“White privilege is so prevalent in American society that sometimes it is even difficult for minorities to be able to quantify and describe but it is as real as the air we breathe. Even Dr. Ben Carson, a black presidential candidate who grew up in poverty, said that the United States grew into the strongest economic global power in its first century because of a favorable economic environment. Evidently, he didn’t think that the uncompensated labor of African slaves was worthy of mention in that favorable environment?
No one in the 21st century can claim to have achieved success on their own without acknowledging the wealth inherited from Native Americans who died by the millions from European illnesses (and at the end of rifles) and from the infrastructure built by African slaves and captured Chinese laborers. We are all connected and we all have an obligation to pay it forward.”
Roger Ray’s progressive sermons are available as podcasts for free at: https://goo.gl/3t0HBN
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