A Joyful Path Curriculum, Year Two – Unit 1: The Path and Teachings of Jesus


What Is A Joyful Path Year Two Like?


In A Joyful Path, Year Two, we focus on some of the main tenets of Progressive Christianity and Spirituality, giving our children the foundation they need to walk the path of Jesus in today’s world.  It has stories and affirmations written to help children clarify their own personal beliefs while staying open to the wisdom of other traditions.


Year Two will be similar to Year One, in that it will have 37 lessons, full color original artwork, a contemplative and introductory section for the teacher in each lesson, 37 original stories, incredible heart warming, feeling based activities, and tips to bring music and nature into each lesson.


Year Two will have be slightly different from Year One, in that we are going to focus more directly on our eight points, breaking them down into 3-5 lessons per point.


Unit 1 Lessons are:

• Lesson 1: Experience of Community
• Lesson 2: Experience of Joy
• Lesson 3: Experience of Transcendence

Each Year Two Lesson Includes:

Teacher Introduction/Getting to the Heart of the Lesson
Teacher Reflection
Spiritual Affirmation with full color Art
Original Story, and Activities, Bible Verses,
Wisdom Quotes

Getting to the Heart of the Lesson

Progressive Christians assume that when people gather together as a community to learn how to be true disciples of the Jesus path, that they are there primarily to practice what Jesus called the Kingdom of God. We assume that the participants are trying to create authentic or what we have described over the years as sacred communities. These faith communities have certain characteristics and intentions.

A sacred community, by definition, is a community that is imbued with spirit. I refer here to a spirit that draws each other into an atmosphere of radical compassion and peace. It is the same kind of spirit that Jesus taught and modeled in his life and his words. It is the same kind of spirit that was evident in the sacred communities that he formed with his disciples and his followers. It is the spirit that Paul extolled for the communities he formed in Greece and Asia Minor after Jesus’ death, with some limited success.

In such an authentic community we can discover more existentially that we are all part of one divine creation. When we discover similarities in the joys and sorrows of our individual stories; when we practice true compassion while also holding each other to account; when we learn to live without enemies in our intentional communities; and when we can respect and learn from our differences and disagreements because we recognize each other as a living part of the divine creation, something changes. This practice of radical egalitarianism and compassion in our respective communities can provide the opportunity to engage the rest of the world with the same tools. Such practices in our respective communities can result in an awakening that allows us to see that this divinity is all around us and within us. Scott Peck suggests that this will lead to an experience of “glory.” We agree.

The understanding of what sacred community is and how community can impact individual consciousness and the larger world culture will come naturally to children who experience being an integral part of a sacred community. We have only to include them and respect their contribution to the whole, and they will do the rest.
— Fred Plumer

Click Here for More Information on Using This Curriculum, Year Two


Click Here to download FREE copy of Year Two Introduction and Instructions “How to Use Curriculum”.

Click Here to see additional Year Two Single Units

Click Here to see Year One Single Lessons

Review & Commentary