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Each Year One Lesson Includes:
Teacher Introduction/Getting to the Heart of the Lesson, Teacher Reflection, Spiritual Affirmation with full color Art, Original Story, and Activities, Bible Verses, Wisdom Quotes
Lesson 1 of Year One is a about Who or What is God?
Affirmation: God is everywhere, within me and around me.
Getting to the Heart of the Lesson:
When we want to become more aware of the Divine Presence; when we feel a desire to have a relationship with God or feel a longing to make a connection with a spiritual reality, where do we look? What do we look for? How do we know if we succeed? This lesson presents just a few ways to open discussion with children and help them explore both the concept of an infinite, omnipresent, impersonal God and also the concept of a deeply personal, divine presence.
Neither can be completely understood by any form, expression, or outward experience.

Bibles and Bible Study,
Progressive Christianity 101,
Spiritual Exploration & Practice,
Theology & Religious Education, and
Worship & Liturgy. 8 Points:
Eight points,
Point 1: Teachings of Jesus, and
Point 5: Non-Dogmatic Searchers. Ages:
Elementary. Resource Types:
Children's Curriculum PDF Single Lesson,
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