Week 28: Spring / Element: Water
Ritual Celebration 3: Spring Equinox
Gathering date that falls closest to the Spring Equinox.
Each seasonal Ritual Celebration is designed to be intimate (you and the children), or larger so your greater community or community partners may be invited for a time of prayer and ceremony. The celebration might be twenty minutes or it could become a half-day festival that happens on or off site. Be creative! Build community! Celebrate!
Theme(s): Making Room for New Life; Water is Cleansing; Water is a Blessing to Protect.
Additional Christian Context: If you would like to make this seasonal ritual and celebration more directly connected to the Christian calendar and liturgy, consider the following points for emphasis:
* Rose Water Spray
* Share the list of “various ways to protect/ care for water” that was created at the last session (could be written on dry erase/chalkboard or flipchart) so everyone can choose one or more.
* Spring-themed refreshments. Ideas: seasonal sliced fruit, chocolate eggs, gummy worms or jelly beans, and water with lemon or strawberry slices
* “Hello, Sun!” Sun Salutation video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_tkAzN0Pw4
Or: “Peaceful Pause” photo instructions on final page of this lesson
Music Options:
Let That Water Wash Over Me, By Peia
https://open.spotify.com/track/ 5ljy5rYAWTEH8eapCi C2Mu?si=a9456db7c1f040a
Or: The Water Song, By Manoa and various artists (such amazing lyrics!) https://watersongs.bandcamp.com/track/the- water-song
Be sure to click here to download the Teaching Introduction and Instructions.
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