In the fourth episode of the Born Black Faith & Reason series, Debo and Catherine Young chat with Normella Walker, Director of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Brigham Health hospital. Walker talks about diversity in the workplace, as well as the importance of organizations’ roles in civic responsibility and social justice issues. If we’re going to see change, we need to have leaders in place who value diversity and who will work to create change. How does white privilege apply to organizations when we talk about diversity and inclusion?
They discuss how the movement for change has taken to social media and amplified the voices of many people, especially the younger generation, who yearn for change, as well as how to keep the dialogue and energy for progress and change going. Walker explores the care of black patients in hospitals and how organizations can work to make people of color, both employees and customers, feel more included by having things like leadership development training sessions and inclusion and equity teams in-house.
Normella Walker has actively managed, facilitated, and advised diverse groups for over 20 years. She has a BA in organizational performance and leadership and a MA in psychology with a specialization in diversity management, and has completed diversity coursework at the Cornell University School of International Labor Relations. Visit Brigham Health’s website to learn more.
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