As I step outside a crystal-clear night awaits me
Star gazing’s my passion and the sky views are free
A crescent Moon hangs in the west and soon it will be setting
Many objects I will see tonight — on that I sure am betting
Orion greets me with shield lifted as a warrior of old
Ancient mythologies of a bygone era are once again told
Many other constellations are soon to get attention
Connect the dots and use some vivid imagination
A patch of pale sunlight hovers close to the horizon
Disappearing over the edge — darkness again has won
The Milky Way band arches gracefully above me
Myriad stars in the billions, many you just can’t see
Venus and Mars paired closely as I look out to the west
Toward the horizon they head but now showing off their best
A meteor flashes and leaves behind a momentary trail
A “falling star” as it’s called will add to my night’s tale
More constellations are noted as I study imagined tracings
Large connections of stars that can get a person’s heart to racing
My binoculars I grab and I feel so very free
What more far-away things am I now going to see?
From gas clouds and galaxies to stars grouped in a cluster
An excitement sensed so easily, a feeling I need not muster
The cosmos is expanding, an evolution so very endless
The mystery is searched for, no end to this Infinite Greatness
From star dust we formed, a wonderful God-created unfolding
To stellar realms our dust returns, as a cosmic cradle holding
Next morning I tell my family about my night adventure story
Once again I had seen the sky, viewed as nature in all its glory
July 2013
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