Jesus’s Quote as the Root of All Evil ?

Each of us are co-creating the matrix of our personal and collective reality. Will we choose to co-create from a state of fear or more from love? The choice is ours.

Yes, ultimately I’ve concluded that every horrific thing on our planet to date has occurred because people/humanity are literally doing what Jesus said in his quote “Love thy neighbor, as thyself.”

Yes, on the surface this appears this like an insanely bold statement to make until you consider it from the literal reality that: We are loving our neighbors exactly how we love ourselves … and that is ‘we love ourselves horribly’.

You see, one person cannot give to another what he or she does not first have for themselves. If I have not first found inner peace, love, kindness, compassion and care for myself then the only thing I am capable of projecting and acting on, in regards to other people, animals and mother earth, is the opposite of this. The truth be told, if I have anything less than a state of loving reverence for myself then I will only project and act on my inner state of suffering as expressed through agitation/impatience, self-hatred, cruelty, intolerance, and indifference.

In other words, peace from emotional disorders and physical disease, peace between cultures and on our planet are inextricably linked to our ability to first find love and peace within ourselves. Therefore, until each of us truly find the kingdom of heaven that is within, that which is defined by expressing the loving, peace, compassion and innocence of a child, then we will continue to project our crazy self-hatred on to other people, animals and mother earth…defining them as “the Others” and then psychopathically harming, murdering and destroying them instead of lovingly embracing them as “all are one” as an extension of God’s Divine gift to us.

You see, the Jesus figure said: “Even the least among you can do what I have done and greater things” ~ John 14:12. How else can one rationally interpret this quote other than: “I did it (enlightenment), you can do it and even go further than I.”

Later the Jesus infers this is achievement is possible if you first find: “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” (Luke 17:21). He later he later states this is attainable by: “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children (attain a metaphorical state of spiritual innocence), ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.”(Matthew 18:3).

Then, and only through this state of aligned innocence (or what the Buddhist call “egoless” or what Christians might term a state of “surrender” or “atonement”) with God’s Will, can we be awakened and integrate the state of being as referred to in Psalms 46:10: “Be still, and know that I AM God”.

Only from this cognized state of awareness can we know “And God said (spoke the “Word” which means “the primary creative harmony”) let there be light.”(Genesis 1:3). From this state of consciousness we will know as it says in John 1:14 “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.” Hence, we can understand and witness what Einstein said in his famous equation E=MC2 that “Energy and Mass are different forms of the same thing.”

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to eliminate the suffering of the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” – Lao Tzu (4th Century BC)

“The solution to the problem of the day is the awakening of the consciousness of humanity to the divinity within.” – Hazrat Inayat Khan, 14th century.

“We are very slow learners. We are continuing to destroy Mother Nature. We are involved in wars all over the globe. Each religious group believes it is the one and only one to teach the truth, and these groups persecute, kill and discriminate against all others. In the so called civilized world, children are physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused; they are the leaders of our future…

…When children are raised in such a hostile and violent environment, how can we hope for a harmonious future for all the people of this world? We are supposed to be the peacekeepers on this planet, but look what we are doing on a daily basis!

…In this light, the purpose of human life is to achieve our own spiritual evolution, to get rid of negativity, to establish harmony among our physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual quadrants, to learn to live in harmony within the family, community, nation, the whole world and all living things, treating all of mankind as brothers and sisters-thus making it finally possible to have peace on earth.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D. (1926-2004) Swiss American psychiatrist, who pioneered near-death studies.

In our ultimate state of self-realization we can truly know the wisdom of the Buddhist poet Thich Nhat Hanh who states, “The healing of ourselves is the healing of the whole nation.” In this awareness of authentically empowered self-love we can truly love our neighbors, all living creatures and our planet as expressed from this wisdom of the Course in Miracles teachings, “The Salvation of the world depends on you.”(Lesson 186)

“And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” – Luke 11:9

Keep in mind that its a short distance to your own heart and yet it can be a very long journey to get there. Shorten your journey back home to your soul-self through learning to still your mind through meditation. In this still-state ask with all of your heart and soul to be shown the grand gift and purpose of your life here on earth as a Divine expression to bring loving peace to our world. Rest assured you will be shown. Your job, thereafter, is to act courageously on this insight.

Lastly, if you have any doubt about the reality you create nano second after nano second then take a moment to look around you and note: EVERYTHING with the exception of other people, animals or plants… all that you’re presently seeing was at one time only a thought in someone’s imagination. Each of us are indeed co-creating and projecting our soul thoughts onto the matrix of our earth school reality.

The big question remains, will we choose to co-create from a state of fear or more from the awareness of love ?

When each of us choose to awaken and create from love we can and will surely realize peace on earth. I pray that this is so. Amen.

Article originally published here

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