Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: What’s a Progressive Christian understanding of the Book of Revelation?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Roger Wolsey explores the question: What’s a Progressive Christian understanding of the Book of Revelation?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: If the Bible isn’t inerrant, is it inspired?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with board member Rev. Larry J. Morris III: If the Bible isn’t inerrant, is it inspired?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: What is the Core Teaching of Christianity?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines: What is the Core Teaching of Christianity?

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Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: Is God Unchanging?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Sharon Jacob – Is God Unchanging?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: If the Bible isn’t the inerrant Word of God is it still valuable?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with board member Rev. Larry J. Morris III: If the Bible isn’t the inerrant Word of God is it still valuable?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Can Christians Engage in Sci-Fi, Comics, & Pop Culture?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Pastor Marshela Salgado: Q: Can Christians Engage in Sci-Fi, Comics, & Pop Culture?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Did Jesus Have to Die?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin Q: Did Jesus Have to Die?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: What Do Progressive Christians Believe About Climate Change?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines: What Do Progressive Christians Believe About Climate Change?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Can you be a Christian agnostic? A Christian atheist?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines: Can you be a Christian agnostic? A Christian atheist?

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Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: Is Jesus the Son of God?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Sharon Jacob – Is Jesus the Son of God?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Can Women Be Pastors?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Pastor Marshela Salgado: Q: Can Women Be Pastors?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Should Your Political Views Influence Your Theology or Vice Versa?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin Q:Should Your Political Views Influence Your Theology or Vice Versa?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: What do Progressive Christians believe about debt?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines: Can you be a Christian agnostic? A Christian atheist?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Why Should Someone Become A Christian?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with board member Rev. Larry J. Morris III: Why Should Someone Become A Christian?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Do Progressive Christians Celebrate the 4th of July?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Pastor Marshela Salgado: Q: Do Progressive Christians Celebrate the 4th of July?

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Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: What are some differences between progressive Christians and other Christians?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Sharon Jacob – What are some differences between progressive Christians and other Christians?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Why should Christians care about Climate and Ecological Problems?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Pastor Marshela Salgado: Q: Why should Christians care about Climate and Ecological Problems?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: How does theology progress? What does it progress into?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with board member Rev. Larry J. Morris III: How does theology progress? What does it progress into?

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