Infant Baptism Ceremony

For Cameron

(The parents hold baby Cameron as their friends and relatives gather in a circle on the altar of Sausalito Presbyterian Church. The godparents hold the chalice of water.)

We are here to praise God for the life of Cameron, our young friend, who in such a short time has brought us so much joy. Through Cameron we have experienced birth again in a new and more conscious way; in him, God has created the world again, opening us to wonder and possibility that we had forgotten.

We live not for ourselves alone, but toward God and for each other. Our lives are bound in a covenant of love with Cameron. We baptize Cameron with our desire to show him a way of life that naturally displays love, respect, and justice. We baptize him with our intention to witness the unfolding of God’s creation as he grows and changes. We baptize him with our desire to be in God’s presence as we are in his presence. We baptize Cameron with our desire to see him grow in spiritual maturity, in wisdom, and in soulful service to others, following in the spiritual footsteps of the Christ.

Each of us here has a unique role in raising this beautiful child.

Do you, his parents, commit yourselves to raising him in a manner that inspires faithfulness, compassion, and spiritual growth? If so, say, We do. Do you, the family and friends of Cameron, commit yourselves to being a faithful community that will guide and support him through life? If so, say, We do.

The chalice holds water which comes from his grandparents home town in Germany, and it has been blessed by the pastor of her family’s church. To it is added water from the Pacific Ocean which defines so much of the landscape that surrounds Cameron today. This water represents the far-flung cultural wellsprings that will nourish Cameron throughout his life.

Let us each touch the water, and as we do, let us infuse it with our commitments to share with Cameron the unique gifts that God has given us, gifts he’ll need from us as he goes along life’s way. Each of us has a very specific and vital role to play in raising Cameron. In silence or in a few words, as the chalice comes to you, you can add your blessing to Cameron.

(The godparents hold the baptismal chalice and goes around circle, each person touching the water)

To paraphrase the scripture: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the most high will overshadow you; therefore this child shall be called holy, a child of God.

(Make the mark of the cross on his forehead with water): Cameron, with this water we baptize you with the love that is God, known to us, among other names, as the Father, Son, the Holy Spirit, and Mother Wisdom.

I hold the child: “I present to you Cameron, God’s gift to his parents, to his family, and to all of us! Amen!”


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