life and teachings of Jesus for today, needs to express its concerned opposition in both words, worship and actions, to injustice, violence and corruption – just as Jesus did. There is truth in the statement that “Jesus confronts more than he comforts.” When sacred communities look to the needs of its members in preference to the needs of non- members something is not quite right. The church is one of those organisations which exists for people who do not belong to it. As Jesus was a man for others, so the church is to be there for others.

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Forgiveness Refrain

From the Boundless Life collection

Forgiveness is our most precious gift,
The most Christ-like blessing we can share.

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Old Time Religion — Take 2

Give me that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
It’s good enough for me

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Advancing in the Spirit

‘Advancing’ in the spirit by which we can be fed;
Our search for truth is central in all that’s done and said;
In openness we search but it’s not for certainty,
For God is not restricted to our theology.

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In Praise of Doubt

If our beliefs prevent our search
For new and different creeds;
Let us beware of narrow views
Where dogma often breeds;
With new, exciting facts we learn
Much love can come about;
Yes! Those who grow in their beliefs
Can sing in praise of doubt.

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Be The Change- Luminaries- Music Video

“Be The Change You Wish To See In The World” — Mahatma Gandhi

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Call to Worship for a Sacred Community

Welcome! One thing is for certain. We are all welcome. This is the Jesus way. He called people to him; he asked people to come to him; he welcomed them; he got cranky with his disciples when they tried to prevent anyone, anyone at all coming to him. He ate with outcasts, those despised; he befriended tax collectors, those regarded as thieves; he encouraged children, usually ignored in adult community, to sit on his knees; he had meals with the elite and the riffraff; he conversed publicly with women although that was taboo; unlike the religious leaders of his day, he sought the company of all kinds and types of people, to affirm them, to challenge them, to call them to an abundant way of life. So we are all welcome. This is the Jesus way.

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“The Wandering Soul” by Luanne Hunt – John Denver’s Previously Unrecorded Masterpiece

Star Creek Entertainment recording artist Luanne Hunt offers this new rendition of a song that John Denver wrote but never recorded. According to Denver’s autobiography, “Take Me Home,” he wrote the tune in Santa Fe, NM about three years before his untimely death in a small plane crash over the coast of California.

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You Will- Hope Medford- Music Video

This honors the beauty & strength of mothers, from which we all come …filmed at a traditional aboriginal birthing pool in Australia~ women visited this Ti Tree lake during labor and birthed here, cleansed and purified by the natural Ti Tree oils in the water.

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Celebrate Our Life Together

Celebrate our life together, giving birth in many ways;

Father-Mother Love is with us, leading to a better day.

Equal partners ‘round the table, family groups of every kind

show us how to nurture kindness, new creation’s joy to find.

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Whose Streets? feat. Chris Blount and Slim Bracey – MP3

Inspired by the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring, it is an echo of these and a call for something larger.

Come on- brothers and sisters West to East
Don’t let these corporate suit and ties disrespect the streets
Lets be more than outsiders with an angry speech
It’s time to occupy, speak your peace, let’s go!

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Project Peace On Earth World Forgiveness Concert 2013 – Video

  Published on Dec 26, 2013 Inspired Grammy Winning Singers and Performers, Luminary Musicians and Thought Leaders unite in the 2013 Project Peace On Earth World Forgiveness Concert for Bethlehem on Christmas Day.   PPOE Picasso Peace Dove …

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Clearing the Shadow Moon- Incantation

Clearing lifetimes of Karma
through my heart
a portal of healing
draws us into love
beyond our fears
of separation

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Pilgrimage – Hope Medford – Music Video

Choreographer, Neille Arnold, created this dance to expresses the journey and struggle of a woman seeking her voice, and finding her power through the drum. It was performed live on stage at -SHEbeats- Hope’s CD release party in Minneapolis June 2013.

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As the Old Year Passes

Words: David MacGregor © 2007 Willow Publishing

As the old year passes

we look back, reflect:

times of joy and promise,

times we’d best forget.

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Sugar Plum Fairy by P.Tchaikovsky – Glass Harp LIVE (HD)- VIDEO

GlassDuo (Poland) – Chamber Music Festival in Bologna, Italy – June 2010.

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