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Each Year One Lesson includes:
Teacher Introduction/Getting to the Heart of the Lesson, Teacher Reflection, Spiritual Affirmation with full color Art, Original Story, and Activities, Bible Verses, Wisdom Quotes
Lesson 34 from Year One is about: Experiencing God as Light
“Blind Eyes See”
Getting to the Heart of the Lesson
God can be experienced as light, visible to the physical eyes and as a universal inner reality.
Religious festivals all over the world include light in some form. Light represents truth to us because as we experience the reality of God’s presence, hope and understanding awaken within us. Darkness and confusion recede from our consciousness as the light of joy grows stronger. Inner light is just as real to our consciousness as visible light is to our eyes.
We can help children understand that Christmas lights and candles are more than pretty; there is a deeper reason why we respond to their beauty. Christmas lights are often the first sign that the Christmas season is upon us. Start the season by welcoming the light that is Christ into your heart and sharing it with all.
Affirmation: That light that was in Jesus shines in me and around me.
Bibles and Bible Study,
Early Christianity,
Health and Healing,
Jesus Studies,
Progressive Christianity 101,
Spiritual Exploration & Practice,
The Younger Generation,
Theology & Religious Education, and
Worship & Liturgy. 8 Points:
Eight points,
Point 1: Teachings of Jesus,
Point 4: Act As We Believe,
Point 5: Non-Dogmatic Searchers,
Point 6: Peace and Justice, and
Point 8: Compassion and Selfless Love. Seasons & Special Events:
Advent and
Christmas. Ages:
Elementary. Texts:
Ephesians and
John. Resource Types:
Children's Curriculum PDF Single Lesson,
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