Part 1 of a 4-part series leading up to Holy Thursday. Each part is Jesus speaking to 3 of the disciples present at the Last Supper. It is partially inspired by the Unity teaching of the Twelve Powers.
I am sitting here imagining the last supper. It’s 1st century Palestine, in a room with a simple, wooden, rectangle table where Jesus and 12 disciples are seated. There are no chairs, everyone is sitting on the floor. It’s a dirt floor, the room has a low ceiling and a narrow doorway.
Because houses were often arranged around a central shared courtyard, I imagine I’d hear voices in the streets – voices of Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic “bumping into one another,” some friendly, some hostile… children as well as adults… probably a few religious conversations, yet I’m guessing much of what I am hearing is very secular, more about life in general.
Families are gathered around the water cistern filling their earthen vessels and catching up on the day’s activities. Perhaps the call of livestock – donkeys braying, the bleats of goats and sheep, and clucking chickens – echoes in the distance. The traditional aromas of bread baking, as well as spices of cumin, coriander, mint and dill, waft through the air. Maybe the sight of wine and smells of fermented grapes ignite my senses as the glow of oil lamps fills the view outside the small window of our room.
As I imagine the 12 in this place, I wonder what the conversation would have been. I can never know, but I’d like to think at some point Jesus is telling the disciples what each has meant to him, how they have supported him, how his life has been made more abundant and meaningful because of their friendship the past few years.
I’d like to think that each disciple also represents someone in my own life who demonstrates similar qualities. Who is Peter in my world, or Judas, or Simon? We don’t navigate this world singularly, so who are the 12 that make up my own “disciples?” Who walks this journey with me time and time again through my own crucifixions and resurrections?
Jesus speaks to Peter
Peter, let me speak to you first. I want to make sure you know what a powerful demonstration of faith you are. You have embodied this, spoken of it, and brought faith to life for me. Unbenownst to you, I have watched you intently as you came to understand that faith isn’t something that arrives one day with a giant thud, but rather a faculty that grows, expands, and comes to life when invited.
It is you Peter, who has always made sure I felt welcomed wherever we have been, even among strangers and foreign lands – oftentimes not even knowing where our journey would lead us! In the same way, you have welcomed your own doubts, fears and guilt, yet remained true in your heart to love your God with your whole being and to love your neighbor.
You have at times been impetuous and strong-willed, yet courageous beyond measure. You made peace with challenges that have come our way, and have remained steadfast in knowing faith directs each of us to express God as generosity, gratitude, love, harmony and life. Rather than faith being a set of principles, dogma or creeds, you have shown me that it becomes the activity of trusting and committing to a constant “listening” to the eternal voice.
You, Peter, are the reminder of staying harmonized with that place of grace within each of us that does not change. Your presence has taught me faith is not absolute, rather, my faith absolutely knows, and at the same time asks me to remember that I don’t know at all. Faith simultaneously involves a connection with the immensity of infinite spirit and a feeling of the intimate touch of God. Before I leave this world Peter, I want you to know this is who you have been for me, and the world is better for it.
Jesus speaks to Andrew
Sweet, gentle, strong Andrew… You were the first of the 12… I extended my hand to you, and you said “yes.” A strength like no other is what has been your foundation, and therefore mine. I could never have walked this journey of the last few years without you. How many times did you listen to the frustrations and upset I had with those who would not help the less fortunate? How many times did you see me weep for those who were unwilling to accept the love we so freely offered? How many times did you silently witness my own doubts and fears and then gently whisper, “You are not alone. I am uplifting and strengthening you. When you fall, I will be there to hold you.” Words I didn’t even know I needed to hear.
This is what we are for each other, strength of body, mind and spirit. Each time I looked at you over the past few years, I have seen the power and the purity of your steadfast perseverance that carries you through any difficulty. You have survived because you have learned to ride the natural current of life. You remind me, and those around you, our strength comes from our joys and our sufferings. Holding on to that, always knowing it is the guide through the chaos, and ultimately to the remembrance that God is everywhere present. Before I leave this world Andrew, I want you to know this is who you have been for me, and the world is better for it.
Jesus speaks to James, son of Zebedee
This may sound strange James, but one of the first things I noticed when I met you is what I call an “eternal lighthouse” within you. This lighthouse has guided you, always supporting you in spiritual understanding, which has lead you to taking right action, regardless of the circumstances. Your ability to always turn within, to be still and listen, amazes me.
Sometimes on our long walks, I would listen with rapt attention as you shared the depth of your understanding of this great web of life, and where we each fit into that. Few grasp this knowledge, yet it is not of the intellect, but rather the out-picturing of your living heart. You seem to be able to keep experiencing life without holding on to the experiences.
Your mastery of using each life experience as a way to stay alive, to be more alive, to live life more abundantly, with greater purpose and meaning, is a gift for all humanity. I love this most about you. Do you see this for yourself? I hope you do.
James, you are the manifestation of the living God, and I offer my deep appreciation for you being an eyewitness to my life and work. You have acted with great wisdom, with right seeing and knowing, always understanding beyond what our eyes see. Before I leave this world James, I want you to know this is who you have been for me, and the world is better for it.
The Twelve Powers are core abilities within each of us that we are using whether we know it or not. We consciously use them to handle every life situation so we can be the best we can be. Each of our Twelve Powers has a focused use and purpose – we use them together, in concert, to master the art of living. They are faith, strength, wisdom, love, power, imagination, understanding, will, order, zeal, release and life.
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