Hi friend, Are you looking for community on the way to Christmas?
Make Advent Great Again just might be what you’re looking for.
We’re back to compassionately struggle – not against some fabricated ‘war on Christmas,’ but against the steady dehumanization that attempt to desecrate God’s image in the face of each other – the war on Advent.
Just as first-century CE followers of The Way turned the Empire’s slogan ‘Caesar is Lord’ upside down and made it their own, so we’re seeking to recover Advent as a season of resistance and renewal…in contrast to other catch-phrases of the powers-that-be.
I’m teaming up with Tripp Fuller and Robyn Henderson-Espinoza as they explore the four ‘origin stories’ of Jesus in the Gospels for Resistance, while Alexander John Shaia and I dive deep into the Gospels’ archetypal meanings for Renewal!
You’ll get these video dialogues from us each week this Advent, and there’s a private (totally optional) Facebook group where you can share your holiday hopes, fears, joys and sorrows with the rest of us.
While it takes us time and resources to put this together, Make Adent Great Again is a bottom-up community, pay-whatever-you-can-afford. No one is turned away because of cost. If this resonates with you, please connect with us here.

Together, we can light an Advent candle in the darkness.
In this seasons’ solidarity,

PS: As I mentioned in the subject line, I recently got an opportunity to connect with one of my heroes: legendary theologian, artist, and Creation Spirituality pioneer Matthew Fox. He recently released Naming the Unnameable and Order of the Sacred Earth; we got to talk about these and what’s inspiring him these days. Click below or right here to watch!

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