Who is Jesus to you?
What informs and shapes your view of Jesus and his work?
Allison Rossiter is making her “Gratitude Design” available to churches and other non-profit organizations for free.
read moreProduced by Scarboro Missions, this French-language multifaith poster features Golden Rule texts in 13 religions. To view or download the French poster, free of charge, click on the below image.
read moreProduced by Scarboro Missions, this Spanish-language multifaith poster features Golden Rule texts in 13 religions. It is estimated that there are 550 million Spanish-speaking people throughout the world, most of whom reside in Latin America. Approximately 46 million people live in Spain. To view or download the Spanish poster, free of charge, click on the below image.
Este afiche contiene textos de la Regla de Oro de acuerdo a 13 religiones del mundo. De los hablantes hispanos, aproximadamente 46 millones viven en España y otros 550 millones viven alrededor del mundo, con una gran mayoría en América Latina.
read moreAs in any art form, as we release judgment, silence our mind, breathe deep into the process, and find bliss in each step; we realize that we are boundlessly assisted in our authentic and heart-centered expression. We step out of the way. We realize that the Art is not born of us, but through us, and in this understanding we are humbled, yet profoundly empowered. Each creation is an offering: a positive reflection of ourselves and humanity, a celebration of evolving consciousness, an opportunity for healing and deepening, a vision of a bright future and Now.
read moreThe Golden Rule, known also as the Ethic of Reciprocity, is arguably the most consistent, most prevalent and most universal ethical principle in history. Many regard it as the most concise and general principle of ethics.
read moreSpiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
The whole world is home, and we are a divine family.
This is a 12 x 18 poster printed on card stock. Show that your congregation is a part of the growing progressive Christian community!
read moreSpiritual Affirmation Posters for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
Package of all 5 Posters
Size: 13 x 19, laminated, with border
Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
read moreSpiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
God is everywhere, within me and around me.
Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
I am a part of all creation.
Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriuculum, A Joyful Path.
My success is measured in happiness and peace within.
Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
My heart is connected to spirit through prayer.