Opening the Heart: an excerpt from Jim Burklo’s new novel, SOULJOURN

An excerpt from SOULJOURN, my new novel (Chapter 6): I went home, said goodnight to Dad, and went to bed. The moonlight bathed my bedroom. The silence seemed to beg to be filled. I opened the bedroom …

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Is That You, God?

Is that you, God, in a blade of grass breaking through a crack in the asphalt? Is that you, God, holding the rest of the asphalt together?

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Praise universal wisdom; be thankful for what you learn.
You who seek insights, advocate for self-knowledge,

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Seeking the Truth

Sometimes it is more comfortable to avoid the truth – to fail to speak up when it is in our selfish interests to keep quiet. It is all too easy to go further than keeping quiet when we should speak out – to lie, to embroider the truth – to tell, what we like to think of, as ‘Little White Lies’.

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We Are Community

An opening affirmation

We are community
Embraced by the mystery of God’s love for all creation

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For Openness to Change

I wish for the source of ageless restoration to renew my spirit of transformation; then enliven enthusiasm, enlighten acumen and enhance kindness with patient understanding.

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Canticle of the Sun

Inspired by St. Francis of Assisi

Let us celebrate the life of Francis of Assisi who loved all of creation. With him, let us give thanks for:
Brother Sun, who brings the day; and who radiates the divine. He is beautiful and radiant in all his splendor

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The Goodness of God

May God’s peace rest upon us;
May God’s great love reach to every heart;

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Seekers Benediction

from Seekers Church, Washington, D.C.

Go into the seething cauldron of the world.
Listen for the questions and voices
that you would rather not hear.

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When Beauty Illumines

When beauty illumines a corner of your life, may your thanks to God spread that light through your whole being.

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Health Care for All: Seeds, Leaves, Roots

(I’m working now on a project called SEEDS, LEAVES, ROOTS: Faithful Rhetoric and Reflection for Progressive Social Action. It’s an initiative of Progressive Christians Uniting – I serve on its board of directors. We are creating a …

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Spirit of Life Prayer

We pray,
conscious that
raising our hearts and minds
is a gift of the Spirit of Life
at work
in the depths of our being.

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Great Mystery Prayer

May the Great Mystery that we call God
keep alive in each one of us
the search for a Faith that is real;

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The Sound that Calls Us

A responsive reading

One What is the sound that calls us? Listen carefully.
Many The beating of our own hearts calls us to ourselves. It calls us to be our true selves, our best selves. Calls us to be what we might become.

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Moving Toward Christ Consciousness

When we needed the outer form of a savior You were there for us.
When our conscious mind matures we turn within rather than without

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All: If I could say one word,
I would say Amen

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Ashana & Thomas Barquee “Into Your Arms”- music video

Into your arms, I come, Beloved.
I am god, I am here for you.

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Realism vs. Man of Steelism

Once upon a time, political conservatives in America were stereotyped as hard-headed realists, and liberals were described as ungrounded dreamers. How times have changed!

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