For the mystery that enfolds us and blesses us,
For the beauty that surrounds us and nourishes us,
As we leave worship
Let us remember that we are reflections of the universe
We embody the image of God
May the blessing of God go before you.
May God’s grace and peace abound.
O God who is called I am who I am: As we leave this place grant to us, your children, the grace to speak and act with integrity reflecting who we truly are.
read moreFor deeper love we spread the bread
I won’t be full till all are fed
Till every soul has home and bed
The rest of us can’t move ahead
I am told that God answers prayer.
But then a few caveats are added,
meant to temper my expectation
for a quick and positive response.
God of love,
source of mercy and compassion,
weave your dream for the world
into the fabric of our lives.
We are here to praise and enjoy God with body and soul, mind and heart, with song and word, with hands and feet.
We are here to give because of the abundance God has given us, to share with each other, and to receive, because God has created us to depend on each other.
We are here to celebrate the differences that otherwise might divide us: differences of age, of body, of culture, of opinion, of ability, of religious conviction.
We are here to put things in perspective: to celebrate what matters, to laugh about things we take too seriously, to cry about things that truly touch our hearts.
So may it be this morning: Amen!
Presider: God be with you
People: And also with you
Presider: Open your hearts
People: We open our hearts to God
Come to us, God of peace.
Come with your healing and your reconciling power.
Come, that fear may be cast out by love;
Jesus, you set before us the way of wisdom: to care for the poor, feed the hungry, share instead of hoard our possessions, but it is a way that is counter to the ways of the world.
read moreOh, Guide of the Way,
My safety in trust
Determine my path
Each river, mountain, flower and tree
Are part of life’s rich tapestry
All sharing in our joyous celebration
But nature we can never own
The earth is only ours on loan
In ancient times a woman from the streets of Bethany, emboldened by faith and gratitude, came into Jesus’ presence carrying a jar of fragrant nard.
read moreLet our community not be a circle with people
inside the circle who feel part of the club and
those outside the circle who feel excluded.
Our Goodness, which is in compassion,
We revere your vision.
May we support your ways
In common deeds
As we do in our highest ideals.