Do Good, and Lend: International Service Ideas

Donating your time and energy to causes that benefit others is the ultimate way of practicing servitude. Working within your community to create change is just as important as contributing to well-being on a global scale. Practicing selfless servitude can provide a lifetime of rewards. The increasing importance of international outreach and global travel contributes to helping maintain health, peace, and prosperity for all people — not just in this country, but abroad and in other parts of the Americas as well. From medical and mental health professionals contributing to natural disaster relief to volunteers educating in rural areas — there are a number of ways to to practice the Christian act of giving that also allows you to travel and experience other cultures.


Habitat for Humanity has the infrastructure to allow for volunteering opportunities in 70 different countries around the world. It is a nonprofit organization that builds shelters and homes for those in need. In the United States, it build homes for people and families who are in need of affordable housing. The selfless act of contributing your manual labor can ensure a family has a safe and secure structure to call home. Most of the materials are donated, which allows families to purchase the homes at a significantly lower price than they would otherwise have to bear. However, it is your physical efforts that makes these materials into a home for a needy family.


Doctors Without Borders (DWB) provides aid to those in an acute stage of crisis. This enables you to volunteer in situations of large illness outbreaks all across the globe. These traveling doctors have worked in the past on HIV and AIDS outbreaks and helped to establish a baseline level of health in rural communities. You don’t have to be a medical professional to work with Doctors Without Borders. There are volunteer positions within the office and conducting outreach that allows you to make yourself useful in the realm of medical tourism and within the organization. It takes the efforts of many people to keep such a successful and meaningful organization successful in the ways that we have seen Doctors Without Borders do.


The Peace Corps helps to provide education in rural areas and aims to provide world peace. Volunteering through the Peace Corps not only provides relief in its areas of service but also contributes to your resume. It allows you to gain the experience of teaching English abroad that can be applied in countries all over the world. The Peace Corps has a longstanding reputation for its positive influence in the areas that it serves. Not only do volunteers provide education to rural areas and undeveloped countries, but they also have a high focus on teaching young girls. The Let Girls Learn initiative gives girls the chance to get an education in countries where it was not previously a focus. The Peace Corps also provides opportunities to volunteer in the medical field and invest time in assessing global food scarcity.

Offering your time, effort and expertise to benefit others is a memory that you will likely not forget. As read in the bible verse Luke 6:35, “But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.” Investing your time into lending a hand to others can be easy when using the skills that you already possess.

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