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Each Year One Lesson includes:
Teacher Introduction/Getting to the Heart of the Lesson, Teacher Reflection, Spiritual Affirmation with full color Art, Original Story, and Activities, Bible Verses, Wisdom Quotes
Lesson 8 from Year One is about: Learning from Mistakes
“The Confusing Coat”
Affirmation: I can grow and learn through all experience.
Getting to the Heart of the Lesson
If we look honestly at our mistakes and listen within for guidance, we will discover our true identity as an unlimited spirit.
While we want each child to have a positive self-image, we do a great disservice if we focus so much effort on building up self-esteem that we forget to teach the power of honest self-examination and introspection. Looking at our mistakes is a difficult but necessary step for change. After introspection, however, don’t leave out the next step — going within for help in understanding.
The surest way to stop spiritual growth is to limit our identity to our mistakes and burden ourselves with guilt. Neither do our good deeds define who we are. We need to help our children remember that they are spiritual beings with unlimited potential, and when they are willing, they can grow beyond every mistake and every success.
Arts and Music,
Ethical Issues,
Health and Healing,
Jesus Studies,
New Thought/New Age,
Peace and Justice,
Progressive Christianity 101,
Sacred Community,
Social & Environmental Ministry,
Spiritual Exploration & Practice,
The Arts & Culture,
The Younger Generation,
Theology & Religious Education, and
Worship & Liturgy. 8 Points:
Eight points,
Point 1: Teachings of Jesus,
Point 4: Act As We Believe, and
Point 8: Compassion and Selfless Love. Ages:
Elementary. Texts:
Matthew and
Philippians. Resource Types:
Children's Curriculum PDF Single Lesson,
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