In this charming and deeply spiritual tale, a woman named Hope explores many of life’s most profound questions—surprisingly assisted by her cat Faith and her bird George.
These three talk about God’s presence and about suffering and death and the meaning of life. They talk about a prayerful relationship with God, “the presence all around us holding everything together.”
Together they tackle some very tough questions, and through this sharing and reflection, Hope gains a new and deeper understanding of Jesus, God, faith, and religion.
Through this deceptively simple book, Morwood offers an invitation to all believers to reflect, pray, discuss, and grow so that they too might experience God, Jesus, and the Spirit more deeply and profoundly.
Michael Morwood is author of seven books, including Tomorrow’s Catholic: Understanding God and Jesus in a New Millennium (Twenty-Third Publications). He presents workshops, retreats, and reflection days in Australia, USA, Canada, Ireland, and England.
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