Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Are psychedelic medicines compatible with Christianity?

Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Are psychedelic medicines compatible with Christianity?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Does God Control Our Lives?

Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Does God Control Our Lives?

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Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: Is Jesus the only Path to God?

Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: Is Jesus the only Path to God?

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Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: Can I be a Christian without being baptized?

Ask A Progressive Christian – Can I be a Christian without being baptized?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Is Suffering Redemptive?

Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Is Suffering Redemptive?

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Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: Can you be progressive and a Christian?

Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: Can you be progressive and a Christian?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Does God Cause Suffering?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Pastor Marshela Salgado: Q: Does God Cause Suffering?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Can You Be a Gay Christian?

Ask a Progressive Christian – Can You Be a Gay Christian?

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Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: Is there an Afterlife?

Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: Is there an Afterlife?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: What do you make of the Trinity?

Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: What do you make of the Trinity?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Does Hell Exist?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Roger Wolsey Q: Does Hell Exist?

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Is the Rapture Real?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin Q: Is the Rapture Real?

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Was Jesus a real person?

Q&A With Dr. Karl Krieg

The entire existence of Jesus is therefore based on a Jewish legend developed by Jewish preachers. Am I missing something?

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Atheist in the United Church

“Can you explain how you can be an atheist and a United Church minister?”

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Critical Race Theory

Q&A With Brian McLaren

How can I get through to my friends and relatives who have been activated by Fox News and other extremist media to be afraid of Critical Race Theory? They don’t even know what CRT is, but they sure are afraid of it.

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Understanding the story about Lazarus and the rich man

Q&A With Rev. James Burklo

As a progressive Christian, how should one read and understand the story about Lazarus and the rich man?

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Do progressives believe in the resurrection?

Q&A With Rev. Irene Monroe

Do progressives believe in the resurrection? Sometimes, without hope in my sins being forgiven, I don’t think I could have emotionally coped.

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Bishop Spong on “What is Faith”

Q&A With Bishop John Shelby Spong

What do we mean by the word “faith?”  People, who would dismiss us as anti-intellectual, ridicule faith with the presumption that it means believing in things that are hard to believe in or believing in things that are contrary to known facts. 

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