Let us celebrate the life of Francis of Assisi who loved all of creation. With him, let us give thanks for:
Brother Sun, who brings the day; and who radiates the divine. He is beautiful and radiant in all his splendor
May God’s peace rest upon us;
May God’s great love reach to every heart;
Go into the seething cauldron of the world.
Listen for the questions and voices
that you would rather not hear.
When beauty illumines a corner of your life, may your thanks to God spread that light through your whole being.
read moreWe pray,
conscious that
raising our hearts and minds
is a gift of the Spirit of Life
at work
in the depths of our being.
May the Great Mystery that we call God
keep alive in each one of us
the search for a Faith that is real;
One What is the sound that calls us? Listen carefully.
Many The beating of our own hearts calls us to ourselves. It calls us to be our true selves, our best selves. Calls us to be what we might become.
Into your arms, I come, Beloved.
I am god, I am here for you.
Leader: Give thanks for the Lord’s goodness, God’s love is steadfast and forever.
People: God has gathered us from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, and rescued us from trouble.
Generous affection is my inspiration for whole relationships. May my narrow mind arise above all limiting expectations; my fearful heart stir with certainties of compassion; and my actions witness to peace.
read moreGod is all without being any thing
while being the all in every thing.
God is the perhaps at the edge
of every moment of choosing.
Peace makes us One with each other
read moreOur Father who dwells within – All in all,
In you I live and move and have my being.
L: Our Father
R: Sounds a bit sexiest to me, what about our Mother?
Dear One, closer to us than our own hearts, farther from us than the most distant star, you are beyond naming.
read moreO God, You sent Jesus to teach us about Your love. He showed us that it included the children, whom the disciples would have turned away. Today we pray that we, too, can learn to gather them to our knees, lay our hands upon them and bless them.
read moreMay the sacred spirit of life’s adventure
Keep me safe when I feel afraid
Make me steadfast when I am sad