Divine Sparks

Interfaith Wisdom for a Postmodern World


Divine Sparks: Interfaith Wisdom for a Postmodern World

by Starr Regan DiCiurcio



Divine Sparks has been released at a critical time.  As the world becomes smaller, problems of ethnocentrism, division, and misinformation abound.  This award-winning book provides a new language and pathway to bring people together, to deepen understanding, and promote healing.  It is also well suited to all individuals seeking enriching practices and greater clarity in their personal spiritual lives. It is now available through Amazon and local bookstores.

Divine Sparks presents practical and inspiring wisdom from the world’s great religious traditions.  It offers guidance to readers of all faiths or none.  It does not propose any dogma or doctrine but encourages inner exploration by readers so they can come to fully know their own hearts and minds.

The book is organized along twelve themes:  mindfulness and meditation, simplicity, forgiveness, creativity, beauty, the true self, Mother Earth, gratitude, embodied spirit, solitude and community, joy, and prayer.  The themes spring out of millennia of homo sapiens seeking to make sense of their world.  They remain starkly relevant concerns for our times.  This longing to pursue lives of meaning and consequence is part of our nature.  How to do so with the greatest compassion and wisdom is the work of contemporary inter-spirituality.   Divine Sparks embraces this quest as it presents transformative insights and practices from a variety of sources for readers’ consideration.  Each chapter concludes with questions for reflection, suggestions for creative activities and a prayer or meditation.

Divine Sparks serves equally well as a personal spiritual companion or a guide for study groups or book clubs.  Beyond general readership, it is a text that offers practical support to clergy, spiritual directors and others working in multi-faith communities. 


Award Winning Divine Sparks


First Place in Chanticleer Book Awards Mind and Spirit Category

Silver in Religion from Nautilus






I truly enjoyed reading this insightful, informative and uplifting book! The author shares a wealth of knowledge, as well as stories and prayers from many different religions. Along with being a good read, it is a great resource. I highly recommend adding this book to your library! – Bart Pariso

I love how Starr Regan DiCiurcio encouraged her readers to permit themselves to read this book however they find it helpful. As we are so conditioned by our current society to chase time, knowing that we can choose to read/reread one chapter at a time helped. However, Starr Regan DiCiurcio’s wisdom and teachings made it very difficult for me to put the Divine Sparks down. I will follow her advice and will revisit one chapter a month to continue to reflect and practice her teachings. I encourage you to do the same! – Phuong D

This book is full of timeless wisdom and will spark your life with each re-reading. It’s that good because the writing will touch you differently at any point in time. Beyond the gentle wisdom and guidance offered by Starr, I found that her prayers and meditations are a wonderful bonus not often found in most books that cover such a wide range of topics that guide spiritual growth. – Sandra H. Rouse

I agree with other reviews. Divine Sparks contains wisdom, directions on mediation, and insightful advice to help us discovering our own path to happiness. I like the book because you can come back to any chapter and work on it anytime you like. I like how the author ended the chapter with a piece of art that she created as well. My favorites is the rose.  What a well written book! Love it! 🧘🏻‍♀️❤️⚡️ – Kimi

A fabulous book. I started with the gratitude chapter. It is full of practical suggestions for enriching our lives, appreciating the mundane and the unusual. The style of writing is accessible, thought provoking yet gentle. I will be giving this to my dearest friends for Christmas. – Patricia Cassady

This is a book you will come back to many times in life. The author provides thoughtful direction on a multitude of topics from the power of forgiveness to steps for a meditation practice to joy and beyond! – Sharon A.

Just beginning, and Starr said we could choose chapters we like. I started with JOY ! Who can’t use knowledge about our path to joy ! Loving this book ❤️👍🏼🌈 – Rhea Doran

I have yet to have a book come to me that is out of divine timing from whatever source you may believe in Divine Sparks – Interfaith Wisdom for a Postmodern World by Starr Regan DiCiurcio has continued on that pattern. This book isn’t about any religion in particular and teaches solely of spirituality as a whole for a life of happiness. It is the writings of an author that has studied many religions and has written a book on the conclusions of what a life of daily personal spirituality looks like. It may be a very controversial book with various topics and yes there are things you can brush off but there are many things to be able to embrace more fully and implement into your life. I read this book on my trip to Peru while we were on the planes (which usually is my biggest place of personal negative triggers) and I found this book perfectly grounding for my mind triggers of darkness. It is an easy read that I definitely recommend for anyone religious or nonreligious, seeking more personal peace in this world of chaos. If you feel so called to read this book – LISTEN TO THE NUDGE! –Brianna Kaylece


About the Author

 Starr Regan DiCiurcio is an interfaith minister in Upstate New York who has offered spiritual direction, retreats, and meditation instruction for over 20 years.  She is also ordained in the Order of Interbeing of the community of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.  Starr’s work is informed by her Christian roots, her Buddhist practice, and her Irish Celtic heritage. Visit her website at www.StarrRegan.com.



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