Funeral Service for Bishop John Shelby Spong

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, VA – September 30, 2021

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The Way

This morning, I preached at Platte Woods United Methodist Church in Kansas City. They’ve been doing a sermon and education series on Freeing Jesus – and they asked me to come and finish up their study of the book.

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Sermon: “Subversive Living”

Take a few moments and listen to Rev. Dr. Caleb J Lines talk about how the Gospel calls for subversively living.

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Sermon Video: Versus vs Verses

July 11, 2021 Sermon by Rev. Mark Sandlin
Presbyterian Church of the Covenant
Greensboro, NC

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The Creatures We Love

A new hymn by Amanda Udis-Kessler for The Blessing of The Animals Services

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LOVE is what we are made for!

1 Cor. 13 and Romans 8:37-39

1st  Corinthians chapter 13. Danna recited it from a brand-spanking new translation of the Bible; you may remember, if you are of a certain age, it was called “Good News for Modern Man:”

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Memorial Homily for Disability Rights Leader Bob Alllamand

Over fifty years a quadriplegic, Bob Allamand was one of four spokespersons at the historic San Francisco Federal Building sit- in which precipitated the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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Creating Every Day Thought by Thought

I was not one who believed in a geographical expanse between Heaven and Earth. It all pretty much boiled down to the one moment we had right in front of us. The eternal now. The kingdom is within and all around you is the Biblical phrase I stood by.

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Here We Go Again!

We can no longer deny that the seeds of racism and hatred are growing at a pace which threatens to choke our long-ago dreams of a multicultural paradise.

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The Dance of Grace

Sermon by Rev. Mark Sandlin, on June 13, 2021

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The Reunited States

Inspired by Mark Gerzon’s book of the same name, director Ben Rekhi’s of-the-moment documentary shares stories of everyday Americans on the courageous journey of bridging our political and racial divides.

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A Painter, a Thief, Mary Magdalen, and the Divine Mirror

I’ve always assumed that the grief Mary Magdalen expresses at Jesus’ tomb had a particularity to it. We know that he had cast seven demons out of her and that she supported his ministry out of her own purse. I do not know what it is like to be a woman 2,000 years ago who was the village demoniac, but I cannot imagine it was a pleasure.

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Faith for Earth: A Tribute to Laudato Si’

The Parliament of the World’s Religions is proud to join the global observance of #LaudatoSiWeek with a special Faith for Earth tribute video.

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Jesus the FULLY HUMAN ONE – the Gospel of Mary

While he was dying of cancer, American poet and short story writer Raymond Carver, penned a poem which, although it is but a fragment of a poem, it has the power to move me into the deepest part of my very self. This poem would eventually be titled, “Late Fragment”

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MLK’s Favorite Hymn, “Precious Lord”

A remarkable circa 1990 recording of Martin Luther King’s favorite gospel hymn, “Precious Lord,” has been posted on YouTube, accompanied with visuals and quotations from the Civil Rights Era

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Rev. David Felten chats with Bishop John Shelby Spong

LTQ co-creator David Felten chats with Bishop John Shelby Spong at his home in Richmond, VA

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Come then, fellow travellers – an Eco-Hymn

Listen below to the Eco-Hymn “Come then, fellow travellers” set to the tune of “Onward, Christian soldiers”.

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“Only Now” and “Our Earth Needs You” – Two Eco-Hymns

To the tune of Robbie Burns’ famous song ‘My love is like a red red rose’, ‘ONLY NOW is an example of eco-lyrics set to famous, beautiful old tunes. Eco-lyrics by Gaia Dance.

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